Do You Think That These Are The Best Solutions For Your Problem?

When Fear Meets Love

When fear pricks the heart it flies in the face of every message about love we absorb from the culture: that love should provide a safe haven against the storms of life; that love should be easy; that love and fear are mutually exclusive, and that if fear enters the picture it means something is wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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Best Dating Sites For Women

When we all consider what are the best dating sites for women, do we take into consideration that most dating websites are doing the same thing using the same format? Is the way women date online becoming a tired strategy?

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Boomerboys: The Top Ten Reasons That You Can't Get a Date

It's Friday night, and you just launched your weekend with a call to Pizza Heaven for your usual double-everything. You crack open a beer, turn on the TV, and vaguely recall a time when Friday night meant socializing. Dating. Now, the only person you'll talk to this weekend will be Frank the Pizza Delivery Guy. What's up with that?

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Truth for Living (Inspiration From Holy Scriptures)

In to-days' world, there is an inner search in the hearts of many people. It is a desperate search. It is a search for something. It is a search for Truth...

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Give a Piece of Your Heart

Our senses are direct lines to our memories. Certain smells can put you right back in your grandma's kitchen, or singing around the campfire. Then you are bombarded with the feelings you experienced there. Songs can take you back to a time with someone special, or a place with great memories. You can travel there in your mind with the music, can't you? All the memories may not be happy, but they are part of who you are today. Be grateful for them.

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My Husband Isn't Affectionate To Me At All - I Worry About The Implications Of This

"My husband never shows me any affection. It has been years since he has told me that I look nice. I can't remember the last time he touched me unless he was trying to get sex out of me. It would mean so much to me if I could get a hug that doesn't come before he wants to have sex. The second that he is nice to me, I know exactly what is on his mind because it is so out of character of him. Now, I don't want to be unfair and insinuate that he is cruel to me or anything because he isn't. He takes care of the household stuff that I don't want to do and he is a good provider. The problem is that I do not feel loved. I don't see that affection that is usually between happy couples. Sometimes, I wonder if there is someone else, but honestly, I can't see it. He doesn't show affection to the kids either so I know that I shouldn't take this personally. But I worry about my marriage. Because it shouldn't be this hard."

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Our Memory Is Eternal: Part II of II

When we arrived, we parked in front of the garage. And then we enter at the church. The Church, an imposing edifice, was absolutely beautiful, and the marvel of architecture, craftsmanship, and construction of this English Tudor Gothic style (or Perpendicular Gothic) was magnificent - reminiscent of castle-type construction from the Middle Ages.

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Tips to Maintain a Successful Marriage

A high-profile celebrity marriage can sometimes prompt us to reflect on our own relationship and its importance in our lives. Here are a few tips to reflect on, tips that can help us value and appreciate our marriage all the more.

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After A Few Weeks Of Being Separated, My Spouse Wants To Communicate - Should I Be Encouraged?

"I have been separated for only a couple of weeks. I did not want for my husband to go. He read some texts between my best friend and myself. I was mad at him at the time and I said some pretty awful things about him. I didn't really mean them, but once my husband read this, his whole attitude about me was 'well if you really feel that way about me, we should separate.' I don't really feel this way about him and I tried to tell him that, but he wasn't listening. He packed a bag and has been staying at a hotel. Today, he texted me and asked if we could meet 'to talk.' I am wondering if this is a good sign. I know that I can't and shouldn't refuse to see him, but I'm honestly afraid as to what he is going to say."

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Our Memory Is Eternal: Part I of II

Gloria was fifteen-years-old by the time that she left. I was her first love. She was my first also. We fell in love since we were thirteen. I remember that we used to pretend that we were sick to not go to school so that when our parents went to work, we could spend time together.

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The Coolest Things To Ask A Guy You Love

There is some thing to ask a sweet guy or girl you love and there is some questions people ask each other. Some of the questions that people ask end up breaking their relationships or marriages. It is the significant to cautiously the questions you ask your partner because it is more sensitive than you know.

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19 Bizarre Online Matrimony Sites From Across the World

Most of us have experienced a number of matchmaking services and dating/matrimonial websites in our quest of finding the perfect partner. But how many of you can boast about having come across some bizarre ones as well? Let's have a look at some peculiar matrimony websites, some unusual tastes and some outlandish desires and requirements.

