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Are There Any Tactics Which Would Make My Husband Give Me Another Chance?

"I will admit that I have always had trouble with lies. Most of the time, my lies don't really end up being hurtful. But sometimes, they do. Recently, I neglected to pass on information that my husband's family asked me to share. Frankly, I forgot about it and then, because I did not want to not look stupid, I told my husband that they never gave me the information. He found the email I deleted. I tried to feign ignorance, but my husband has dealt with my lies for years and so he could be pretty certain that there was no misunderstanding. I simply lied. He told me that he can no longer live with someone who lies constantly. He packed a bag and left. I heard from him a couple of days later and he is staying with one of our friends. I told him that I would change and that I would see a counselor to stop my lying. He said he doesn't believe me because I always lie and now I'm just making promises to trick him into coming back. I am truly serious about changing. How can I get him to give me another chance?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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