Do You Think That These Are The Best Solutions For Your Problem?

Those Old Marriage Vows

When people say those old marriage vows to each other, do they just utter a recitation because it's expected of them and then forget them the next day, or do they really think about the meaning of each vow and try to honor those pledges from that day forward? Learn how to use those wedding vows to help keep your marriage a forever marriage.

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Can You Live Without Him?

"I think of him all day every day. I allow my days to be ruled by whether or not we are getting along." If I took a moment to try to read these previous 2 sentences objectively, it would seem as one conclusion could be made.

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New Year's Love Resolutions to Ensure You Get (and Keep) the Guy

Even if you've never succeeded at love before, you possess the power to attract and keep it. Commit to the following resolutions. The results will astound you.

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Love Is Really a State of Intoxication Which Isn't Subjected to Whichever Regulation

Although love is really a state of intoxication which isn't subjected to whichever regulation, due to it is the cause of many accidents and human dramas many of which, as Heritage could be there to show, were sometimes devastating and fatal, although it feeds hearts, dreams and imaginations and although it is constant, a prerequisite in art and entertainment, it is still taboo to make the incontrovertible fact that it is really a totally antisocial phenomenon. Indeed humanity has given themselves a good amount of other techniques to become intoxicated.Nonetheless, they usually have to go for artificial processes, which can then create dependencies and slavery and slowly destroy them. On the other hand love does not need any outside product. It can be a spontaneous state which looks like soon as women and men have each others presence. Yet, however intense and ideal it can feel for being, this state are usually not lasting, given that it develops from a subconscious wish for fusion with oneself which obviously cannot be fulfilled outside oneself, with another, even thought we love that person or think we predict we enjoy someone precisely life itself, when the time - honored expression goes.

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Dating - Five Things You're Doing Wrong

Dating can be a challenge. Here are some rules to do a self assessment if you find yourself not knowing what is going wrong.

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We Are Separated And My Spouse Is Constantly Mad. Why?

"it's pretty obvious that my husband isn't thrilled with me or with my marriage right now. In fact, things got so chilly between us that he has initiated a separation. When he was trying to explain why he wanted to separate to me, he never expressed anger. He was basically pretty straight forward about the fact that he felt that we had grown apart. He said that he hoped that the time apart would help us realize that we shouldn't take our marriage for granted and that we should cooperate a little more. So I never really felt any anger during this entire process. But ever since my husband moved out, he's been almost outright hostile. His comments toward me come off as cold, sarcastic, and borderline mean. He's never acted this way toward me before. And I haven't done anything to make him angry. So I just don't get it. Part of me wants to ask him why he's so angry but another part of me thinks that this will just make the problem worse. Why would a separated husband be mad after the separation when he is the one who wanted it?"

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Mesmerize Him By Doing Nothing - Just Be Yourself!

Can you imagine casting a spell on a man and not having to move a finger for it? Would you find it too good to be true that you can attract a wonderful relationship and a good man in your life just by being yourself, a feminine goddess that just bursts out of you with no effort?

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Relationships: Why Do Some Men Fear Intimacy?

While men and women are both human, they are often portrayed as being radically different. It is clear that they are different on the outside, but what is not as clear is that there are differences when it comes to their brain structure.

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How Can Only One Person Trying To Save A Marriage Ever Be Enough?

"Six months ago, my husband told me that he definitely wanted a separation but it was more likely that he wanted a divorce. This was upsetting to me, but not completely surprising. It's been obvious that he isn't happy. However, I do not buy that we could not become happy again with just a little work. My husband says that he doesn't believe that things can ever be the way that they were between us. I've been trying to make him remember the important events in our marriage, but it doesn't seem to do much good. He seems happier living apart from me than he was living with me. This hurts. But I still believe that I can change this eventually. So, I've been going to counseling. I've been on my best behavior when I see my husband. I keep a journal recording the things I've tried and whether they have worked or haven't. In short, I just keep at it every chance I get. But I worry that I'm not really making progress. I worry that one person alone can not save a marriage."