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My Wife Is Amazing!

The beauty of life is when our hearts open to another suddenly. In a split second love fills the us with acceptance. The Divine within is seen and awe is felt in every essence of ones being.

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The Art of Online Dating Profiles

Maybe it's her smile or her sense of humor that's captured your attention. Perhaps it's a combination of her striking figure and confident disposition that leaves you speechless. Or, maybe you have no clue as to why you are attracted to her.

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Younger Women Dating Older Men

Are younger women dating older men because they are seeking a maturity they cannot find in someone their own age? Is it socially acceptable for a younger woman to pursue an older man. Has society driven this niche dating scene online?

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The Things They Didn't Tell Me About Marriage

No one can tell you about the totality of married life because so much happens that it would take almost a lifetime to describe it to a soon to be married person. Then along the way, they would forget most of what you would say, anyway. This three minute speech goes on to detail the unexpected parts of the speaker's married life. He concludes by saying: "Even if someone had told me about the totality of the marriage experience, I would not have understood. You need to be there and to do it to understand."

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My Spouse Thinks I Put My Parents' Well Being Before The Health Of Our Marriage.

"I will admit that I feel that my extended family is my responsibility. My mother is in ill health. So I take care of her and my father. I bought them a house right down the street. They moved from the home that I grew up in to spend more time with me and their grandkids. I would never turn my back on them. I feel like they are my responsibility. My problem is that my husband seems jealous and resentful of the time that I invest in them. He says that I care about them more than I care about him. He says that I put him last. He is saying that if he were to leave, I wouldn't even notice because I have my parents to worry about. He says that he doesn't want to be in a marriage where he is last. He is considering leaving me and separating. I am so hurt by this. I do not want to lose my husband. But I can't turn my back on my parents. I can't believe that he is acting like this. It is very selfish. I feel like he is making me choose."

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3 Mens Dating Mistakes To Avoid

Dating is not something you were taught about in school. Although there is training and advice available from many sources, most men learn by following others. What others are doing may be making mistakes themselves or sometimes doing things that work for them but will not work for you.

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If Love Is Painful

"I am ready for a new relationship", she said. "You may help me with this." "O.k. Tell me more about your past relationships," I asked her.

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Relationships: Is The Fear Of Being Abandoned Causing You To Put Up With People Who Are Controlling?

There is a big difference between wanting to experience a sense of control over one's life, and wanting to control other people. When one experiences a sense of control over their life, it means that they're not going to feel as though they have no control and as though they are a victim.

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Rising to the Humble Love of Kindness

If you could argue a case for love - the type of love - that makes the biggest difference, what would it be? Without a second's thought I'd say kindness.

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Love, Lust or Addiction?

Wonder whether you're in love or in lust? Are you obsessed because you're addicted or in love? Lust and love and addiction don't always exclude one another.

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When To Look For Marriage Counseling

With an ever-increasing rate of broken marriages, it is only fair for an individual to go for marriage counseling in order to make sure that his own marriage doesn't have to go through the same fate. A number of people find it awkward or even embarrassing, however, it is to be debunked that there isn't anything out of ordinary to go for marriage counseling.

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Wasting Your Life - Staying Together When Love Slips Away

It was 6:00 AM, again; time to start another day like the last day and every day. They rolled over and looked at each other; their eyes never met. Slowly, quietly and without fanfare, their love for each other had slipped away. Neither really saw the other. Their life was a routine. She to get the children up, rush to make their breakfast and he to get dressed for work and drop them at the bus stop. There was talk, but little conversation. Just two adults seemingly programmed to perform the same tasks every day at the same time in the same house. As the door slammed and the house grew quiet, she began the daily process of cleaning up and getting ready for her own job.

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Older Women Looking For Men Online

Are older women looking for men heading online to begin their search? Has society put too much pressure on older women to find love in person?

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Older Women Looking For Men Online

Are older women looking for men heading online to begin their search? Has society put too much pressure on older women to find love in person?

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6 Best Places to Meet Your Mr Right

1. Friends and Family. Friends and family love to play matchmaker.

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How to Move On After Being Hurt

One thing is certain for everyone chances are if you've been in a relationship youhave been hurt, you may also find that it is hard to move on. You want to move on and start a new relationship but you're not quite sure where to start. If so, here are a few steps you can take.

