Do You Think That These Are The Best Solutions For Your Problem?

The Energy of Love, The Divine Feminine

The Divine Feminine is the essence of all creation. It is the sacred energy that connects us to Mother Earth, it is the fertility of ideas, expressions, dreams, life and our existence.

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Mexican Marriage Traditions

There are many different cultures around the world who institute various traditions involving weddings, with one of the most interesting taking place in Mexico. Here are five of the most popular Mexican marriage traditions and customs, some of which are still followed to this day.

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Marriage And Human Life

Marriage is a concept applicable to the human beings only. When asked about its value, each individual gives the impression in consonance with his or her profession or business.

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Making Monuments of Grace to Forgiveness Achieved

I heard it said recently, that when we finally do reconcile matters of forgiveness, when bitterness is finally put to bed, and resentment is retired to pasture, that we ought to make a monument to that episode of forgiveness. Can you imagine how pleased God is? God will well say, "Well done, good and faithful servant!"

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How to Choose the Best Matrimony Site

Searching for perfect life partners on online matrimony sites is now the latest trend. Since years now, these matrimony agencies have evolved as the safest and convenient platform for interacting the most eligible grooms and brides. The best one must be chosen from the lot.

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The Importance of Showing Love

Everyone needs love in his or her life because love makes life joyous. If you know how to love, you should pass it on to make this world a better place in which to live. It only takes a few kind and heartfelt words to save a life and to soothe a soul. Love does not have to be limited to feelings for family. Love can be extended to all of humanity as well as to nature and God.

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Relationships: Is It A Good Idea For Someone To Treat Others How They Would Like To Be Treated?

If one was to treat someone with respect, there is the chance that they will get a certain response. Whereas if they were to treat someone with disrespect, there is the chance they will get a completely different response.

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Tips for Dating: Mistakes to Avoid on Your Date?

Your gestures and conversations can either make you or break you. You might not get a second chance so you ought to make an incredible mark in your date. Avoid silly mistakes, act smart and win over your date in the first attempt. Stay calm and composed and don't make your date uncomfortable. Make the best of it and give your 100%.

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Where Boundaries of Trust and Forgiveness Blur

BUILDING relationships is the halcyon satisfaction of life. We were built to belong, to believe in the good, and to behave in a way that conforms to society's norms. We were made to fit in. We were made to feel capable of doing our relationships well. We were also made with the capacity to forgive and forget - to give those that hurt and disappoint us the grace of a second, third or ninth chance. Indeed, Jesus commended his believers to forgive and to keep on forgiving.

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The Honesty Dilemma in the Early Stages of Dating

Learning to communicate with respect to your privacy is important. Understanding that sharing too much information too soon runs the risk of pushing someone away or creating regret or embarrassment for yourself.

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3 Reasons Why a Guy Will Not Call You After a First Date

Am I the only one completely baffled by the lack of communication from guys after the first date? They take you out, show you a great time, pay for everything, long kiss you goodnight, then POOF! They pull a Houdini and disappear, never to be heard from again.

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Boundaries: Can A Lack Of Boundaries Stop Someone From Experiencing Intimacy?

For some people, experiencing intimacy will be a normal part of life, and it is then not going to be something that they will need to worry about. If this wasn't the case and they were unable to experience intimacy, it could be something that ends up consuming their whole life.

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Where Are You?

God is love, but hates sin. Sin always brings a separation between God and man. In order to maintain an uninterrupted relationship with God, we need to hate sin, and come clean when we miss the mark. God is willing to forgive, but we have to admit it we've sinned and forsake it.

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Avoid and Be Merry

Married couples should avoid the following to stay married. Marriage is not easy but a decision that the couple has taken to make things work. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so let's take these preventative measures to keep happily married. Avoid negative thoughts. When you see your spouse happily conversing with a friend, jealousy may set it. Avoid the negative thoughts that could escalate to a serious withdrawal from your spouse. Negativity drain

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5 Reasons Why Women Leave Men They Love

As saddening as this might be women do leave men, even though they love those men. There are various reasons and motives behind a woman's decision of leaving a man. Here are 5 reasons why women leave men they love: They feel unwanted and unloved. They feel like sexual objects. The man is always working.

