Do You Think That These Are The Best Solutions For Your Problem?

Interesting Reasons to Opt For Dating Online

Are you single and absolutely ready to mingle? Well, then gear up for a romantic date with your dream partner. Amazed, how that is going to be possible?

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2 Steps to Deep Pastoral Care Engagement

Two prayers for effective pastoral care: 1. "Lord, help me establish affinity with this person so they would feel safe with me." AND 2. "Lord, help me say and do only those things that protect the trust this person has placed in me."

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I Really Want My Husband To Willingly Come Back - I Don't Want To Force Him

"I really want to get my separated husband to come back home. I feel very strongly that he is going through a midlife crisis that might one day end. I also know from past experience that it's pretty easy for me to make my husband feel guilty and for me to manipulate him. And I recently found out that I have a health issue. Honestly, my doctor told me that it is probably very, very treatable and it's going to be absolutely nothing to worry about. However, I suspect that if I slant this in a certain way, my husband might come back to me out of worry or a sense of obligation. When I was discussing this with my friend, she asked me if I really wanted my husband back only because he thought that I was sick. I thought about it and have decided that no, I don't want him back if I'm making him do something that he does not want to do. I don't want him to come back all unhappy and sullen. At the same time, I really want him back. So do I tell him about my health issue?"

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Heart Games

If you have become the reader of my article, only on seeing the title above, it means either you were involved in several relationships or you have involved in none. The content below is strictly for teenagers between 18 and 30. I am hopefully confident that I would attract more readers below 18 and above 30. Relationships have different definitions from the eyes of different people based on the status of their affair. Irrespective of the age group or the character or the class, everything begins with the same dot.

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What Is Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip's Secret of Maintaining Their Marriage?

On November 20th, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip gathered with their royal family to mark their 70th wedding anniversary. They are the first couple of the British royal family to celebrate 70 years of marriage. How can they maintain their love for such a long time especially in the age of high divorce rate? What is their secret?

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The Difference Between Traditional and Online Dating

The web has been useful in every aspect. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile to mention that the dating field is not an exception. Since dating sites have been created online, people are finding it more convenient to find their dates online.

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Know the Advantages of Dating Online

Every dating experience can differ from one person to other. One may have a disturbing relationship while others may be able to develop a long-lasting one. If you are dating online, you are going to see a lot of advantages that you are having by your hands.

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A Question and Answer (Q&A) on Biblical Marriage

A biblical marriage Q & A. Sets out several topics like idealism, expectations, commitment in marriage, overlooking offenses, etc.

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Relationships: Why Do Some Women Want To Be Worshipped?

In today's world, it is relatively easy for a woman receive attention; the only thing that she needs is a social media account. And if one is not enough, then she can join a number of different sites.

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How Does A Marriage Survive Falling Out Of Love?

"I'm nearly positive that my husband is no longer in love with me. I've flat out asked him if he's still in love with me. He'll say 'of course I love you. We're married.' Then I'll tell him that loving and 'being in love' are two different things and he'll give me a frustrated sigh but no response. I'm worried that in time he's going to ask me for a separation or divorce. I can't think of the last time that he's grabbed my hand or spontaneously kissed or hugged me. If I bring this to his attention, he will say something sarcastic like he didn't realize that we are 18 years old. He will imply that people our age don't hug and kiss all of the time. But I think that plenty of people our age still love one another. We have married friends who still hold hands and look at one another with affection. Sure, they aren't all over one another with PDA, but it is clear that there is love between them. With us, this just doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Can a marriage ever survive without love?"

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Tips to Find Date a Sugar Daddy Online

Recent researches made online on dating sites have found that sugar momma and daddy dating are dominating the web now. Young girls and boys are getting more interested in older men and women as their partners than sating people of same age. If you do not believe what I just said, just take a look through Google search.

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Cougar Dating: New Trend in the Dating World

Today, we are all standing in the modern world where most people are trying their best to shed off the conservative mindset. Earlier men did not have the thought to approach elderly women. Neither the women agreed ever to such open-ended relationships.

