Do You Think That These Are The Best Solutions For Your Problem?

The Close Relation Between Romance and Delicious Foods During a Date

When a girl goes for dating with her boyfriend for the first time, she may feel confused in deciding the foods and drinks to enjoy the occasion. Normally, a dating couple chooses a popular restaurant or hotel as their first dating site and the foods may play a vital role in cementing their new bond further. Hence, all the options for selecting the menu of the dating couple are discussed in this article, which can be beneficial for anyone hoping to make her dating totally successful.

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Tips for a More Enjoyable First Date - What Men Should Know

Dating should be fun but for most people, first dates make them anxious maybe because they want everything to be perfect. A terrible first date could ruin your chance of creating a wonderful relationship with your date and so you want everything to be perfect to have a great start. First dates can be stressful if you do not know what to do. The following tips can be very helpful if you want a more enjoyable first date.

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Tips in Dating Younger Women Successfully

When men are getting older and still single, there aren't many women their age still available for them and so they can't help but date women half their age or women in their late 20s or early 30s. For men in their 40s and those approaching their 50s, dating younger women is something they cannot avoid. Of course, they are more than happy to meet younger women, not to mention younger women are more appealing, exciting and attractive.

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If I Act More Confident, Will It Bring My Separated Husband Back?

"I admit that I have put my own helplessness and dependance toward my husband on full display. I have wanted him to see me struggling. He left me and I feel like, at least in part, my struggles are his fault. His selfishness and his mid life crisis brought this on. And he just carelessly left me to clean up his mess. I resent it. I can't pretend that I don't. But when I bring up how hard it is for me, he will literally shut me down with his words. He doesn't want to hear it. I am angry with him, but I still want my marriage. However, every time we interact, I feel like I am further and further away from focusing on my marriage in the way that I should. I am considering dropping all of the struggles and acting strong, confident, and capable. If I am able to pull this off, will he come back?"

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What To Do When Life Doesn't Go According To Plan

You know the extremely organized among us who make lists for practically everything under the Sun? Well, I used to be among them - I was a serial planner and a perpetual list maker. I always had ideas and plans up my sleeve and my own life was the grandest of them all, driven by personal ambition and passion. Funny thing, a couple of years down the line and I am nowhere near where I planned to be; infact I am so off-course, you could say I am living a completely different life altogether!

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How To Get The Most Out of Dating

Dating can be much more fulfilling when a couple openly and honestly communicates realistic expectations about their relationship. The goal is to foster healthy thinking as a preventative measure during dating that can lead to positive practices and outcomes within a relationship. Seven strategies are provided to help couples think cautiously versus carelessly about dating with a purpose.

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Why Marriage In India Is A License To Rape

In a nation like India where sexual violence is viewed as a matter of utter disgrace and hatred, the law still accepts that this type of brutality is unrealistic in the institution of marriage. The foundation of marriage, as accepted in Indian culture and society, suggests that there is no requirement of assent between a male and female to have physical relations. Kanimozhi Karunanidhi, DMK MP, recently speaking in the lower house of the parliament of India has asserted that more than 75% married ladies in Indian society are subjected to conjugal assault.

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God's Job Description and Ours - We Love As He Loves Us

THREE divinely appointed roles. It makes life much simpler for a Christian to be faithful, to both their faith and to all their relationships, when they can hold this pithy sixteen-word statement (in the article) in the tensions of their consciousness.

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Discover the Common Mistakes in Handling Money Issues in a Marriage

Are money issues causing a rift in your marriage? Marriage is a relationship that comes with a lot of challenges. One of the challenges that couples have to deal with is the issues about money. The wrong handling of money issues in a marriage could result to financial arguments and this could lead to more serious marital problems or worst divorce.

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4 Dating Tips To Help Men Be More Likeable

Guys, are you having problems with dating and finding a girlfriend? Maybe it's not them. Maybe they don't like you or aren't attracted to you for several legitimate reasons. Read about 4 tips that can make your more likeable.

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3 Painful Mistakes You Might Be Making In Your Marriage

Is your marriage blissful or lifeless? If it's blissful then no need to continue reading. If it has got room for improvement, perhaps avoiding these 3 mistakes will help keep your marriage together.