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It May Be Your Parents Fault That You're Single

Do you know that it may be your parents fault the reason that you seem to struggle with attracting Mr. Right? Before you get your panties in a bunch, I want you to think about something for a second.

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Enjoying Dating Even With Disability

In as much as disability has been accepted by the society, the truth is that a little stigma is still present. Fortunately, if you are disabled and looking for a good partner for a relationship, love and even marriage, it is now possible through disabled dating sites.

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Vegetarian Dating Made Easy for You

Vegetarians are on the increase and the fact is that most wish to find like minded dates. It can however be harder to find a date that has the same interests as you when it comes to dieting and food which is where dating sites come into the picture. You can now join vegetarian dating websites to meet and find Vegans and Vegetarians.

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Simple Tips To Make Your HIV Dating More Comfortable

Living with HIV calls for strength and positivity, but not everyone accepts HIV Positive Singles. Luckily, you no longer have to stress too much about your status and finding a date or a soul mate that understands and accepts you. This is all thanks to dating sites that are dedicated to singles suffering from HIV.

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Working Towards a Healthy Distance Relationship

Distance, especially if a long one, is a real drawback in a relationship. It could end up in a homecoming or simply drifting away. In most cases where distance is getting into a couple's relationship, both must do some effort to work it out. It always takes two to tango and when one is left on the dance floor to dance with the beat, everything will soon prove to be a real show just to humor the one that stays to watch.

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Five Signs That You're With the Wrong Group of People

One's happiness in relation to one's self value is unique to everyone else. There are loads of reasons to feel happy about. It could be that you've finally graduated from school, earning on your own, or maybe have been able to enjoy the things you've so long been yearning for.

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My Husband Keeps Leaving Me Because He Thinks We're Too Different

"My husband and I have admittedly had a rough time of it lately. My husband found out that right before we got married, my ex boyfriend came and saw me and begged me not to go through with the wedding. We spent a night together talking, going to dinner, and just walking, but nothing sexual happened in the least. My husband seemingly can not moved past the fact that I didn't tell him about this. So that was the first time he walked out on me. He came back after a couple of weeks later and said that he wanted to make it work between us. For about six weeks, every thing was OK. But then, we got into a disagreement about politics of all things and this escalated into a fight about how we are just different people and he stormed out and walked out me again. A week later, he came back. Again, for a couple of weeks, we tread water in our marriage. Then his mother made a nasty comment about me and I asked my husband why he didn't defend me. So once again, he left our home."

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Looking Through The Eyes of Love - Abuse Through A Child's Eyes

He was barely fourteen now; he stood staring at the rocks below, at the water that streamed over them and into the pools that formed just under the dam. He had spent a lot of time here, some just to think, some to fish and most times, to escape. He swallowed the hot tears that freely ran down his cheeks as he wondered why nobody, nobody, nobody cared.

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Love's Many Languages

Many of us don't realize that our attempts at making our loved ones feel loved are misguided. We just don't understand their "love language." This article will explain and clarify what "love languages" are and how to take the first step into understanding both yours and that of your loved one. This information could save your relationship.

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Don't Tell Your Crush You Like Him: Confusion Psychology

This is a conundrum often faced by women. Do you tell your new crush that you like him or do you just sit tight and wait for him to approach you? Well, the truth is that you should definitely tell him, but you can't do it directly because that just doesn't work.

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Why We Fall In Love

Many people believe that humans fall in love purely because it is a law of Physics. Everything comes in pairs, two of everything. It is possible that this age-old simple law is indeed behind everything? Scientists tell us that we cannot escape these laws that create our world. But is that the only truth? Is there more? Is there a reason for that yearning that cannot be quelled, for the search that must be completed to find the missing part of you, to complete you?

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Dating a Man With Trust Issues

Women aren't the only one with trust issues and men aren't the only ones who cheat on their partners. Regardless of our gender, relationship pain resulting in trust issues can happen to the best of us. Majority of men are people can't look to look past being cheated upon and an affair is a sure reason for them to end their relationships.