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Boundaries: Can A Lack Of Boundaries Cause Someone To Lose Themselves In A Relationship?

While some people can maintain their sense of self in a relationship, there are others who are unable to do this. As a result, their experiences are going to be radically different, and this could be how they have been for most of their life.

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What's Love Got to Do With Your Health?

While a lack of a love life can be depressing for a person, it can also have a much greater effect than most people realize. People who are in a loving committed relationship may be protecting their health. Over the years, much research has been carried out to determine what role love plays on a person's health. Recent research suggests love can be a lifesaver when it comes to keeping the immune system healthy.

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How To Make Your Over 40 Dating A Success

Whether you are still single at 40, divorced or widowed, your chances of finding love and being happy are not all lost. You still have the rest of your life ahead of you and just like everyone else you deserve to be loved and to love. Online dating has made things easy for people over 40 who are not very sure about going through the dating process all over again. The good thing about online dating is that you choose singles you wish to date and you can drop dates you feel are not what you expected before you waste too much time or get too attached.

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Any Man Can Marry Any Woman

The teaching staff at Cotham Grammar School in Bristol in the 1940s and 1950s was full of wonderful characters who left a life-long impression on the boys they taught, and the teachers of French were particularly memorable. Starting in September 1948, the thirty boys of Form 1B had Captain Day as form master, and French was taught by Captain Nicholas, a Welshman, who told his pupils that the Marseillaise was the world's second most melodious national anthem. Both captains derived their military rank from service in World War II and both still served part-time as officers in the school's Combined Cadet Force. Yet even these two stars were overshadowed in memory by one of the most eccentric characters who ever taught French in school, and who took over in the third year, facing a class of 13-14 year olds: Eggo Coleman!

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The Chemistry of Romance and Stress: How to Boost Your Romance!

Romance is the most vital energy of our of relationships. The stress often creates an imbalance in relationships. There is a wonderful chemical reaction that plays in our body that helps the romance in our life to wipe away the stress that troubles our relationships. This article gives you an amazing insight into that miracle of romance.

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The Chemistry of Love: How Love Works?

Love! Words come to halt when we start talking about it. It is something so strong and unexplainable. It knows nothing but to love. The Language of love is our feelings. When we are in love with someone, a spurious chemical reaction takes place in our body. This uncontrolled chemical reaction is responsible for the way we feel our love. This chemical reaction is carried out by the hormones and neurotransmitters that are released while we are in Love. They play an amazing and striking role in modulating the wave of love we feel.

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How To Improve Marriage Or Relationship

Opinion from my own experiences about long term relationships and what both sexes tend to do wrong in a long distance. How One Book Changed My Long-Term Marriage To Romance!

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3 Factors To Consider When Choosing An Over 60's Dating Site

Just because you are 60 and above does not mean that you can't enjoy love. You do not have to be lonely just because you feel that you are approaching your sunset years. In fact, there is no better time than this that you could use some really good company and even fall in love because you have fewer obligations and you have done your fair share of mistakes making you wiser.

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Fighting a War of Hate With God's Weapon for Peace - Love

THIS is not just another comment about Paris (November 2015). It's a comment about the inevitable waves of attack that occur in life and how we're to properly respond to them.

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Identifying Red Flags: Avoiding Dysfunctional Relationships

Identifying red flags in potentially dysfunctional relationships will save you from heartache in the long-run. In addition to identifying red flags, it is also important to know your worth and embrace self-love to avoid the abyss of dysfunctional relationships.

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5 First Date Tips For Men

Revert back to old-fashioned manners and grace, and stand out from the crowd by being a modern gentleman. Manage those little details that she is used to taking care of herself just to show her that you will be good to have around for the long haul.

