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My Spouse Insisted On Separating, Now He Wants To Come Home - Should I Let Him Off That Easy?

"I begged my husband not to move out. I knew that he was romanticizing being separated. And yet, none of this seemed to matter to him. He moved out anyway. And then, about four weeks later, he called me up and confessed that I was right and that it was a mistake to separate. He basically said that now he's ready to come home. My initial reaction is to either be relieved or to gloat. I can't forget how much I begged him to stay and how he all but ignored me. I've considered telling him that I am not ready for him to come home simply to teach him a lesson. He needs to take decisions more seriously - especially when they affect people other than just himself. Some of my friends say that I should just give him a pass for the sake of my marriage, but I hate that idea. It's like he just gets to decide our fate on a whim and then change his mind, while I just have to roll with the tide. His decision broke my heart, and I want him to realize it. I want him to learn his lesson."

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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