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Three Tips for Fun Things to Do on Your Next Date Night

There are all kinds of things to do on a date night. Whether you're looking for a low-key dinner date, a concert outing, the latest movie, or a stroll in the park, you'll enjoy your night out on the town if you coordinate ahead of time! Be sure to check out the following advice to plan your time away from home with your significant other.

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I Feel Like My Husband Is Forcing Me To Choose Between Him And My Child

"I honestly thought that this marriage was going to be smooth sailing. I suppose this is very naive of me. I love everything about him. The problem is that neither of us get along with the other's children. My kids are really struggling with the divorce. And I have always promised my kids that if they work really hard, I will pay for their college. I had saved money for this, but we used some of that money to make a payment on a bigger family home, since he has kids too. My new husband has to pay a substantial amount of child support, so he says we can not afford to pay for any of the kids' college. His kids text both him and me asking for material things constantly. My children never ask him for anything. Last week, my daughter asked for money for a homecoming dress. He said he only wants to be financially responsible for his own kids and that their father needs to pay for their extras. He says he won't stay married to me if this isn't the agreed upon arrangement."

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Is He Looking For A Relationship Or Someone To Casually Date?

Women ask me all the time, "How can I tell if a man is looking for a serious relationship, or if he just wants to casually date? What can you look for early on in dating to be able to tell so you don't waste time?" Here's how to tell and what to do about it...

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Marriage IS NOT A Hierarchy!

Many husbands and wives are suffering without reprieve. They are locked in a static paradigm that promises much fulfillment, yet they languish for want. Could it be that our understanding of the purpose of hierarchy in marriage differs from the Creator of marriage? What might happen in marriage if we couples adopted God's view? Here's what it looks like!

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How Horoscopes Matter: Marriage Successes

Today, men and women can meet through Indian matrimonial websites, set up a real-time meeting and get to know one another well, before tying the knot. Yet, why do we see such a drastic drop in marriages recently? Is it religious reasons or astrological ones that create marital discords? Perhaps a wise question to be asked, even in the 21st century.

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Technology and Relationships: To Connect Or Disconnect

Technology is neither helpful nor hurtful for relationships; it is how we choose to use technology that determines whether we harm or help our relationships. We need to examine whether we are controlling our use of technology or we are allowing technology to control us.

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The Best Way To Impress A Man

Let's face it: we're living in a world where pairing up with a desirable partner is a preferred status. Romance is touted, sold and advocated from every movie screen, magazine cover and novel. So how do we put our best foot forward in the dating world? How do we stand apart from all the competition that is out there looking for Mr. Right? The answer may surprise you.

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Relationships: Is Grieving Unmet Childhood Needs An Important Part Of Having Healthy Relationships?

While one can have the need to experience relationships that are fulfilling and life affirming, it doesn't mean that this is what takes place. Instead, one can end up in relationships that are not only unfulfilling, they could also be extremely abusive.

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Do You Make People Up?

Do you often see people as you want them to be rather than as they are? Has this caused you problems in your relationships?

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Online Dating Do's and Don't's

Many people go looking for love online nowadays. Adhering to simple rules will make it a safe and happy experience for all.

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Disabled Dating

Just because you are disabled doesn't mean you can't find love online. Dating sites that cater to the differently abled offer a welcoming and safe place to find that special someone.

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Do You Know A Connection With Another From The Soul Is A Soul Mate?

Soul mates have been corrupted and are reduced to lust and survival needs. However, true soul mates are a holy experience and mirror our divine nature, we don't own the mirror but regard the reflection with great awe and devotion! We need to prepare for this profound encounter...

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Relationships: Do Some People's Childhoods Set Them Up To Believe That People Can't Be Trusted?

It is important for human begins to work together, and this is because they're interdependent; they need each other. So when they're able to put their differences to one side and to find a common ground, their own lives are going to be a lot easier.

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What Women Should Know on How to Attract Men

So how do you attract men? This article contains principles that every women should know.

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Finding The One - Online

More and more people are finding love online. Is it easier or harder than the old fashioned methods that worked for centuries?

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Why Lie?

If you are looking for a meaningful relationship, why hide the truth? Be who you are--there in no need to lie!