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Idiosyncratic Idiosyncrasies

The idiosyncratic behaviors of people, pets, and products can be entertaining and enlightening. Imagine a world where everything worked as scheduled and in the correct order. How dull!

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My Husband Is Leaving Me Even Though He Admits That I Did Nothing Wrong, Why?

"My husband is moving out this weekend. He admits that he doesn't know if there is any hope for us. We've been happily married for eight years. Or so I thought. I never ever thought it would come to this. We've always been close and had a pretty darn good marriage. I have always put my marriage first. It's very important to me. And I have always considered myself to be a good wife. When I ask him what I have done wrong, he admits that I have done nothing wrong. He admits that I have been above reproach. But he says that this does not keep him from being unhappy. When I ask for the source of his unhappiness, he can't seem to identify it. He just seems restless and not content. But, where does this leave me? If there was a problem for which I was the cause, I could fix it. But now that he's telling me I'm this great wife but that it doesn't matter anyway, I'm lost. And I feel like there is no hope. I feel like my hands are tied."

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Beauty in Love Relationships, Marriage, and Dating

In today's society it's certainly advantageous to be physically beautiful. People with a beautiful appearance often find jobs more easily than people who are considered less attractive. As much as most of us would like to be considered "beautiful" that notion of standard beauty has its disadvantages as well. This article will describe the pros and cons of standard notions of beauty. Of course, one should keep in mind that beauty is also in the eyes of the beholder, varying in accordance with individual preferences. How do these notions impact marriage, dating, and other everyday relationships?

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Do You Have Regret Problems?

When at the crossroad, your mind bothers you with the "what ifs". But you need to make and choice, and if the choice you made turned out to be a wrong you start being remorseful. Regrets are difficult to get over it. You might have made the decision to chose career over love life. You might have made a parenting mistake that lead your child to live home. You quit your job with a new one which in the end turned out to be a losing exchange. When these things happen you

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Relationships: Do Some People Use Dating Sites For Attention?

If one wanted to buy something in the past, they would have had to go out and get it; nowadays, this is no longer necessary. The only thing one needs to do is to go on their device, and once they have found what they want, there is a strong chance that it will even be delivered.

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Tips On How To Give Your Marriage A Zest

Reasons, why some marriages are crumbling and ending in divorce, is because couples are bound with ignorance, they are doing what they ought to do while failing to do what they ought to do and is expected of them. There are many successful men and women in the society, renown in their chosen endeavor and profession but woeful failures at home in their marriage. There are men and women highly successful but have divorce once or twice.

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The Powerful Simplicity of Love

There is a power that can topple dictators, free us from pain and help us find meaning in the most difficult of circumstances and it is always available for each of us. You can be broken by life, or you can use life to break free.

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A Wedding or a Marriage?

In this article I have tried to put forward an age-old question about what is more important in life, to have a beautiful and truthful relationship or a big fat wedding which may not guarantee a successful married life. Are we slaves to opinions held by society? Or can we reform them to fit our needs. In a marriage we need our loved ones and a happy atmosphere. We do not require the hollow praises of society at the cost of tremendous stress and strain to which our family is unknowingly exposed to.

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Was It My First Love or What?

Life is something very complicated and imperceptible. It is full of certain and un-certain events; pleasant and un-pleasant, credible and incredible, sweet and bitter, wanted and mostly un-wanted. Many philosophers have been trying their best to find out the true meaning of life; but I won't say even one of them succeeded.

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Being a Sugar Daddy Is More Than What Happened In The Bedroom

Every guy out there wants to feel and look younger than he is. You're no different and now you can achieve both of them. Have you heard about sugar daddy dating? It's where wealthy older guys like yourself hook up with younger ladies. These ladies are looking for a sugar daddy to help them in the financial department. What you get for your cold hard cash is a young beautiful lady that will put a spring in your step.

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Strike Balance in Relations With Countries

China and Pakistan have developed strong bilateral trade and economic ties and cooperation over the years. The relations between the two countries have very often been termed as being, deeper than the deepest sea, sweeter than honey and higher than the highest mountains of Himalayas. Overs the years the two countries have come out to be credible and most reliable friends in the region.

