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How Do I Make My Husband Realize My Value?

"I don't believe that my husband sees my total worth. I am better educated than he is. Before we had our children, I actually made more money than him. But after we had twins, the day care was so expensive that it just didn't make sense for both of us to work. I was willing to take a break from my career. I don't regret doing that. What I regret is that this has changed the way that my husband sees me. He no longer consults me about our finances. He used to talk to me about things that happened at work. Now he seems to act as if I couldn't possible understand his career. He seems to think I've dumbed down since I've become a mother. I am seriously disturbed about this. I worry that he doesn't respect me or see my worth so that he will eventually cheat. Or I worry that I will eventually get sick of not being appreciated and leave. Either way, I feel like our marriage is in trouble. How can I make him see my worth?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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