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My Spouse Wants Me To Be Patient During Our Separation, But I'm Finding That Nearly Impossible

"My husband pushed for a separation for almost a year before I finally gave in. So you have to understand that we've been going through this process for longer than the amount of time that we have actually been separated - which is just a little over four months. I feel like we have made a little progress while separated, but my husband feels that there is much more that needs to happen before we can reconcile. He is telling me that I must be patient. But I have to tell you that I am not a patient person. It is not in my psychological make up. I have a job in which decisions are made in milliseconds. I sprint for stress relief. Speed is almost a high for me. I am not one to sit still or watch TV or read a book. And my husband already knows this about me. I have explained this to him, but his attitude is that I must find a way to be patient because he will not be rushed. How am I supposed to be patient? That is like asking a vegetarian to eat steak."

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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