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What Impact Do You Plan To Make With Your Life? Will You Cherish Every Moment and Person In It?

A friend asked me to consider what impact I wanted to make in the lives of others. What happened next was magic. One priceless insight emerged, along with the specific ways I apply this truth every day. It brings me joy and a boundless love of others, no matter how difficult the situation I find myself. How? I know that each of us has the power to change our life and every life we touch. I will choose to create something positive in the days, months, and years ahead. What will you choose?

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First Date Ideas - Where to Go on a First Date

First date ideas can be hard to come by, especially if you want it to be a fun and unique experience. Everyone can benefit from great first date ideas that guarantee to make the date memorable and keep the conversation flowing all night long!

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5 Ways to Help Your Man or Woman Love You

ENDURING QUESTIONS of life there are, and one of the best for a woman is "how do I keep my man interested in me?" We've all heard how the guy is in it for the 'thrill of the chase' and how women should 'treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen'.

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Meaning of Lust: Is It Bad?

The Bhagwad Gita the word of the Lord Krishna says "One who is able to withstand the impulse of lust and anger before death is a yogi ". Thus the Gita accepts lust as a normal human failing and says that if one has to become a Yogi, then one must withstand the temptation of lust. The Gita further adds in verse 21 of chapter 16 that the three kinds of doorways to hell are lust, anger and greed Most religions including the Christian religion look on lust as something to be avoided to reach God.

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Living With an Addict - Alcoholic

What it's like living with an addict or alcoholic. We try to control the situation, the addict, and the addiction. There is help. Learn what you can do.

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Three French Hens and Other Christmas Delights

Christmas is also a time of traditions. Each family has its own time set aside to be together. We also find time to be with or at least contact those we love by phone or Christmas cards. It is a time to remember those who are no longer with us and the wonderful times we had with them when they were alive. The end of the year is a time to reflect on what we have accomplished and what we have not quite gotten to this year.

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I'm Confused By My Separated Husband's Behavior. He Wanted A Divorce Days Ago, But Now He's Calling

"I actually felt kind of fortunate that my husband initiated a separation instead of a divorce. For the longest time, when he talked about how unhappy he was, he would say that perhaps it would be best if we just divorced and saved both of us a lot of time, money, and confusion. This is the last thing that I wanted so I encouraged him to consider a separation instead. He was very resistant to this at first but he finally gave in, much to my great relief. However, during the separation, he was very distant to me. I eventually got the hint because I stopped calling him so much and I focused on other things in my life. So I was very surprised to come home one day and find a message from my husband. I thought that something must be wrong, but he just wanted to talk. After that, he began to call me more frequently. I don't want to get my hopes up because I worry that he is only lonely and just trying to fill the time. What could it mean when a separated husband who showed no interest before suddenly starts calling?"

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Love, Faith and the Spirit of Believing

I remember when I discovered that Santa was real. I was five years old at the time and my mom had been abandoned by our father the year before. Mom, a devout Catholic, meant her vows when she said them, but I suppose our father had forgotten his.

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The Scientific Reasoning Behind Some Indian Rituals

There are probably a 100 eerie rituals out there, be it second shaadi, matchmaking or anything else, there exists a justified reason behind each one of them. Even the Indian matrimonial services are also found to believe in these explanations. Though the Indian matrimonial services do their part by finding a perfect match, they don't forget to suggest the rituals that the couple should follow.

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Marriage Is Not Just Living Together - Make It a Happy Bond

For all those who consider marriage means just living together, are surely heading towards frustration and separation. A common sense approach with a fair amount of understanding will go a long way in making that Bond which says a happy marriage. The generation of this age expects to be accepted as they are and fulfill all their desires; these create unrealistic expectations, which if not complied will end up frustrating the couple.