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The Commitment and Cost of Unconditional Love

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is a thing that is only best exemplified in God. Human beings may aspire to unconditional love, and certainly parents - in most cases - find it inherent in their love for their children.

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Why We Love Those Sexy Lovin' Lies

"You're beautiful... I can't keep my eyes off of you, I've never felt this way before, You're so sexy, I think I'm falling in love with you... " Oh, those sexy lovin' lies we love to hear from someone we may have known only a few short hours. We allow ourselves to be mesmerized by the words we have longed to hear; and so we close our eyes and fantasize.

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Should Have Kept Loving You

How different our lives would be if we could live it looking through the rear view mirror! Even the happiest relationships can become fragile and vulnerable, crumbling like sand falling through our fingers. We watch and still may not see that all that we believed in is slipping away. How did it happen? Why didn't we see the danger before us?

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What Is True Love? Relationships and Counseling

People often use the term "true love", yet it is often used to describe a very conditional tie between two people. For the sake of illustration, let's say there are two types of love; Conditional love and the unconditional love. With conditional love there are conditions that need to be met.

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Husband, Do You Want Your Wife To Have The Same Affections Towards You That You Have Towards Her?

Husband, are you ready for your marriage to be more than it is now... and better than it is now? Let's talk about that...

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Love of a Father

My father was a college English professor. He taught John Steinbeck and Nathaniel Hawthorne and Flannery O'Connor and many other great American writers. I grew up with a large framed picture of William Faulkner hanging on the family wall.

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Responding to the Shooting in Charleston

Hate Kills - Last Wednesday night during a Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston S.C. a 21-year-old white young man slaughtered nine people. The hatred that led this young man to massacre men and women merely because of the color of their skin can't be called anything other than evil. There is no other way to describe such a shocking act on innocent people.

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Why Has Online Dating Gained Popularity?

Online dating is not a buzzword anymore. It has been around for quite a few years and is an extremely popular option of finding the right partners. Quite naturally, millions of articles have been written on the possible reason of such meteoric rise in the popularity of online dating. This article, however, sheds an entirely different insight on the readers and users of online dating websites where the key issues have been addressed at a far more deep level than usual.

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Should I Take A More Laid-Back Approach During My Separation? Should I Just Wait And See?

I will admit that I am all up in arms over what my husband is doing and thinking during the separation. I like to keep tabs on him and that when we are together, I am full of questions. The other day, I was asking him for about the millionth time what he thought would be happening in our marriage six months from now, and his response to me was: 'have you ever considered just taking a wait and see attitude? Because neither of us can possibly say or predict what is going to happen.' He wants me to take a step back and agree to just wait and see. I sort of take offense to this. We are not talking about something like the stock market where I'd be willing to wait and see. We're talking about a family and a marriage. And I feel that it is very irresponsible to take just a laid back attitude about it. Don't most separated couples do a lot of work during their separations like go to counseling? I think his idea is crazy and even if I agreed with it, I don't know how I would ever carry it out."

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The Mystery of Online Dating

A cynic view of online dating. How does an orthodox person perceive the world of youths? The article tries to solve this curiosity of people. The modern era and its strange habits!

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The Best Way to Attract Your Soulmate

I came to realize that I was so desperately wanting to find a partner that could make my life complete and make me happy that I had forgotten the most important person in that equation. Me.

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Relationships: Is Being Able To Grieve An Important Part Of Being Able To Receive Love?

When someone spends their time around people who have an open heart, they are likely to appreciate being around them. Whereas, if they were to spend their time around people who were the complete opposite; there is the chance that they will feel uncomfortable.

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What Does It Mean When Your Separated Husband Still Wants You In His Life?

"My husband and I have been separated for almost three months. For the first week, we did not speak at all. When my birthday came and went, he did not even ask to spend the day with me and he only bought me a card. So as much as things have deteriorated, I was honestly very afraid that we would be divorced within six months time. Well, I was very surprised when my husband asked me to dinner a few weeks ago. I made a comment at dinner that if we were to eventually divorce, I would miss having him in my life. His response to me was: 'I always want you in my life in some capacity. You are too important to me not to be.' Should I be reassured by this? Or does it mean nothing?"

