Do You Think That These Are The Best Solutions For Your Problem?

5 Reasons Why Your Marriage Is Killing Your Dreams

While marriage can be exciting and happy, it can be filled with disappointment and broken dreams. Would you agree? This article will share 5 reasons why we tend to think that marriage is killing our dreams. When you finish reading this article, you will discover that it's not so much the marriage. But it's the way you perceive how marriage affects your dreams.

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Humanology for Couples - Personal Development

My husband and I have been together for more than 25 years and many people often ask me what our secret to still being together and happy is. This article is the beginning of a series offering basic humanology knowledge and tools for relationships.

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Useful Tips on How to Win Any Girl

Love and humanity can make you win everything in this planet. Love is like a vast sky having various clouds of emotions. If you are good-nature and kind, then your kindness will make these clouds burst into rains of eternal blessings.If you want to win her well, win her heart by love and compassion.

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She Was Emotionally Unavailable

When I met the woman who I would go on to spend a number of months with in 2013, I remember seeing her from a certain angle and thinking about how much she looked like my mother. It wouldn't be accurate for me to say that this was something that I consciously thought about, though, as this was something that I only just picked up on.

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20 Tips to Be a Perfect Boyfriend

Being the perfect groom is not easy, it requires many virtues and a great deal of will and understanding. But if you're really in love with her, it will not be difficult for you to put everything on your side to try to be the best man she can have at her side.

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Married Couples' Dating Ideas

Dating in marriage is very important for the success of any marriage. This article shows you what you can do to inject excitement into your marriage.

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How Do I Have A Real And Meaningful Conversation With My Spouse During The Trial Separation?

"I know that I need to spark some very good conversations with my separated husband. It feels as if our marriage is on very thin ice. Unfortunately, I do not get to talk to him nearly as much as I'd like. He sort of brushes me off sometimes when I call him, so we basically talk about once per week - mostly about the kids. I understand why it's very important that we talk about the kids and I'm not complaining about this. But when I try to steer the conversation to something else - like our marriage - things get uncomfortable or awkward. We struggle with the conversation or there is silence. My husband and I used to be able to talk about anything. We used to effortlessly talk for a long time. Now it seems like everything is a struggle. The only conversation that goes well is when we talk about the kids. Last night, I resorted to talking about politics and that was a disaster. I am not sure how to spark a good conversation and that is just so ironic because this man is my husband and I should be able to talk to him."

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What You Need To Know About A Date Night At A Movie Grill

If there is one thing most people can agree on, it's when it comes to going on a date, you're on some serious pins and needles because you want to impress the other person. Not only do you fret over how you look & what you're wearing, but you try to your best to plan a night that's fun, and so you look to the movie grill.

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I Felt Accepted

After I had got back from Bali and Australia, towards the end of 2009, I was no longer the same person. What had also played a part here were the experiences that I had when I was on a course in Belgium, which took place just before I went away.

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Why Being There for Someone Is Not Impossible

We tend to cut loose from a relationship when we notice something 'improper' with the person. It could be persistent sadness, too much of energy, crazed mood swings, lack of interest in anything, and so on and so forth. Can we do something about it, like being a friend or just being there, or should we cut and run? Here is an article based on how disinterest needs to be done away with, in favour of going the mile.

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Marriage Counselling Can Be Very Helpful

Marriage is one of the most important steps in your life ever. It is very important for you to know everything about it before you take the final step. You might not be in the right frame of mind or not know how exactly to go about it when you are getting married, and that is okay, a little bit of counseling will make you travel in the right path.

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3 Tips On How To Keep Conversation Going With A Girl - Guaranteed Tips To Succeed With Women

If you can figure out how to keep conversation going with a girl, you're going to be able to get far with anyone. The more they talk, the more comfortable they are going to be with you. These are 3 tips on how to keep conversation going with a girl.

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Make a Good Impression on the First Date

Do you want to go out with a certain person for some time, but do not know what to say or how to behave when she says yes? If so, read on to get some basic advice on how to impress your date.

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A Social Truth That Can Set You Socially Free

LOOKING into his eyes, I saw it. He is a confident, mature young man; a leader comfortable in himself. No real visible fear in him. Yet, there was a glimpse into his very human heart that showed me we have the capacity to draw social confidence from this truth: every person, no matter how confident they appear, is vulnerable to rejection.

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My Spouse Insisted On Separating, Now He Wants To Come Home - Should I Let Him Off That Easy?

"I begged my husband not to move out. I knew that he was romanticizing being separated. And yet, none of this seemed to matter to him. He moved out anyway. And then, about four weeks later, he called me up and confessed that I was right and that it was a mistake to separate. He basically said that now he's ready to come home. My initial reaction is to either be relieved or to gloat. I can't forget how much I begged him to stay and how he all but ignored me. I've considered telling him that I am not ready for him to come home simply to teach him a lesson. He needs to take decisions more seriously - especially when they affect people other than just himself. Some of my friends say that I should just give him a pass for the sake of my marriage, but I hate that idea. It's like he just gets to decide our fate on a whim and then change his mind, while I just have to roll with the tide. His decision broke my heart, and I want him to realize it. I want him to learn his lesson."

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God Is Building a Critical Mass of Peacemakers

In a recent devotion I ran for eleven- and twelve-year-old primary school students, I commended them to the beatitude: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." (Matthew 5:9 NRSV) Ostensibly Christian, I asked them if they were children of God. "Yes, we are," they replied. So, I said, does this verse tell us that if we're children of God that we're to be peacemakers? I went on to say, people call us children of God when they see us act as peacemakers.