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Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Be Grateful When Your Wife Complains

It's counterintuitive for husbands to embrace their wife's complaints. But skillfully fielding these complaints can make the difference between a harmonious marriage and an intolerable one. Married men can make their lives a lot easier if they learn to handle specific complaints the right way - their wives will love them for it.

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Make That Date

This article focuses on reasons people look to date. It gives us examples of what we think about as we consider dating.

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I Had Hoped The Separation Would Make My Spouse Feel Something For Me - It Didn't

"Knowing that I had no choice in the separation was the worst part about it. Being alone is no fun either. The only way that I consoled myself about this was with the thought that if I was patient and gave my husband a couple of weeks, then he was going to start missing me. I figured that I could deal with anything for a couple of weeks. Well, it has been two and a half weeks and my husband is mostly still avoiding me. We were talking on the phone last night and I asked him if his feelings about me, our marriage, or the separation have changed. His response to me was 'not really. I still need time. Nothing has changed.' This was incredibly disappointing to me. He needed time and I gave him that time and now I am starting to think that either it's going to be a much longer time until he comes back or he is not going to come back at all. And now I'm facing a situation where I have to tolerate this longer than I originally thought. I don't know how I'm going to fill the time."

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3 Things You Must Do Before Bringing Your New Boyfriend Around Your Family

It's time for the holidays, you've been dating this man for quite some time, and now you're thinking should you bring him to Thanksgiving dinner. Before you decide to bring your new man around your family, here are a few things you should think about: 1. The relationship that you're currently in is it serious and are you both working towards a long term relationship?

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Let's Talk About Stress and Dating

When you meet someone for the first time, you may be under extreme pressure to be on your best behavior because you want to make a good impression, especially if you are interested in pursuing a romantic relationship. But first you must get to know that individual, date him or her for a period of time and then try to create and maintain a healthy and fun experience, which can add more strain to an already demanding courtship.

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If It Was Your Spouse Who Wanted The Separation, Does This Decrease Your Odds Of A Reconciliation?

"For the past three weeks, my separated husband has finally started taking my calls. I know that this sounds like a little thing, but I have been absolutely ecstatic about it because before this, he was pretty much avoiding me. I was out to lunch with one of my girlfriends and I shared my happiness with her. Unfortunately her response to me was to say something like: 'I don't mean to rain on your parade or anything, but the chances aren't all that great that he is coming back. Just because he's taking your calls doesn't mean that he wants to reconcile. I might be more excited about this if you were the one who wanted the separation. But he was the one who initiated it. He was the one who wanted out. So that means your chances are much less that he's actually coming back.' This hurt me a lot. My husband was the one who wanted to separate. I absolutely did not want for him to move out and I did everything in my power to avoid it. Does this mean that the chances that he might come back are less?"

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Where Do You Start When Trying To Save Your Marriage?

Nobody said that marriage was easy but there are proven steps to save your Marriage if you are having problems. If you do nothing, the chances are that the marriage will fail. If you do something and take steps to resolve your marriage problems there is a much better chance that you and your partner can have a happy life together.

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How to Ask Women Out Over Text - The Right Way

Okay, so what exactly is wrong with the common text message guys use to ask girls out? Let's see:

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Know God, Know Love - No God, No Love

We cannot say we know God if we do not love others. The moment we entertain bitterness toward another person is the moment we jeopardise our faith.

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3 Reasons Why It Is So Hard to Move On

How can it be some people go through a break up and seem unfazed by the whole experience? They are able to maintain their motivation and composure while you have done the opposite.

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Blessed to Be a Blessing, Cursed to Be a Curse

The Christian life is the best life because we strive to be a blessing. Being a blessing produces joyous happiness. But the angry life is a dead end; it harms others and it harms us.

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Heal Your Broken Heart Permanently

Did your relationship break down and hurt you? Did it bring you a lot of pain, disappointment and loneliness. You are probably feeling all those feelings right now. That unhappy relationship has stayed in your mind and is etched there permanently. Many people can remember the emotional hurt from failed relationships for the rest of their lives. It hurts them and they remember things and negative memories circulate round their mind and they just can't seem to get rid of them

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Relationships: Can Toxic Shame Make Someone Feel Unlovable?

Human beings are interdependent and this means that relationships are a vital part of their ability to survive and to thrive. And while they need to have relationships with others, they also need to be in relationships that are fulfilling.