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I Still Love My Spouse, But I'm Considering Leaving Him Anyway Because I Feel Like He Holds Me Back

"I have been crazy in love with my husband from the second I laid eyes on him when I was only fourteen years old. He's wonderfully good looking and he is so charismatic. He doesn't care what anyone thinks of him. And I care deeply about what people think of me so I've always found his attitude freeing and refreshing. But, while I found the bad boy attitude so alluring when I was younger, I almost see it as irresponsible now. Lately, I've been thinking that being with my husband makes me see life differently and act differently. I'm in a place in my professional career where the image that I project is very important to me. A couple of weeks ago, we were having a reception at my job and I was almost ashamed of my husband. I am thinking that in order for me to take my career to the next level and to pursue all of my dreams, I might need to end my marriage. The crazy thing is that I am still in love with my husband. Some people never find their one true love and here I am, considering giving mine away."

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Silk Roses and Love: A Match Made in Heaven

Roses symbolize love. Silk roses endure time and remain "forever" reminders of the important occasion when they were given, received, or used as decorations. Considering that silk roses and all silk flower arrangements have come into their own, why not utilize long lasing silks for your next memory.

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Switching the Light on to Love

Relationship happiness has now become the 'holy grail' for many people, and too often, love hurts more than bringing happiness into our life. Why does something that starts out as a wonderful new beginning, seem to end so quickly in tears and sadness? Some eagerly pursue love, blindly repeating the same relationship mistakes, which leads to self-doubt in ever meeting someone. A lot of us also give up thinking the right relationship doesn't exist, and others create similar relationships, again and again that are filled with conflict and hostility

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Christian Dating Site Rapist: 3 Lessons to Learn

Mr. Banks was accused of two accounts of rape. He met the victims on online dating services. There are three lessons to be learned from the story. 1. Do a background check on the person you are interested in. 2. Before inviting someone to your home there are phases that the relationship has to go through first. 3. A Christian woman is not supposed to invite a man to her home and spend time alone with him.

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Top 5 Things You Must Get Before Getting Married

Marriage is not any human's idea; hence, the secrets of blissful marriage cannot be learnt in the schools or institutions of men. The best marriages are not man-made; but God-made: For God established marriage Himself.

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6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Stay Friends With Your Ex

When it comes to whether to stay friends with your girlfriend who is now your ex-girlfriend will depend on what you expect to get out of it. It is important to remember that this will be a new relationship and not an extension of your romantic relationship. This friendship will be a relationship like any other one that you have, just without the romantic component. Is this a friendship that is founded on good vibes and trust? Can you handle seeing your new friend with a new romantic partner that isn't you? If you can be honest and realistic about these kinds of questions with your new ex-girlfriend and new friend, then you two may well just have a beautiful friendship after all.

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6 Signs It's Lust, Not Love

If you need to ask whether it is lust or love, then it probably isn't love. There is nothing wrong with that so long as you are clear about your intentions when you are in the dating game. Maybe one day you will settle down, and maybe one day, you won't. But if the woman you are with right now is not someone you can visualize in your life in the long term, there's nothing wrong with that. Knowing the difference between lust and love will make it that much easier for you to enjoy the world of dating with the most honest and clear intentions possible.

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What Is He Thinking About?

That question has crossed perhaps more minds of married women than the unmarried ones, or so say Indian matrimonial sites. It's a common thought amongst all of us, "What is my spouse thinking about?" Understanding and being able to answer that question is not only important for your marriage.

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Taking the Long Run

My cousin and I have always been close to each other, so I asked him simply why he got married through some matrimonial website, if he wanted to stay separately. He said to me that as an outsider, he knows that I would find it difficult to digest the situation but that it was a decision that was mutual and that it wasn't permanent.

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Make Life Bigger Than "Yes" Versus "No

Many people want you to stop saying "Yes" to everything. It's overloading your life, sapping your energy, and keeping you from doing the meaningful stuff.

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Love Can Be Contagious

If one thing can be said about love it is that love will never change. It is consistent, but yet unpredictable. It can't be defined by substance, but yet is very real. It is a feeling highly sought after. It is so powerful that once it becomes a state of being it transforms anyone or any situation. To have it gives you clarity, happiness and reason. It is so addictive that once you have it, you will never want to let it go. No matter what you are going through having it lessens the load. It only sees you for who you are. It belongs to you and you belong to it. Once you have it, it become inseparable.

