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If It Was Your Spouse Who Wanted The Separation, Does This Decrease Your Odds Of A Reconciliation?

"For the past three weeks, my separated husband has finally started taking my calls. I know that this sounds like a little thing, but I have been absolutely ecstatic about it because before this, he was pretty much avoiding me. I was out to lunch with one of my girlfriends and I shared my happiness with her. Unfortunately her response to me was to say something like: 'I don't mean to rain on your parade or anything, but the chances aren't all that great that he is coming back. Just because he's taking your calls doesn't mean that he wants to reconcile. I might be more excited about this if you were the one who wanted the separation. But he was the one who initiated it. He was the one who wanted out. So that means your chances are much less that he's actually coming back.' This hurt me a lot. My husband was the one who wanted to separate. I absolutely did not want for him to move out and I did everything in my power to avoid it. Does this mean that the chances that he might come back are less?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from


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