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Relationships: Can The Fear Of Rejection Cause Someone To Change When They Get Into A Relationship?

Even though one can behave in a certain way when they start dating someone, they can end up behaving in a completely different way as time goes by. Therefore, although they are still the same person, it will be as if they have become someone else.

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Letting Go and Starting Afresh

How often do we hold onto dead relationships, jobs and situations - always hoping that they will change, when in fact we should be thanking them for the learning, letting go and walking away - dashing off to embrace new relationships and learning. How much pain do we cause ourselves through this process of holding on, and to what advantage? Holding onto the past not only keeps us in a painful state, but it stunts our growth - both physically and spiritually.

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Loving My Somali Neighbour

SCHOOL is a learning place. We know that. But a place where parents learn? Yes, I say, from my own experience.

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I Don't Think That My Husband Loves Me Anymore - So Why Is He Still Here?

"my husband and I have been fighting non-stop lately. During one of our fights, he blurted out: 'this is a joke. We don't even love each other anymore.' I replied by telling him that I absolutely still love him. And then, to clarify, I asked him if he loved me or not. He said that as things stand right now, he doesn't think so. Since that night, I have prepared myself for him to move out or to initiate a divorce. He has not. In fact, he just mopes around and seems happy enough to go with the negative status quo. He's made it clear that he's no longer invested in me because he does not love me. He thinks our marriage isn't worth his time. And yet he stays with me and makes no attempt to leave. Why would a man who doesn't love his wife stay put?"

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If You're Saying Sorry, Make Sure Your Apology Is THIS Good

APOLOGY is one of the most powerful ways of reconciling a struggling relationship. Saying sorry is about one person taking the low ground for the benefit of the relationship. That person takes responsibility to love the other, given that love gives. Saying sorry is the gift of a second chance for the relationship.

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Relationships: Should Someone Change When They Get Into A Relationship?

When one comes into contact with someone who they like, they can end up putting on an act. This could be something that will happen without them even releasing it, or they might be able to pick up on this.

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3 Tips From A Dating Insider On How To Make A Conversation Interesting Today

Maybe you can easily start a conversation with a woman. But what about keeping it going? Here are 3 tips from a dating insider regarding how to make a conversation interesting.

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Early Marriage or Late Marriage, Where Do We Fit In?

In this article, I'd like to focus on the tradeoffs of early marriage compared to late marriage. A few considerations about how we could cope with certain situations in both scenarios, coming both from my direct experience and from people around me. I hope this short read will give the reader some inputs worthy of thought.

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The Impact She Made on Me With Just Four Plain Words

FOUR words my wife said when she thought I was being proactive in the housework. "Are you being amazing?"

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6 Tips To Date Someone With Herpes

It's not a social stigma to date someone with herpes. You need to understand that the disease is quite common in the US, and around one in six people has it. Most people come to know about the disease when they suffer from a breakout of nasty blisters. If you want to date someone with this disease, you may want to follow the tips given below.

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Look Into The Mirror And Say You Complete Me

Does being in a relationship complete you? If so, what happens when a relationship fails? In this article we take a look at personal responsibility while in a relationship.

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3 Tips On How To Keep A Text Conversation Going With A Girl

If you're not sure how to keep a text conversation going with a girl, then the following tips and tricks will no doubt help you understand the bigger picture about it. Then you can get the upper hand in regards to conversation via text.

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Should I Tell The Truth?

To tell or not to tell. That is the question. Do men and women really care how many intimate partners you've been with? You may just be surprised at the answer.

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Can You Picture This?

Never gave much thought about my own Memorial Service Until This Happened. After George's Funeral, I began to Plan my own. Maybe I should do a CD and sing some of my old songs.

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What Can I Say To Prove To My Spouse That Our Marriage Is Worth Saving?

"My husband isn't all that interested in talking to me, much less in saving our marriage. We are technically separated. The great irony is that even he admits that I haven't done anything wrong. He says that we've just grown apart and that he doesn't feel the closeness. As a result, he doesn't want to live his life without the love and excitement that he thinks that he deserves. I have asked him not to be hasty in his thought process. I asked him to go to counseling, and although he hasn't told me no, he alludes to the fact that he believes it will be a waste of time. He sees our marriage as something that simply needs to be put out of its misery. I do not agree with this assessment at all. I know that we have a long way to go to restore our marriage, but I believe that if we both made the effort, we could honestly make it work eventually. The problem is that I just don't know how to get him on board when he's so very resistant to me. How do you convince your husband that your marriage truly is worth saving?"

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Relationships: Why Do Some People Come On Strong And Then Go Silent?

After one has met someone for the first time, they may find that they continue to show a lot of interest in them. And there is also the chance that they behaved in this way before they even met them.

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Why Dating Is Good for Teenagers

Socializing has always been of great benefit to humankind. For teenagers, it is a bit confusing because of all the changes they go through during puberty. Teenagers are often carried away very easily by their romantic feelings, but there are still so many benefits that teens can get from dating.

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I Think You Expected Too Much

A few days after my father passed away in august 2011, I went to Ibiza for just under two weeks. At the time I was in two minds about going away: part of me felt I should stay at home, and another part of me felt that it would be good for me to get away.

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Relationships: Do We Only Allow People To Treat Us As Bad As We Treat Ourselves?

If one was to come across someone who was in an abusive relationship, they might believe that this person is a victim. And, if this is the case, the person they are with is naturally going to be the perpetrator.

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