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Early Marriage in India

According to UNICEF, early marriage or child marriage is against human rights and is considered a violation of it. It is defined as marriages before the age of 18. This has been an issue in India for centuries. It is deeply rooted in the social activities, traditions, and religious beliefs of the Indian society.

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15 Tips: Say Good-Bye To Holiday Blues - Hello To Happy Sexy Love

Want to replace holiday stress and year-end pressures with all the happy sexy love you desire? Discover 15 ways to fall in love with yourself during the holidays.

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We're Separated But We're Getting Along Better. So Why Does My Spouse Refuse To Say He Loves Me?

"I honestly tell my separated husband that I love him all of the time. I have no problem saying these words. I want to say them. I want him to know that he is still loved. Sometimes, when we are having a very good time together, I almost forget that we are separated and I will wonder why he doesn't immediately tell me that he loves me too in response. But then reality hits me and I realize that we have real issues and our marriage might never be the same. It's somewhat strange because occasionally my husband will hug and kiss me and show me genuine affection which obviously indicates that at that time, he is having loving feelings for me. And yet, he always makes it a point of stopping short of actually telling me that he loves me. Why would he do this?"

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How to Make Men Want You

You're a special woman. Here's how to make sure men know it.

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Positive And Negative Strategies People Use When They Try To Save Their Marriage During A Separation

People often want to know if the strategy that they are considering is good strategy (that is likely to work) or a bad strategy (that is likely to fail.) It's hard for me to judge or speculate for multiple reasons. I can't know the specifics with the marriage. And I'm certainly not a professional therapist or a marital counselor. I can speculate and I can tell you some strategies that I have seen work (and not work) for many separations. But again, I would never want you to substitute my suggestions for your own good sense or for the intimate knowledge that you have about your marriage and its issues. With all of this said, here are what I think are some of the best or worst strategies that people will try to use during their separation.

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Senior Dating Tips for a Pperfect First Date

A first date is always full of expectancy - is this person going to be "The One?" Or are you just wasting your time? This fear gets bigger and bigger when you hit 50.

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Is Your Online Persona Killing Your Game?

In the age of digital dating your online persona can make or break you. With as much as 70% of gay couples now meeting online, it's difficult to argue the importance of your online persona.

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My Separated Husband Keeps Coming Around But He Is Reluctant To Come Home. Why?

"I was thrilled when my husband first started coming back home. I figured after a week or two of these visits, he would ask if he could move back in. And I was ready to say yes. I couldn't wait to start over. Unfortunately, this is not what happened. He keeps coming back home alright, but at the end of the visit he will get in his car and leave. I haven't confronted him about this yet because I don't want for the visits to stop. But now I am starting to worry. What if he has no intentions of moving back home? Why would he continue to visit me (and even have sex with me occasionally) and stop short of wanting to come back home?"

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Graduating From Loneliness To Solitude

We are all lonely. We socialize and marry to counter loneliness. There are ego clashes between spouses. This results in loneliness in married life. Loneliness is a mindset, which indulges in negative attitudes in life - depression, lethargy, and social isolation. When we are alone, we are either lonely or in solitude. Solitude is a spiritual state of mind, when we are blessed by God. We are at peace with self and in harmony with the World around us. We must aim at solitude, whenever we are alone.

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A Man's Guide on Eating Out Like a Sir

Well don't just stand there; open the door for your lady! And there you go chap, help her out accommodate into the chair. No, don't pick up the fork like that!

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The True Meaning of A Relationship

Relationships are not about you. This is a common mistake that people make. They get into relationships because they want to be fulfilled, because they are looking for someone to make them better, because they want, they want, they want. This is not to say that when you are in a relationships that these things do not happen, but you are not the focal point of a relationship. This articles talks about what a relationships are and what they are not.

