Do You Think That These Are The Best Solutions For Your Problem?

Don't Feel Chemistry With Nice Guys? Here's How to Change That!

Have you ever felt frustrated that you seem to get hopelessly "head over heels" for unavailable men, yet find yourself hopelessly impervious to the advances of nice guys who are genuinely available and ready for a serious relationship? Would you like to change this pattern so you can finally start enjoying a great relationship and quit wasting time with men who play hot-and-cold with your emotions? Keep reading to see how the science of psychology can come to your rescue!

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The Surprising Benefit of Dating More

The One Great Benefit of Dating More and Often - Disclaimer: This post only applies to people whose true wish is actually a committed relationship leading to marriage - and within that group, specifically heterosexual women. In heterosexual relationships, it's often the man who pursues the woman, and my female clients tend to want a man who pursues them, rather than the other way around. Many women come to see me because they're seeking support in how to share their wish for partnership in a way that feels grounded and confident rather than clingy or desperate.

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Why Am I Still Single?

"Why am I still single?" It's a question I hear a lot in my practice. As a clinical psychologist in New York City, I work with many successful clients - while they're really good at getting things done in their professional lives, their dating life is either nonexistent or chaotic.

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Relationships: Can Being Tolerant Cause Someone To Be Abused?

If one is in a position where they want to start a new relationship, they could have a clear idea about what they are looking for. In fact, they could say that they want someone who is perfect.

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Dating Profiles

Internet dating is all the rage these days so how do you keep your profile current? Keep your profile popular by using these tips.

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Forgiveness When It Seems Impossible

YOU'VE tried myriad times and ways to forgive a person, so now you're open to anything God might use. Finally, when we've tried seemingly everything we come to be ready to face what God has led us to.

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Relationships: Do Some People's Childhoods Cause Them To Close Their Heart?

It could be said that while there are people who are in touch with how they feel, there are those who are not. As a result of this, there is going to be a big difference when it comes to how they experience life.

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Signs That Your Spouse Is Actually Trying To Save Your Marriage

"I am very grateful that I am not separated right now. For several weeks, my husband told me that he wanted to move out and he looked at apartments. My sole priority during that time was to change his mind. I told him that I knew that if we both tried really hard, we could save our marriage. I asked him if he really wanted to be alone. I finally wore him down and he reluctantly agreed that he would not move out right away and would 'try' to save our marriage. And I was thrilled with that. But after a few weeks, I'm not so thrilled. Because I literally do not see anything different. I don't see him acting any differently than he did before. I am acting differently. I'm trying to be more kind and patient. Thankfully, he seems to be responding pretty well to this. But he isn't doing anything himself. Sometimes I think that maybe I am just too pessimistic and that maybe he is trying, but I'm just missing his efforts. What are the signs of a man who is really trying to save his marriage?"

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Rules For Date Night

We've all heard the term Date Night. What is it, and why is it important? We'll take an in-depth look at these questions and provide you with guidelines to make the most of your Date Night.

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How To Ensure You Are Never Hurt In Love

Want to save yourself from deep hurt and heartbreak? Read on to know how to protect your feelings and true love.

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How Must It Feel to Be 'Welcomed' But Not 'Affirmed'?

A Christian frame-of-reference is the well-worn term, 'welcoming but not affirming' in reference to dealing with people in the LGBTQI group. This article discusses that term.

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Human Beings Just Being Human

We can well understand others when they fail, for we ourselves have failed, and we will continue to fail, as will they. They may fail us, but one day we may fail them, if we haven't already. When we have just failed someone, we may thank God that we may be more compassionate with those who are about to fail us, especially if we experienced compassion; and if we didn't, compassion is thereby our opportunity. Nobody learns anything when they're cruelled for having failed. So, in terms of failure, we can understand them, just as we wish for them to understand us.

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Relationships: What Can Happen When Someone No Longer Feels Worthless?

If one was to take a step, so to speak, they may find is that there have been moments in their life when they haven't feel too good about themselves. This is then going to be the exception as opposed to the rule.

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Cougar Dating - A Young Guy's Fantasy

Cougar dating is a fantasy for many young guys even though they may not even know that! Lots of younger guys are turned on by older woman and fantasize about dating a cougar.