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October Is an Eerily Favorite Month for Marriage

Most couples give a great deal of consideration when it comes to deciding on a marriage date, which for more than half of them will take place in one of the four most popular months. No one would be surprised that the top three are July, August and June, but the close fourth may raise an eyebrow. One out of every ten marriages takes place in October, ranking that month ahead of eight others.

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Another New Relationship? Why It Will Never Make You Happy

Another new relationship? Feels good, doesn't it? But why will this one turn out any different? The fact is, that if you're not happy already, then no relationship can ever make you happy. Learn the truth about happiness in relationships and why you need to be happy first for a new relationship to succeed.

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How To Get A Man's Attention And What To Do

How to get a man's attention easily and fast. Learn exactly what to do to make him feel attracted to you now!

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Relationships Between Men and Women

This is to be an article based on relationships between men and women in regards to dating/friendship websites. The differences between single men and women dictate their eligibility for dating and possible marriage.

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Dating Is Now the Style of Romance in Modern Life

Dating is a trend of modern life, which is highly beneficial in selecting the spouse or getting a suitable romantic companion. It also helps people in knowing others of the society in a better way. Anyone from the teenagers to the elders can go for dating with their chosen dating partner.

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How to Save Your Most Valuable Relationship

Do you have problems in your relationship? Do you really care about it? Do you want to save it? Most individuals encounter some problem in their relationship at some point of time but if the problem continues unabated, you will need to look at it and try to find an amicable and lasting solution. So how do you save your relationship?

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The Right Way To Ask A Girl For A Dance

This is one of the most common problems that men encounter when they are trying to pick up women - how exactly does one ask a woman for a dance? Ask any of your peers and they might give you any number of suggestions. While there might be some good answers that you might get out of conventional wisdom, the reality is that no answer is the right answer to this type of question.

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The Trial, Error and Moral of Dating A Smart Witty Pistol Like Me Who May Have A Better Job Than You

The Trial: Victor. We met on a dating website, didn't converse much before he asked me out but what I did know that I liked about him was, he was a few years younger than me, likes to dress up in costumes, and is in Marketing. I told him I only go on drinking dates so we agree to meet at a pub.

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Don't Talk About This, We're Catholic

For the record, I'm not a religious person. It's not that I don't believe in God, I just don't believe in organized religion per se. But it won't ever stop me, from keeping a weather eye on the latest developments so to speak. Especially, if someone, somewhere manages to upset the apple cart of established thinking.

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Exposing Yourself to Yourself Is a Giant Step Towards Building a Successful Intimate Relationship

If you sincerely and all-heartedly wish to become able to develop a successful intimacy, you owe it to yourself to develop your Self-Awareness. No matter how many relationships you have had, and how many "experiences" you can summarize to yourself, it is never too late to develop Self-Awareness and to ensure a future blessed with a healthy and successful intimacy.

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I Would Do Anything For My Spouse, But He Isn't Always There For Me

"My husband is never there for me and I am sick of it. When he is sick or feeling down or trying to overcome something, then I am always his cheerleader, making him is favorite foods, tending to him, telling him that he's brilliant. But if I should need something from him, forget it. Last month, I got very sick and missed a lot of work. My husband didn't tend to me in the least. When I got back to work, I was fired. All I wanted was for my husband to tell me that it would be OK. He didn't do that. I feel like I have to carry the entire load and that when I stumble, he is not there to pick me up so I just have to struggle. I am starting to think that my life might be easier if I were alone. Because then I would only be responsible to one person. But I love my husband and I don't want to be middle aged and divorced. How can I get him to be there for me?"

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The Light Switch to Love: Presence and Permission

I get easily overwhelmed by too much to do, too many choices and too much information. When this happens I notice a shrinking energy and hear my inner child getting freaked out! The fallout of this tantrum leaves a frozen fog in my brain, a weak feeling in my solar plexus and a jumble of loud but inarticulate warnings.