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Finding Yourself in Others Today

Love can be corny and at the same time can be so powerful that it can enable someone to gather the strength to overcome cancer and etc. But the true strength of love has been dampen over the years by unnecessary hate and greed, but it's all is our own doing.

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5 Signs You're Dating the Wrong Girl

In the beginning of most relationships, every seems perfect. You smile, laugh and spend all of your time with each other. However, once the dust settles and the newness of the relationship wears off, you may start to wonder if you are dating the wrong girl? Here are 5 tips to help you decide whether or not she is right for you.

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10 Signs Your Date Is a Weirdo

The truth is, the arrows pointing to "weird" are always there, but we don't always know how to see them. It's not really a popular topic of conversation nor is it talked about in the media. I mean talking about weirdoness is weird, however, knowing the signs of a potentially toxic relationship are crucial to maintaining mental health and self-preservation.

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Dating Trends

Dating, like many other things has changed over the years. The trend for meeting that special someone online is hot right now and is constantly evolving. What's new?

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Online Dating Unwritten Rules

If you are interested in casually dating new people, the Internet is your friend. For most people, it is much easier to complete a profile on a website and start searching for the kind of individuals they would like to meet, than striving to find them in real life. The benefits of online dating are obvious, but, if you want to be successful in meeting new people, you need to obey all the unwritten rules.

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How To Have A Good Night Call Which Brings Him Closer

Saying Good Night Never Felt So Good... Knowing how to say good night on a phone call will bring your relationship closer.

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Getting Married With a Prenuptial Agreement

For some people, a prenuptial agreement is just a turn off to them. It will make them feel cold inside and mistrusted. They are not the same, as at first. Some people will shy away from getting married anymore. In other words, they do not like the act of signing a contract describing conditions prior to getting married. A once seemingly hot and spicy romance turned into a polar zone will sometimes be the result when a prenuptial agreement is introduced in the relationship.

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3 Good Reasons Why God Designed Marriage

God designed marriage to be beautiful. Some people do not understand the issue of marriage. That is why it ends up being abused and working negatively for them. It is therefore very important to learn and understand the way God designed it. God wants you to enjoy marriage. This article reveals the good reasons why God designed it and it is to your advantage.

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I Don't Know Why My Spouse Stays With Me, But I'm Scared He Will Leave One Day

"I don't want to sound as if I am complaining because I am not. I have been married for about five years but I dated my husband for a couple of years before that. I will admit right off that my life is a mess. I come from a very dysfunctional family and there is always a lot of drama surrounding this. There is never quiet times for us. It is always chaos. On top of this, I have an addictive personality. I struggle with addictions to shopping, food, and bad habits. My spending has put us in debt and my husband always has to deal with one crisis after another with me. Lately, he has been more and more frustrated with me and somewhere deep down, I feel as if he might leave me one day. And I would not blame him. Because I don't know why he stays with me. Sometimes, I think that it is only the fear of the unknown that keeps him by my side. And often times, I feel that if he got a better offer or if someone else came along, he would be gone."

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Anand Karaj - Sikh Wedding Ceremony

The Sikh wedding ceremony is known as Anand Karaj - a heavenly union. It is a special ceremony in which two individuals join in a partnership of two equals.

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The Sexless Marriage, Money Problems, and Adultery: Three Dangerous Mistakes Married Women Make

Marriage comes with its challenges, often in the form of a sexless marriage, money, and adultery. Often couples fail to discuss these issue and they lead to marriage problems. In this article, we will discuss how women can do their part to recognize and avoid certain marriage mistakes.

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Dating Versus Courting: What's The Difference, and Does It Really Matter?

This article discusses the dating and courting relationship models and what they each involve. It is a general examination between the similarities and differences of each.

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If My Husband Wanted Me Back, Would I Even Know It? What Signs Should I Look For?

