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How to Seduce a Woman Who is Playing Hard to Get - Make Her Surrender to You With 3 Killer Methods

Do you think you're nothing but a regular guy who has nothing better to do but try and figure out where he's going wrong in the seduction department?Well, seduction isn't incredibly hard to do, to be honest, especially since there are now so many new psychological insights to the matter. While reading the tips I am about to share with you, you might even come to realize that it takes no effort whatsoever.

Before you do anything, though, you need to inject your mind with the right mindset to get a girl to like you. There is one way to win over a girl's heart and that is called 'prizeability', wherein you show girls what a catch you are, ultimately making them fight for your affections.

From what you have read so far, it is safe to assume that whatever you were taught in the past by various dating advice gurus does not seem to match any of this. Usually, it would be the girls who display this concept of being the ultimate catch, right? Usually, you are expected to do the chasing, right?

Well, if you want to win over your dream girl, you have to do the complete opposite of what you are used to - trust me on this. By turning around the norms that girls are used to, you can get them to fight over you in no time. For some practical ways on how to become the ultimate catch in female eyes, follow these 3 killer methods...

How To Seduce A Woman Who Is Playing Hard To Get - Make Her Surrender To You With 3 Killer Methods

Killer Method #1. Prove that you are of high value. It would be ideal to do this through mere demonstration. You need to show that you are an alpha male who can lead in any situation in order to make girls respond and ultimately run after you because of it.
Keep in mind that you have to emit extreme confidence at all times, though, if you wish to ensure higher chances of success.

Killer Method #2. Prove that you do not need girls for personal validation. One massive turn-off in the eyes of girls happens to be male neediness. Girls usually prefer guys who have the power to care for them and make sure that every need of the girl is taken proper care of. If you display a constant need for a girl's affections or approval, you will come across as a weak link and will instantly get sent to the rank of male slaves in her mind.

Killer Method #3. Prove that you have the perfect mix. Bring about a "cocky funny" routine that combines the ideal dose of arrogance with the ideal dose of humor all at once. By doing this, you can reel a girl in right away and push her away at will in the right atmosphere. This is sure to perplex and intrigue any girl since she will not be able to make up her mind on whether she should find you annoying or interesting. This will also develop any attraction that exists between the two of you.

Here's a killer (bonus) tip - if you combine the three Killer Methods above with this mind control trick known as Fractionation ( ), you will be able to make any woman totally in love with you easily. With Fractionation, regular guys have been known to be able to make hot women go crazy over them - by hacking into their mind and manipulating their emotions.
This technique is simple to use but it gives "seduction superpowers" to the regular guy to attract the woman of his dreams. If you want to seduce women in as quickly as 15 minutes, then download Fractionation Formula for free.
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