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Older Women Dating Younger Men - "The Cougar Kind of Dating"

It's the dream of every man at some point in their lives to take up the challenge of dating someone much older than them. There's that uncontrollable urge to try it out regardless, of whether it works out well or not. And this cannot be rated as abnormal especially if one feels up to it and loves the person despite the age gap between them. We most often see older women dating younger men as an act that society frowns upon and to a large extent refer to these older women as 'COUGARS',which denotes older women laying in wait to prey on much younger men. But with the recent upsurge of globalization, this act has as a matter of fact, received an appreciable level of tolerance.

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Keeping a Husband Happy in Marriage

Everyone loves the beginning of something new; and when it comes to marriage, an exception cannot be made. That feeling of having the one person you love, cherish most and want to spend the rest of your life with, by your side, can be very exciting and extremely unforgettable. But when the toll of time begins to sink in; the stormy seas and tough times emerge, and this can be quite uncomfortable and somewhat challenging for most marriages. One needs to prepare him/herself up to face some of these challenges and make it work irrespective, or an entire dissolution of the union is inevitable, and that is something you should be avoiding.

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How to Find Your Perfect Partner on the Golf Course

If you want to understand someone's personality then look no further than golf, as during the course of 18 holes, character traits are bound to surface. For example, I once played a competition with a very pleasant, unassuming gentleman. His calm and peaceful persona was soon replaced with a highly competitive spirit as he immediately started giving unsolicited golf tips.

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Going on With Life After a Broken Marriage

It is really difficult to cope up after a broken marriage. It can turn our whole world upside down because of pain. However we can also learn from this experience and grow into a stronger person.

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The Memory of Love, Part 2

The desire to fall in love again is dead. Or have I lost my mind completely? If not, then how do I get a handle on such a suicidal ideation? It's better to rot in hell than fall in love again. It's hard to keep on going this way; with no hope of an absolution even. Memories keep on replaying endlessly in my mind. How many times of some "Therapy" would get me out of this morose situation? Thank you God for not answering!

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The Memory of Love, Part 1

This is how I made it count: I finished my harrowing scheduled shift at 3 o'clock and headed straight home to give myself some shringaar. I knew the day will come when I would meet her. I had bought an assortment of personal care products. First on my list was Denim perfume (my favourite, but they don't make that perfume anymore) and I reckoned that it's perfectly okay to indulge a little now that I'm going on a date - an important event of my life no less.

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If I Realize I Was Wrong About The Reason For Wanting A Divorce, Can I Change My Mind?

"My husband went back to his home town for a bachelor party and this started all kinds of trouble that has changed all of our lives.He assured me that he would be responsible. But one of his friends texted me a photo of him driving with a beer in his hand. I was absolutely livid. He is a father. And he was drinking and driving. He said he was just holding the beer as a joke. He admitted that he was in poor taste but insists he did nothing wrong. I immediately filed for divorce. A couple of days ago, my husband's friend who took the picture called me and said that the photo was a gag just to mess with my head and that my husband didn't do anything wrong. He said that I would be crazy to tear apart my family over a photo that was a joke. I was angry about this at first. But then I started to think about it. And if the picture really wasn't indicative of my husband drinking and driving, then maybe I want to rethink my divorce. Can I change my mind?"

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How Does Being in "Love" Affect You?

A person privately messaged me and asked if I believed in "true love". After I responded to them, I felt that they may be more people out there who would like to hear how a hypnotist feels about "true love". We supply the word love with meaning.

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Does Playing Hard To Get Still Work Nowadays?

In this day and age, does the old "playing hard to get" strategy still work if you want to make someone fall in love with you? This tactic might seem like it is oversaturated nowadays, but rest assured that playing hard to get still definitely works if done right.

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Three Things Every Man Should Do for His Wife and Family

When you learn to take your place as a man, husband and father, it will go a long way to offer confidence for the children. It will also help you to raise a good family that you will be proud of.

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How Popular Is Marriage?

On the one hand, it looks as though over recent years the numbers of weddings has actually increased, rather than decreased as predicted by those gurus in the mid to late twentieth century. Yet it's important not to get too carried away by that one fact because that also reflects an increase in our country's population.

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Dating Advice For Men (Relevant To Women): How Long To Wait To Contact Someone You Like?

Dating tips for men: Do not wait too long to call/text gorgeous pistols like me... I will forget your name within... read on to find out.

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If You Could Write Your Own Novel About Dating, Would It Depict a Success Story?