"From the start of our separation, my husband was very specific about the fact that he was still in love with me, but he did not like living with me because we fight sometimes. My husband hates conflict of any kind. Even if it is a healthy disagreement, he will do everything that he can to avoid it. I know that my husband still loves me. And I had hoped that being away from me would make him decide that he can handle some conflict if it means being together. But so far, he hasn't said anything along those lines at all. When we are together, he is sometimes sweet and sometimes distant. I can't get a read on whether he is happy or miserable being apart. I was discussing this with one of our mutual friends and she said my husband is a 'cards close to the vest kind of guy' and she's not sure how I would even know if he wanted me back unless he flat out told me, which she can't see him doing. I always thought it would be more obvious than this. How do I even know if he wants me back?"

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Do You Want a "Radical" Marriage?

What kind of marriage do you want? Most couples don't want an ordinary, boring, routine relationship, they want excitement, fun, closeness, love. We need comfort and security but we also need variety and excitement. Couples who believe they are together to experience life to the fullest through their relationship are capable of a truly extraordinary, "radical" relationship.

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When Will He Call? The Waiting Game

One of the most common questions I get asked as a psychic is: "when will he (or she) call?" This usually comes on the heels of one of two potential relationship scenarios: 1: they've made a connection with someone who seemed promising at the time but hasn't followed up; or 2: there's been discord in an existing relationship and no one has called to try to make things right.

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Top 5 Reasons She Will Say No

When it comes to what women want in dating, men highly overrate and over-think this. As savvy and gifted as they are, women want the same things that men want. They simply want someone who is real, communicates well and has a solid sense of direction in life. If you are struggling in some of these areas, make some tweaks to turn your life in the direction your next date will be excited to hear about. Sometimes it is a small matter of simply changing the way you communicate with her when you are trying to get her attention. If you want her to say "yes" the next time, set yourself up in such a way that she won't be able to give "no" for an answer.

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Finding The Ideal Person And Having A Perfect Love Relationship

My example should also show you that you must care about finding your perfect match before getting married. Don't get married to someone for one reason or another like I did. If you are not more than sure that you are getting married to the ideal person for you, don't get married. Don't be impatient like everyone in our world. There is a perfect match for you. This is not a myth.

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I Am Unsure What My Separated Spouse Wants From Me Because He's Not Sure Himself

"I knew the day that my separation started that my husband didn't really know what or who he wanted because he told me this in plain English. In fact, one of the major reasons for the separation was that he was not sure that he wanted to be married anymore. He wasn't sure what type of life he wanted to lead. So I knew this going into it, but I figured that if I could craft a wife and a marriage that made him happier, then what he wanted might be more clear to him. I have noticed that throughout our marriage, my husband seems to pursue me more when I am confident and a little aloof. So I slowly started to act this way and it seemed to be working. But the other day, my husband commented that I was so strong and capable that I didn't seem to need him. I told him that I may appear to be coping, but I am hurting inside. Now he seems turned off by my strong side. He doesn't seem to know what he wants, so where does that leave me?"

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Dating Tips for Men: I'm Shy, How Should I Approach Dating?

When it comes to dating tips for shy men, the bottom line is that most shy men are their own worst enemies. They psych themselves out thinking they don't stand a chance, when the truth is that the sweetest, nicest girl is probably just waiting for them to ask her out. Just relax and prepare yourself as much as you can beforehand, without over rehearsing the process.

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Why Do I Still Wake Up Loving You?

Being in love with someone causes real physical and emotional changes in our body; in other words, "it ain't no thinking thing." If it were, endings would be ever so much easier. We would calmly assess the facts and realize that leaving was the best choice before us when we made it; and we wouldn't forget those unemotional reasons as time passes. Alas, those 'feel good' changes that happened when we fell in love left deep memory imprints closely akin to the highs a drug user becomes easily addicted to. The truth is most people are addicted to love.

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Wanted: The Next Evolution of Marriage

47% of young adults in a recent survey believe that marriage is obsolete. And who can blame them? Marriage is facing an existential crisis as fewer people are getting married, the divorce rate is at an all-time high, and "till death do us part" is becoming a thing of the past. Marriage is seen by more and more people as an obsolete anachronism holding them back from living the good life. We need a "radical" paradigm for the next evolution of marriage and to save one of our most important social institutions.