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On the Elusiveness of Forgiveness

This article is not centrally about how elusive forgiveness is for us to do. It is more about the elusiveness of others' forgiving us.

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Replacing Guilt With Compassion

GUILT is a common emotional response in the family context - parents for children, siblings with each other, children for parents, etc. The core of the issue relates to when we cannot influence or control others and where we feel responsible for them. Correcting both these errors is about accepting the limitedness of our influence, that control ought not to be our goal, and that we cannot ever be responsible for other people - no matter who they or we are.

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Dating Red Flags

The beginning of a relationship can be exciting and, at the same time, awkward. It's exciting for obvious reasons: you are spending time with and getting to know someone you find interesting and attractive. It's awkward, however, because in spite of the extent of their digital footprint, or whether they like to share their innermost feelings with friends on social media, the person you are dating is usually someone you barely know.

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My Spouse Moved Out To Pursue A Separation And I'm Not Sure Where To Go From Here

"My husband talked about moving out long before he actually did it. In fact, it took him so long that I had started to hope that he wasn't actually going to do it. He was clearly unhappy, but I still hoped that he would give us a chance to improve things. Well, my hopes didn't come to fruition because he moved out last week. I am floundering and lost. We've talked a few times and when he hangs up he always says that we will talk again soon. That doesn't always happen, though. I am extremely lonely. We did everything together and so now I feel very strange and pathetic when I have to do things alone. Last night, it got so bad that I considered just showing up at his house, but I talked myself out of it because I was afraid of being rejected. Still, I dread tonight and more of the same. I don't know where to go from here. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with my time or how I go about making my husband interact with me. I worry that if things stay the same, we will end up divorced."

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The Hope Enjoyed in Simply Being Honest With One Another

THERE seems to be two realities at play in life; experience oblivious to suffering, and its opposite - where we're put in touch with suffering. What can we do when life seems such an irretrievable struggle?

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5 Feelings We Hate Feeling

ACCEPTANCE, understanding, appreciation, inclusion, and being valued; all states of feeling we crave for in a social world. But the world is also a harsh place where we all get to experience the opposites of these five states of feeling.

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Relationships: Do Some People Only Have Relationships With People Who Will Make Them Look Good?

It could be said that thanks to social media, how someone looks is even more important than ever before. The average person can feel the need to look their best regardless of if they are in the real world or online.

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Broken Lives That Break Windows Are NOT the Enemy

BROKEN windows are annoying anytime, but when someone deliberately smashes a window annoyance melds into anger. But the anger doesn't fix anything, certainly not the window.

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Intimacy: Does Someone Need To Feel Safe In Order To Experience Intimacy?

There are a number of things that human beings need in order to survive, and the same could be said when it comes to their ability to thrive. For example, food is something that everyone on this planet needs.

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5 Facts Your Marriage Counselors Never Told You

Is it not baffling as a large number of marriages continue to head for the rocks? Yes, the situation is complex and hence, the belief that the solution too should be. Regardless of religious feelings, here are five facts everyone should consider.

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Time to Say Goodbye to "Dudes"

Males of almost any age are referred to as "dudes" these days. I don't much like the word. It smacks of an unnaturally extended adolescence. What comes to my mind when I hear the term is a shallow parody of a grown up man. The guy who smirks at women, tells dirty jokes, smacks another guy in the ass with a wet towel. But most men are not dudes. They are poets as well as warriors, dreamers and lovers.

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My Separated Husband Said That Things Might Change If I Made Him A Priority

"If you did not know me and you listened to my husband, you might think that I was a selfish and neglectful wife and this is just not the case. We made the decision for me to stay home because daycare was going to be so expensive. Sometimes, my husband will get home and be annoyed that dinner wasn't ready. Or he'll be frustrated when I am too tired to have sex. He kept hinting about how unhappy and lonely he was until he finally initiated a separation and moved out. Last week, we went out to lunch while the kids were at school. We were actually having a great time. Then the school called saying that one of my kids was in the nurse's office and needed to be picked up. My husband got annoyed. He sighed heavily and said 'things are never going to change until you learn to put me first for once.' I was devastated by this and think that it is really unfair. I was in a no-win situation."