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When Love Dies

"Happiness is not a matter of destiny but a matter of choice". When love dies, you never die with it.

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5 Reasons Why People Stay In Unhappy Marriages

Staying in an unhappy marriage might seem something out of the ordinary for some people. But in fact, these things do happen. Staying in an unhappy marriage is not going to solve your problems. Only you and your partner can decide whether to work things out or to give up.

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How To Keep Love Alive

Many couples struggle with the idea of keeping their love alive and keeping the flame still burning. After a couple of years of marriage things might be getting dull. But keeping the love alive is possible. All you need is creativity and some time on your hands. Here you can find some tips on how to keep love alive.

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How To Be Brave Enough To Be Vulnerable During A Marital Or Trial Separation

You may not start your separation with the intention of closing yourself off from your spouse or other loved ones. In fact, many of us start with the hope that we will restore the intimacy to eventually become closer. This is the ideal. And it happens for some of us. But for others, the separation doesn't always go as planned.

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Marriage, Is Your Spouse Your Best Friend?

Friends play an important role in life. Best friends are even more important and significant than many other people in the social circle. However, is your spouse your best friend? Doesn't that relationship preclude all others in importance? This article explores this issue.

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We Are Loved, Ignored, Respected, Hated, Laughed at, Insulted, Tolerated, Remembered, And Forgotten

We seek love, and respect in life. But our friends and relations sometimes, ignore us, and may insult us too. We have to learn to handle such situations with dignity. Love turns into hatred. People forget us, and stop communicating with us. It hurts. But in spite of all this, life is worth it.

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What to Pack for Your Honeymoon?

Though we plan our honeymoon destination much in advance and have our fantasy locations all chalked out, we completely put off packing for it until the very end. Such procrastination always results in either packing too much that the unwieldy bag bogs you down or packing too little that you end up buying things.

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Does It Mean Anything When Your Spouse Is Obviously Feeling Guilty About Leaving You?

"I begged my husband not to pursue a separation and frankly, I pulled out all of the stops. I did everything that I possibly could to drive home the point that I was going to struggle without my husband. Well, I guess this worked somewhat because my husband is obviously feeling very guilty. He calls to find out how I am doing. He comes over on the night before garbage day and takes out the garbage. He's been mowing the grass. The other day, he stopped only slightly short of out and out apologizing to me. He very clearly feels guilty. So I am wondering what this means. I wonder if it is a good sign. And I wonder if I can exploit it in some way and use it to my advantage. I know that sounds awful, but I really want my husband back. And at this point, I will take any advantage that I can get."

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Judged by Society

It is an article about our first impressions. When we meet new people the initial judgement is formed on the basis of popular social viewpoints. The notions which guide us to form our opinions are neither our own nor put to test at any point of our lives as to whether they are valid. On the basis of these viewpoints we misjudge people and lose many friends.

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5 Reasons Why You Are Only A Hookup And Not A Girlfriend

It is hard to stop being a simple hook up and become his girlfriend. Most of the time, you need to do that with a whole new man.

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Future Proof Your Marriage

Conflicts are unavoidable. However, even with conflicts you can full proof your marriage. Full proofing your marriage can be attained if the spouses use two simple words. The magical two words are thank you. These simple yet magical and extremely meaningful words, thank you, will weather any conflict. Even the most negative conflict patterns will not lead to a defining impact on a couple's relationship if the couple show their gratitude for one another regularly. Take

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My Spouse Says He Just Wants To Be My Friend While We're Separated, I Don't Know How To Do This

"My own husband is telling me that he needs some time away from me and wants to pursue a separation. He's careful to say that he is not divorcing me right now, but he's also insisting that I give him time and not nag him. He's basically telling me that he needs 'a friend' instead of a wife. So he says that we can talk and see each other - but only if it is friendly. Of course, this does not sound great to me. I can't believe that it has come to this. But I would rather be his friend instead of being nothing to him. I can't imagine having no contact at all. So if I have to be his friend to keep in contact, then so be it. The problem is that I have no idea how to be his friend. When we met, we were not friends first. We had an instant attraction and we were romantically involved right away. We were never friends. We were lovers and then spouses. How do I stop acting like a wife and start acting like a friend when we are still married?"