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Thoughts on God, Man and Life

Do you not think it is time to take God seriously? If you look back on your life, are there not some things you wish you had not done? Sure! We all have!

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Passing On Ego Clashes To Next Generation

When we socialize, there will be ego clashes. In a marriage, the spouses too have ego clashes. The spouses grow old and their children get married. The second generation of spouses too gets bogged down in ego clashes. Ego clashes are the most important cause of unhappiness in married life, which often leads to divorces. Will the ego clashes between spouses keep occurring till eternity? If only God blesses humanity with more tolerance of other's views, the world will be a peaceful place to live in harmony.

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6 Signs She Is Still Hung Up on Her Ex

If her signs and signals really are innocuous though, it may be time to re-examine your level of security with love. Being confident in your trust and love is the best way to make your relationship succeed. When you can become confident in those aspects together, then your relationship will definitely stand a chance. Put those nagging suspicions to bed by ruling out these six simple signs.

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5 Ways to Get Out of the Friend Zone

Whether she is your friend or a stranger, appealing to the emotional side of her will likely work in your favor when you are trying to get out of the friend zone. But it is also important to not make yourself so available or too easy to be friends with. This makes things too comfortable, and she has no real motivation to leave the Friend Zone. Use the Scarcity and Least Interested Principles, and sooner than later, you might be surprised to discover she is the one that makes the first pitch to renegotiate the terms of your new relationship experience

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5 Do's for How to Attract a Great Woman

When it comes to attracting women, the key is to cater to the side of the fairer sex that they use in the world of dating. That's the emotional side. When you can make a woman feel positive emotions around you, that is going to increase her chances of being attracted to you. Whether that's by making her laugh, making her feel good or going out of your way to do something nice for her, it's these little simple things that will slowly start to build the long-lasting chemistry and attraction you are seeking.

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How Can I Know When I'm Caring And When I'm Caretaking?

Knowing the difference between caring and caretaking can sometimes be confusing. Discover how to tell the difference.

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Choosing Your Battles Carefully

Not every battle is worth dying on the hill for so choose your battles carefully. What is important today will probably not be important five or ten years from now.

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Expert Marriage Counselor to Keep Your Relationship Happy And Healthy

Is your marriage in a rut? Are you thinking of divorce as the only resolve? Take a pause because visiting a marriage counsellor today can keep your relationship happy and healthy.

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Do Looks Matter In Order To Seduce A Woman?

Do any of you really think that it is necessary for a man to be absolutely gorgeous and beautiful for a woman in order to be able to seduce her and make her like you? Is your exterior look and attractiveness one of the most important factors that will determine an eventual success with a woman?

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There Are No Stupid Questions About Love

When it comes to love and loving yourself more, there are not any stupid questions or answers really. There is always just more to learn when something seems silly or stupid about love. It is said that understanding is context, well, understanding the nature of love is not an exception.

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How Do I Make My Spouse Believe That I Am Over My Mid Life Crisis And I Wasn't Myself When I Had It?

"I know that it is usually the husband who has the midlife crisis. But in my case, it was me. I got married relatively young and I guess I missed out on all of the carefree fun that goes with being a single young woman. I reconnected with some high school friends online and I admit that I have been acting very silly for the past several months. My husband did not appreciate my new life style. He was honest when he said that he felt as if he were losing me. He said he felt abandoned and that it was clear that I valued my friendships over my marriage. Eventually, I got tired of having my husband complain so I initiated a separation. I kept going out with my friends. And then I got in a car accident. Suddenly my friends were absent from my life. During that long period of time where I had to depend on him for just about everything, I realized what a huge mistake I had made. I tried to tell my husband this. I told him that the real me was the wife that he has always known. He does not believe this."