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Is There True Love?

In this day and time where society teaches love is security, finance, and then romance. Money is the reason why you should date a person, or the job, or the car he drives. Can we find true love in a world that has become so tainted with it's views of what they think love is?

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We're Separated, But My Spouse Wants Me To Earn His Love Before He Will Take Me Back

"I will admit that I have not been the greatest wife in the world. But my husband hasn't been so perfect, either. I have taken my husband for granted and it turns out that he's been having a hard time emotionally. He didn't tell me, but I should have taken an interest. When he finally did tell me, I only took it seriously when it was too late to really do anything about it. He had already gotten tired of waiting and he left and declared that we were separated. Of course I'm trying to make this up to him, but now he is started to hint that it is too little too late. In frustration, I asked him if he even felt a little bit of love for me any more and his response was that I am going to have to 'earn his love back.' I don't even know what this means. In my opinion, you either love someone or you do not. How do you earn someone's love? And should you really have to do this if you are married to someone? I mean, I know that we are separated, but we are still married."

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Online Dating Guide For Men Over 40

In our day and time it's not surprising for men over 40 to be dating. Maybe you have never been married before or found yourself without a partner after a relationship breakdown. In any case, dating over 40 and into 60s and 70s is now effortless with so many online services for singles of all ages. You don't even need to leave the house to start! Just open your favourite browser and get a profile set up on a trusted website for people who seek the same things as you do.

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Oh What A Glorious and Joyous Day

We applied for adoption. We had to wait several years to get a baby once we had applied. We were married for 6 years when we decided to apply for adoption. Years later we told the story of the dresser.

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Married With Dogs

Dogs... When are they going to learn to take care of themselves? It doesn't matter how long you train them they"ll never learn to open the door and go to the bathroom on their own.

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Relationships: Are Friends The People We Have In Our Life Who Try To Change Us?

If one was to think about the people in their life who they are close to, they may find that these people accept them as they are. Consequently, this will allow them to feel at ease when they are in their presence.

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Can The Fear Of Abandonment Cause Someone To Believe That Their Partner Will Leave Them?

When one starts a new relationship, there is no guarantee that it will last for a certain amount of time. It could last for a few months, a few years, or it could come to an end when their life comes to an end.

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Ways To Keep The Romance Alive

By keeping the romance alive in a relationship, you can ensure that your relationship passes the test of time and sees through even the most troublesome situations. Valentine's Day is the day to celebrate romance, but true romance lasts all through the year! Let's now run through some ways which would work towards making you feel that you just started the relationship afresh!

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Relationships: Does The Fear Of Rejection Cause Some Men To Please Women?

When it comes to how men behave around women, there are two types of behaviour that are often spoken about. On one side, there is the man who acts as though he doesn't care and, on the other, there is the man who cares too much.

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6 Ways To Impress Your Girlfriend

Getting a girlfriend may be easy but keeping her is not easy task at all. According to some people, understanding a woman is a hard nut to crack, but it's the other way around provided you know a few things. Given below are a few tried-and-tested ways of impressing your girl.

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How to Have a Stable and Successful Married Life

It doesn't take hard work to keep a relationship happy or stable over time according to experience, small and simple changes create a successful marriage. Here are the outline ways from my experience and advice I had used for people time without number in my community circle and it worked.

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I Want To Get My Spouse Back, But He Couldn't Seem Less Interested

"As soon as my husband decided that he wanted a separation, it was as if I didn't exist for him anymore. He no longer seemed to care about me. I had to hound him to take my calls and he never, ever called me. A couple of times, I offered to make him dinner or I invited him out to dinner. He always declined. I tried making family plans with his mother and father, thinking that this might bring us closer together. He declined when I was involved, but he later went on the trip with his parents anyway. When it became clear that he didn't seem very interested in our marriage, I tried to remind him that we were indeed married by suggesting that we go to marriage counseling with the preacher who married us. Again, my husband will attend church on his own, but will not go to church counseling with me. He seems completely uninterested in anything that has to do with myself or with our marriage. I desperately want to save my marriage, but I can't seem to get my husband's attention. Is there any way to get my husband back when he's just not interested?"

