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How Do I Tell My Spouse That I Think He's Self-Centered And Uncaring?

"Lately, I have noticed that most every decision that my husband makes is selfish and based only on what he wants. We have been saving for a down payment on a house. My husband's friend recently had a financial crisis and he needed to sell his car. He offered my husband a very good deal on the car. And my husband bought it. The thing is, he didn't need a car. And there went the money for our down payment. A couple of weeks ago, my husband got a bad cold. I took the day off of work to take care of him. But when I caught his cold and I was just as sick, do you think he tended to me? Of course not. There was no meal for me. He didn't seem to worry about what I needed. His worries are always for himself. Occasionally, he will surprise me and do something sweet or selfless, but this is very rare. Mostly he acts like a self centered jerk. However, I hesitate to come right out and call him selfish. He won't take kindly to that. I want to write him a letter. But what should the letter say?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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