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10 Tips For Successful Online Dating

Online dating is an acceptable medium for dating nowadays, but for some it is still unchartered territory. I am sharing 10 tips how to be successful in looking for your partner as you try online dating so you could bring your match into the real world - your world.

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God, You and How Loneliness Makes Love True

So you're lonely. Life has come to be anything but. Loneliness's brought emptiness, desolation, an irreparable vacuous brokenness. The days breed despair. The minutes make for anguish. Some seconds wail. And there's fear for the hours; many from hell itself. I recall my loneliest time. A time of deepest pain. A season dark beyond drudgery. Little doubt you feel as I did. How could life get so woefully bad? What was God thinking to put me through what seemed more like a living death than an existence of palatable life? Why is God so seemingly sadistic? When, if ever, will life improve?

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Matrimonial Sites - A Boon or a Bane

When people think of matrimonial sites they come across two very different types of thinking. While a segment of the population thinks it is really nice to have such a huge variety of suitors available in a single place. Some people really do not like to give the reins of their life to a website and miss out on the joy of experiencing finding love for them.

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What Are They Saying (or Not Saying) About Me?

Those of us given to analytical thinking begin to get consumed about what may be said. We always think about what might have been said rather than what might not have been said. So much so that we begin to make unconscious assumptions that build on our conscious assumptions, and sooner or later we start to make decisions about people on information we've made up. What a mess.

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Ladies, Here Is How To Attract Him And Keep Him

If you are a lady, I'm pretty sure you want to date a Mr right and keep him beyond marriage. Every lady wants that but sometimes that is not what you get. You may have not done anything grossly wrong but you lost your recent date who had even promised you an engagement ring before Christmas. Being a lady, I know how it feels to lose a good date. It is embarrassing and you always feel that there is something wrong with you. It may not be so; you may be doing it all wrong out of ignorance. I do not want this to continue happening to you; here is how to catch him and keep him for as long as you want. Do this to attract and keep him by your side:

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5 Signs It's Time To Move On From The Man You're Dating

Dating is fun and turns you into a child each time you get to meet the person you are dating. And it is true, dating should be a fun, lovely experience that you get to enjoy with a man that cares and is eager to provide for you, but that also wants a family with you.

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Are You A Taker Or A Caretaker In Your Relationships?

Every relationship has a taker and a caretaker in it. Do you take or do you give?

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Mother Enmeshed Men: Do Some Men Stay Attached To Their Mothers Out Of Loyalty?

While some men are able to break away from their mothers, there are other men who are unable to do this. When this doesn't take place, not only is it going to cause the men to suffer; it is also going to cause the women in their life to suffer.

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What's God's Will for Society's Outcast?

Pulling up at lights I suddenly had a scantily clad heavily tattooed young man, unlit cigarette in mouth, start washing my windshield. I was immediately moved to say "No! I didn't ask you to do that." And I did say that. Needless to say, he flipped me the bird! Immediately I had an ugly feeling within; not a fearful feeling, but a feeling that I needed to put this right. Soon I found myself moved by the Spirit to do a U-turn and put the situation right.

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Relationships: Why Do Some People Try To Rescue Others Instead Of Rescuing Themselves?

When someone is experiencing some kind of inner pain or drama, they can take a closer look at what is taking place and start to look for solutions, or they can focus on what is taking place around them. Through placing their attention on something or someone else, it can allow them to avoid their own life.

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Your True Love Is Not on Tinder!

When a colleague narrated her successful 'I-met-my-husband-online' story to a mixed bunch of us, relationship status ranging from singles to complicated to married; I blurted out, "Girl, you were just among the lucky 8%." The rest of the evening was a haze. Every time I passed a single, their eyes shot daggers at me.