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Relationships: It Is A Good Idea To Put Someone On A Pedestal?

While one can see other people as being on the same level as they are, they can also see them as being on another level. When this happens it is not going to matter that someone is simply another human being, as they will be seen as being far more.

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What You Realize When It's YOU That's Being Judged

WHEN it's you that's on the rack, and the screws of condemnation are being tightened surely though slowly, you know one thing. People should only judge when they know enough to understand, then they would empathize and no longer judge.

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Do You Feel Invisible In Your Marriage?

Does your spouse treat you with indifference or worse? Does it make you feel invisible? Have you been asking yourself whether you should stay or go? Do you wonder if you have done enough to make the relationship better?

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Online Dating: Should Someone Take It Personally If Another Person Goes Silent On Them?

If one was in a position where they wanted to start a new relationship, they might decide to join an online dating side. This could be seen as the best way for them to find someone to be with.

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Introducing The Dwaa Mbwara (Traditional Pot)

One amazing thing about the Dwaa Mbwara is that, in the event a woman has problem with her husband and eventually packed out of her husband's house, she has to leave the pot in the house. Carrying the pot means the end of the marriage. The calabashes on top of the pot are also used for decoration. From time to time they are cleaned and oiled in order to make it shiny. Most at times depending on the choice of even the husband, the pot could be more than one and are placed in strategic places around the house where they can be safe.

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How to Make Your Special One Feel Even More Special

At times, simply by telling our loved ones that we love them, we are not able to express how much they really mean to us. And once in a while, we come to realize that we would like to do something different for them. For the times when you feel like doing something special for your loved ones, here's a list of things that you could do!

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5 Golden Rules of an Exciting Cougar Dating

Dating cougars or older women who are interested in sexual relationships with men younger than them has become quite a rage nowadays. If you are one of those, who fancies dating a cougar, remember that you are about to dwell on the grounds that are unfamiliar to you, because of the age difference. So, here are the five golden rules you need to remember when dating a cougar to make the relationship a successful one.

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5 Dating Tips From A Cougar Dating Guide

There is something about dating older women that attract many men to cougar dating. And as a result young men like you start searching for advice and tips to make their cougar dating dreams a reality. But often they end up doing silly mistakes that prove them to be immature and unattractive in front of cougar women.

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5 Reasons to Go for Sugar Momma Dating

Do you know that sugar momma dating is one of the most trending dating concepts found nowadays? Well, if not, then know now that more and more men now find dating older women more fun than young girls. And, they have quite a number of solid reasons to go for it.

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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Dating Over 40

Are you over 40 and thinking about dating? Well, then know that it's never too late to start a new relation as long as you're comfortable with it. But yes, starting to date again after a long gap that also after 40 can be a challenge sometimes.

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What Factors Influence Your Marriage's Ability To Be Saved During A Separation?

"I am at a loss as to how I am going to turn things around in regards to my marriage. I know that many couples stick it out because they have kids. I wish we had children, but we do not. I also know that many couples stick together because they have a strong sense of commitment. Well, I have this. But my husband does not. At the first sign of trouble, he left me and pursued a separation. I have tried many different things to make him come back, but so far I have not had any luck. I look at many of my friends who reconciled and I'm discouraged because I don't have the things that made their marriage savable. I don't have kids. Or a husband who is desperate to get back together with me. What makes a marriage savable during a separation when there aren't kids or people who are super committed?"

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What You Need To Know About Dating Apps

Why dating app becomes popular for singles to find their match? Let's take a look at what their advantages are.

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Relationship: Why Do Some People Only Feel Valuable When They Are In A Relationship?

If one is not currently in a relationship, they may find that this doesn't have effect on how they see themselves. It is then still going to be possible for them to feel good about who they are, and this is going to make it easier for them to function.

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What A Night

In researching the recess of my memory it was in the spring of '83 that I experienced what The Four Seasons sang about in their hit "Oh! What A Night" When in the opening lyrics of that hit instead of back in December of '63 Oh! what a night for me was that night back in '83.

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