Whether you have had many or some dating experiences, and whether you are in a bad relationship or have stopped looking for one out of despair, it is time you get a handle on what stands in your way from finding and cultivating a successful intimacy. The first step you need to take is to understand what stands in your way; how you might have sabotaged your attempts at relationships. Such understanding paves your way finding and cultivating a serious intimacy.

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The New Way to Find That Special Someone: Online Dating

Did you know? Educated women are more likely to marry than ever before! Also, studies showed that college-educated women are not only more likely to marry and stay married, but they are also more likely to report happiness in their marriages than any other group of women.

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Smothered Or Abandoned: Do You Alternate Between Feeling Smothered And Abandoned?

Human beings have the need to reach out and to connect and the need to pull away and be by themselves. This is normal and the amount of time that is required with another and by oneself is naturally going to vary from person to person. It can come down to what is going in their life and how they feel; at certain times, one might want to connect with others and at other times, they may want to spend more time by themselves.

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How To Overcome Arguments And Power Struggles In Relationships

When you're in the middle of an argument or power struggle, conflict resolution is often counterintuitive - what you should do is often the exact OPPOSITE of what you feel the most compelled to do in the moment. The good news is, there are specific skills you can learn to dismantle arguments and help overcome power struggles in your relationships. Learn these three Conscious Communication Skills here.

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Slow Down - The Difference Between Love and Infatuation

Romantic love is not as simple as people think but at the same time,not so difficult.Though there is no clear cut way to find 'true love',there are steps that can be taken that can create a loving and lasting bond.

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5 Red Flags To Look For On A First Date

Five red flags to look out for when going on a first date. This article is about key points to look at when you are on a first date with a woman.

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PUA Texting: How To Engage Women

Texting is an important part of modern dating. Unfortunately most men are terrible at texting, leading with boring conversation and turning off potential mates. In this article we look at improving texting, to build a connection, and create excitement and tension that propels the interaction towards a date.

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What Ghosts Are Haunting You In Your Relationship?

You don't experience the love you deserve in your relationship? Find out about the ghosts of your childhood and how they can influence your relationships.

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Get Him To Open Up And What Arguments Reveal About You and Your Man

Do you not know what he's thinking because he never tells you what is going on? Get him to open up with these tricks!

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How To Get Him To Be With You And Give You More Attention

How to get him to pay attention to you. It's not easy, but it can be done. Learn today!

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Why Is He Emotionally Distant? What Men Mean When They Ignore You

Why does he stop talking to me? Find out why men give women the cold shoulder and how it affects your relationship now.

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Handsome Pool Man and the Curse of Attractive Men

Do your knees turn to jelly in the presence of an attractive man? Does your confidence melt like ice cream on a hot pavement? Me too! This is what I have learnt from those experiences, and maybe, just maybe it will help us both when those melting moments arise in the future...

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5 Signs That You Are Too Hard to Date for Filipino Girls

Sometimes when you're having bad luck in your love life you look at yourself and can't seem to understand what it is that you are doing wrong. Am I right? This is very common, but do not despair! There is no better time than 'the now' to be productive and prepare yourself for online dating. There are countless of wonderful Filipino girls out there that are waiting to meet a guy like you.

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4 Tips On Doing What You Say You Will

Many of us put personal integrity high on our list of values but very often it gets toppled by the demands of day to day living. Every time we don't carry through something we promise to do we loose just a little bit of faith in ourself. That's why it feels so bad. But we also often compound this problem by not doing what we say we will to ourself. Somehow we justify that it is OK to firstly promise ourself something impossible (like never eating chocolate again)

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I'm Discouraged By My Separated Spouse's Immature Behavior

"I know that this is going to sound a little harsh, but my husband's behavior during our separation is absolutely repulsive. He is acting like a teenager with acne. Sometimes, whenever I call him, I can hear silly movies or cartoons playing the background. The other day, I came over and he had a bunch of guys over and they were eating pizza, drinking beer, and playing video games. He now spends his Friday nights going out to sporting events and staying out until all hours of the night. It's really annoying. I have been wanting my husband back during this entire separation. But lately, I am starting to have my doubts. To be quite honest, I want a grown man back, not a teenaged boy. Why is he acting this way? And will he ever stop?"

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