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Your Life's Partner Should Also Be Your Biggest Fan

As we proudly surveyed our wondrous work, painting our W purple for Alzheimer's awareness, I proudly looked at my husband. Although he could have spent Father's Day resting and watching sports, he spent busy hours helping me with this driving project, Now that is love and dedication. And he is, without a doubt, my biggest fan!

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Intrinsic Healing

If we are to prosper and grow, we need to be connected to God and to one another. This connection fuels our transformation and causes us to blossom and bear fruit. Many times we find ourselves in a state of barrenness because we think that we can survive without other people.

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First Outing With Your Date

Outing with your date or beloved could be quite exciting. Exciting outings can be expensive as well as relatively affordable. It is advisable to serve a dinner or an ice cream to make the outing a perfect one. Next you could exchange some interesting topics to excite as well as hers to crave for your ultimate desire.

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3 Of The Best Sites For Bisexual Singles

Are you bisexual and looking for a dating partner? You should try your luck online. If you are wondering which are the best sites that you should go for, here are some of the best ones: Bisexual Scene If you don't mind the gender that you date, this is the site for you. The cool thing with the site is that it allows you to create your profile without paying any money. As a free member you will not only be able to create a profile, but you will also be able to upload images, receive instant messages and search other singles in your area

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Three Reasons You're Using a Bad Online Dating Site

Not all dating sites are worth your time and money. Discover three reasons why you may have to change your dating site.

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Muslim Matchmaking: 3 Key Issues to Consider When Dating Arab Women

Dating Arab women online is now more popular than ever across the world. Muslim dating has moved up to the next level in matchmaking technology to equal the trend in the Western world. But there are some important cultural considerations when aiming to date an Arab lady.

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Relationships: Do Some People Analyse Others In Order To Avoid Themselves?

While it could be said that there are some people who are highly curious, it could also be said that there are others who are the complete opposite. This is not to say that this is something that is black and white; as there are going to be people who fall into the middle of the spectrum.

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Funny Dating Headlines - This Will Caress Your Brain and Feed You Some Laughs

If you lack the creative sophistication of rustling a funny headlines out or are frozen to a serious side of your heart, these headlines will get you ready - with the rapidity of a two-minute noodle. Happily oblige and, for sure, failure will never come about and luck will remain in the "Joyland"!

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Important Tips To Consider When Dating A Bisexual

Are you bisexual? You should highly consider online dating as there are many benefits that come with it. One of the benefits is that you tend to have an easy time finding your ideal partner. When you visit online dating sites you will find many men and women looking for bisexual partners and all you need to do is to find the one who is ideal for you.

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My Husband Won't Discuss How Long It's Going To Take For A Reconciliation

"When my husband moved out, he assured me that this should only be temporary. I truly wanted to believe that this was going to be a short change. But it has now been six weeks. My husband hasn't had any conversation with me about a reconciliation and I am getting tired of waiting. Last night, I asked him to share a time-line with me, but he resisted. He said he can't offer me any time-frame. He acts as if I am trying to force him to do something that he doesn't want to do. So I tried another tactic. I asked him if he could guarantee me that the separation wouldn't last for any longer than three more months. He said that he hoped that it wouldn't, but he could not make that type of guarantee. I feel like it is too open ended. Why will he not give me a time-frame for a reconciliation?"

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On the Outside Looking In

This is about being lonely when you're a part of a crowd. Feeling like you're on the outside looking in.

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How To Help Your Marriage Survive The Empty Nest

What can help your marriage when the nest is empty and you find it difficult to spend time with your spouse? Don't let your marriage slowly fade away just because you don't feel like you love or are attracted to your spouse anymore. You can survive the empty nest and I'd like to help you do so.

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Why Feeling Valued Is Central to Our Everything

The heart of the matter is this: feeling valued is central to our happiness, joy and contentment of life, because it provides life with all its meaning. The meaning of life is understood when a life of meaning is undertaken.