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Hairstyles That Would Suit a Kerala Bride

Kerala matrimony is a very splendour filled event. It involves a very traditional as well as contemporary feel which makes up the entire process of the Kerala wedding. Since Keralite brides tend to use very minimalistic make up and weddings attires it is no shock that the hairstyles are very similar.

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When the Problem's Not Pride, But Dignity

To dignify people ought to be our highest goal. To dignify people is to love them.

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My First Relationship At High School: Survival Guide

So, you are madly in love... The sun rises and sets on him, and you are going through marvelous feeling. The first relationship as a teenager is a romantic exciting time period, but at the same time fun pastime that brings adolescent girl a plethora of impressions. How to make your first relationship brings only the brightest emotions?

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Why Isn't My Husband Sure If He Wants To Fix Our Marriage Or Not?

"For the last six months, my husband and I have discussed whether or not we are going to separate or try to fix our marriage. I really want to fix it. We've been married for over ten years and, to me, that is just too much time to invest in something and then to turn around and walk away from it. I don't feel super loving toward my husband right now, but I do suspect that if we fixed some of our problems, then the feelings would return. So I am more than willing to make the commitment to fix our marriage. The problem is that my husband can not say the same. Well, I should clarify. He doesn't know if he can say the same. Every time I ask him what he's thinking, he tells me that he is still not sure. I don't understand why he is being so indecisive. Either he thinks our marriage is worth it or he doesn't. What is so difficult about it?"

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How To Choose a Hobby You Will Both Love

Finding hobbies both you and your partner love can be somewhat difficult, especially if you two consider yourselves to be very different people. But with some perspective and analyze you will soon realize you are not so different after all. If you were, you would not have been attracted to each other.

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Why the Wounded Healer Inspires Confidence In Those They Counsel

A WOMEN walks into a counselling room on a Friday morning, running 20 minutes late for the appointment. She's met by a man about 15 years her senior. He's a counselling pastor. He's been praying for her and following her up for at least six months. She's reluctantly come along this particular day. She's very anxious. This is their first face-to-face meeting - an answer to his prayers.

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Understanding How ADHD Complicates Marriage

There is a very high rate of divorce in the United States. When one marriage partner has Adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), the divorce rate goes even higher. Article addresses the problems faced by people married to those with ADHD.

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7 Tips On Making Amends and One Thing Amends Must Never Do

Making amends is something all recovering addicts need to become good at. It's also something that every Christian needs to become adept at - every human being is called to such a task; a noble one in human terms because it's a divine mandate.

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My Husband Got An Apartment Without Discussing It First - What Does This Mean For Our Separation?

"I can't claim that I didn't have any idea that I might one day be separated. But I thought that I had time. I thought that, God forbid, if my husband wanted to leave, that he would at least give me warning before he did it. I never saw him checking out the newspaper for an apartment. He never told me that I was going to have to do everything alone. One day I came home from work and found the closet pretty much empty. I texted him and he responded that he had moved out and he doesn't get why I am so surprised. Well, I think it goes without saying that I'm surprised because he acted without having any discussion whatsoever. I don't think it's unfair to expect to be consulted. And I don't know where I go from here. I have no idea if he signed a lease or what I should expect from him. Is this common? Do husbands just move out with no discussion?"

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Why Do We Criticise When We Can Encourage?

There always needs to be room for the provision of constructive feedback. That's feedback that can be hard to hear. But that feedback, skilfully delivered, both motivates and inspires. It encourages. Criticism, on the other hand, plays the person and not the ball. It all depends on the motive of the feedback, for some feedback is apparently couched in love, but it doesn't feel loving when it's received. It falls short. It misses the mark. It's no encouragement. Yes, even in constructive feedback there is encouragement. That's the test of whether it's constructive or not.

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Those Who Share, Dare, and Those Who Care, Bear

This article is about these two interdependent truths. Those who share, dare to share honestly, and those who care, bear the sharer's burden.

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