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Signs That Your Spouse Is Actually Trying To Save Your Marriage

"I am very grateful that I am not separated right now. For several weeks, my husband told me that he wanted to move out and he looked at apartments. My sole priority during that time was to change his mind. I told him that I knew that if we both tried really hard, we could save our marriage. I asked him if he really wanted to be alone. I finally wore him down and he reluctantly agreed that he would not move out right away and would 'try' to save our marriage. And I was thrilled with that. But after a few weeks, I'm not so thrilled. Because I literally do not see anything different. I don't see him acting any differently than he did before. I am acting differently. I'm trying to be more kind and patient. Thankfully, he seems to be responding pretty well to this. But he isn't doing anything himself. Sometimes I think that maybe I am just too pessimistic and that maybe he is trying, but I'm just missing his efforts. What are the signs of a man who is really trying to save his marriage?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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