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My Mom Thinks That My Husband Is Going To Divorce Me And That I'm Holding Onto False Hope

"Yesterday, my mother told me that she had something very important to discuss with me. We sat down and she told me that, because she loved me, she felt the need to tell me that she can't stand to see me having wasted hope on my marriage. I have been separated from my husband for seven months. During that time, we have had some good weeks and some bad weeks. Lately, we have had more bad weeks. But I haven't lost hope. My husband hasn't filed for divorce and he hasn't talked about doing so. My theory is as long as we are talking and we are not divorced, then there is still hope. My mother says that I am wrong about this. She says that I need to accept that he is never coming back. I asked her what she was basing her opinion on. And she said that it is just taking too long and that if a man wanted to come back to his wife, he would have already done it. It hurts me so badly that she has come to this conclusion. She doesn't really have all of the information."

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5 Questions to Ask Before Getting a Divorce

No one wishes this to happen in their marriage but if you are in the verge of divorce, there are a lot of questions that you need to ask yourself. These questions can be very helpful for you to reflect and think before getting a divorce. So what are the questions to ask before getting a divorce?

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Know the Importance of Communication in Marriage

The lack of communication or poor communication between couples can be very destructive to the marriage and can lead to multiple marital issues. Understanding the importance of communication in marriage can be a great motivation for couples to improve the communication in their relationship. So what are the importance of communication in marriage?

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Tips in Building a Healthy Relationship With Your Spouse

Building a healthy relationship with your spouse is the key to a lasting marriage. Marriage needs to be nurtured to last. A lasting marriage is not something that can be achieved overnight. Couples should work every single day to make their marriage strong and healthy. With the growing demands of married life and the arrival of children, couples should continue to nurture their relationship to make it last and survive the different phases of their married life.

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Why He Doesn't Deserve You

Recently I have ran into men of the past that want to reconnect in some way shape or form. At first I almost fell back into the trickery of their nonsense until I quickly realized to re-visit the past would only prolong my future. These men were men that I knew from my early 20's and I am not the same person in my 30's that I was in my 20's.

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5 Tips to Deal With Marital Problems

Marriage is not a problem-free relationship. Couples will experience marital problems more than once in their marriage life and if couples do not know how to deal with marital problems, the relationship will suffer and they will eventually find themselves unhappy with their marriage. While it is normal for couples to experience marital issues and problems, it is important to know how to handle relationship issues to avoid bigger fights and conflicts. The following tips can be very helpful to handle marital problems.

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If I Act Mean And Disinterested To My Separated Husband, Will It Make Him Want Me Back?

"I have tried everything that I know to get my husband back. I've acted sweet to him. I've tried to convince him that our problems really aren't that big. I've tried to address our problems. I've asked his mother to help me convince him. I've tried to talk this through. Nothing seems to work. One of my friends says that it is time to start up with the mind games. She says when she was separated with her husband, she actually acted a little mean to and disinterested in him. She said she tried to make him believe that other men were pursuing her. She said that this was more effective than playing it nice. Is she right? I really can't picture myself doing these things, but if they work, I am willing to give it a try."

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Relationships: Is The Fear Of Being Abandoned Defining Who You Are Attracted To?

Over the years, many points of view have been put forward as to what causes one person to be attracted to another. These have come from scientists, relationship experts and everyone in between.

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Relationships: Why Do Some People Have Affairs?

While there have always been people who have had affairs, it is probably easier than ever before to have one. This is because of modern day technology and how the internet has given people the chance to find someone without even leaving their home.

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The 3 Kind of People You Need in Life

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." -Helen Keller. Mark Twain (author and national treasure), Henry H. Rogers (a Standard Oil Executive), Alexander Graham Bell (revolutionary inventor), and Anne Sullivan (world-renowned teacher). Do you know what these amazing people have in common?

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If I Were Your Woman - What Women Really Mean

Those dreamy words of "If I Were Your Woman" carry a depth of meaning, mostly misunderstood. There is a thin line between being the woman of the man you love and still maintaining your own identity and independence. Where is the line typically drawn when a woman says these words to her man?

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