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Love at First Sight Could Be Real

Love, at first sight, sounds like a myth to many whiles to some; it's an absolute workable miracle of some sort. The whole idea is based on the saying that love is blind and therefore, at first sight, logic and sense do not matter as long as the feeling of that great desire and admiration has been stirred and blossomed into a strong affection. This feeling may be mutual or just within one individual who latter persuades the other person to awaken a similar feeling in them.

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Finding Plus Size Women on Dating Sites

There are some who love plus size women and there is no better way than interacting with them using the most reliable dating site to get that connection. The sites are a great place for men and women to meet. Plus size women are gorgeous and there are sites that are dedicated to this amazing members of the society who want to find good men to love and care for them.

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Navigating Challenging Relationships Over the Holidays

The holidays are rapidly approaching and can be a time of joy and a chance to reconnect with family and friends. But for many it can also be a time of stress due to strained relationships, unhappy memories of the past, too much to do and not enough time to rest.

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Do Matchmaking Services Really Work?

Matchmaking services have been around since the dawn of time and my clients ask me if they should try it. I then respond to them with this answer..

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Human Compatibility: Hidden Factors Rule Your Relationships

You've been lied to about what makes two people compatible. As long as two people enjoy mutual physical attraction and share basic likes such as baseball games and pizza, and dislikes such as cold weather, they are compatible, right? Wrong. Isn't compatibility just a matter of a couple working hard to make their differences bearable? Nope. Real compatibility isn't a choice. Patience and understanding don't cancel out innate strife.

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Marriage, the Journey of 20,000 Recommitments

FOLLY is all I can call it. Tolerance is all I can call the response. The day I married Sarah I said in my speech that we were going to have a "first-class marriage."

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I Wanted To Rescue Women

I remember when I was seeing a woman towards the end of 2011, who was going through a challenging time. She wasn't in a good place, and this meant that I tried to do what I could to help her.

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Get the Kind Of Marriage Counselling That Is Healthy For Your Relationship

Marriage is a union of not only two souls but two families. It determines how the next phase of your life will look like and the expectations you can have from it. There comes a few times when things do not go so well and there are various ups and downs in a marriage.

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Relationships: Do Some Men's Childhoods Set Them Up To Put Women On A Pedestal?

It could be said that in order for one person to have a relationship with another person, they will need to be able to relate to them as another human being. If they see them as being above or below them, it is going to make it harder for them to truly connect to them.

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What, ESP Isn't an Ability I Can Expect My Marriage Partner to Have?

EXTRASENSORY perception (ESP), I have learned the hard way, more times than I care to admit, is not a gift married couples receive when they wed. Why then do we pretend we have it?

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I Thought All Women Were The Same

I started speaking to a woman who was a few years older than me on an online dating site and, before long, she called me up. As we hadn't been speaking for very long this surprised me, and what also surprised me was that she opened up about her own history.

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We've Been Separated Six Months On A Trial Basis - What Are The Chances My Spouse Will Come Back?

"I never in my wildest dreams would have guessed that we would still be separated after half a year. I honestly thought that the separation might last for a month at the most. Admittedly, the separation was not my decision. When to reconcile won't be my decision, either. But I figured that my husband would quickly see that being separated isn't a picnic. Although he doesn't seem all that happy being separated either, he has made no attempts to reconcile. It is going on six months now. We talk semi-regularly. We are cordial. Neither of us is seeing anyone else. So it doesn't seem that a reconciliation would be out of the question. However, some of my friends say that it has just been too long to believe that my husband will ever come back. Are they right? Does it get to the point where too much time has passed during the separation?"

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