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7 Reasons to Exercise Grace in the Toughest Relationships

Ever notice that some people tend to press our 'fury' button easier and more regularly than others? In all this is the reminder, "God's not finished with any of us yet." Here are some reasons to exercise grace.

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7 Ways to Master Love in the Marriage Relationship

Marriages need love in order to survive and thrive. And love comes in so many shapes and forms it's impossible to set rules around it. But these seven ways will help people master a sustained love in their marriage relationship.

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Question of a Second Marriage

"Everybody deserves a second chance" - We all have heard this oh-so-many times in our life. But where does all this justification disappear when the topic of a second marriage comes into the scene? A second shaadi in the Indian context is still not a welcomed scenario. Take a stand and do not hesitate to make the aforementioned justifications for second marriages. Live your life the way you want it to live it. We give you the following reasons as to why there is nothing wrong in a second marriage.

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How to Plan Your Picture Perfect Shaadi - Now, Smile Please!

One needn't go on Bharat Brahmans to find the one who's tailor made for them. With the entry of Professional matchmakers and matrimonial websites in the game, finding one's match has become as easy as a Google search. Moreover, the classic matrimonial advertisements in the country are ever present if need be.

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Scared What You See Looking in the Mirror? Looking at Your Inner Self Might Help Your Relationships

You might not like get older, looking at yourself in the mirror. But in order to succeed in dating and develop a successful relationship, you may want to devote more time looking at your inner-self, develop self awareness and understand how to get empowered to find and develop the intimacy that you want.

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The Three Things That Are a Must Say to Your Husband

You would be delighted if your husband were to be a chatterbox, unfortunately men are not. It is the common complaint of many a wives these days. Husbands prefer to silently suffer than to go public about their woes.

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How to Talk to Girls Series: Dressing

Learn the important nuances behind how to dress in order to meet, attract, and win over women. Topics cover outfits, fit, and where to find resources to help you find your own style.

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Where to Meet Good Men

When you are looking for love it can be very difficult knowing how to go about it and where to meet good men. Although there are men around you everywhere, the vast majority of them will be unsuitable in some way, either because they are already attached or because they have absolutely nothing in common with you whatsoever.

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Why Does My Separated Husband Come Over All The Time If He Truly Doesn't Care About Me?

"For the last four weeks, my husband has come over for dinner every Friday without fail. I find this very surprising, considering that two months ago he basically told me that he didn't love me in the way that he should. Because of this, he felt like we should separate. I flat out asked him if he still cared about me and he didn't exactly go to any trouble to tell me that he still did. For the first couple of weeks of our separation, I didn't hear from him at all even though one of my family members became ill. Then, a little while ago, he started calling me and asking how I was. He seemed legitimately interested. Then he invited himself to dinner and he has been repeating that process ever since. One Friday, I had other plans and so he asked if Saturday would work instead. But it was clear that he didn't want to forgo seeing me that week. He seemed to want a separation because he felt sure that he didn't care about me anymore. Now he is clearly wanting to spend time with me. Is this the behavior or someone who doesn't care?"

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Understanding the Reason to Forgive

PEOPLE who hurt people with no remorse: we can feel genuinely sorry for them. This is not about silly, illogical sentiment; it's just that they have no idea. They have no idea the hurt they cause, for if they did - if they really knew - they wouldn't have done what they did, and they wouldn't do what they do.

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Emotional Orgasm

In a world where people are constantly looking for a new and improved method for achieving a physical orgasm, the idea of an emotional orgasm is given short shrift and considered to be somewhat a myth. However, the concept of an emotional orgasm has been instilled in each of us since the day we were born.

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How Can I Make My Husband See That It's Necessary To Rebuild Our Marriage?

"Our marriage is actually awful. A couple of years ago, my husband put up some money in the stock market. Needless to say, we lost the money. Not only did he have to tell me what he did, but a little digging told me that this was not the first time he'd made investments without consulting me. We lost our home because of this. I can't tell you the stress this put on our family. Well, as a result of all of this, one of our kids went through a really bad time and made some awful friends and started participating in risky behaviors. My husband and I had to band together to get our child back on track. We noticed our child did better when he saw us getting along so we've been back together ever since. But our marriage is not like it used to be. I've mentioned this to my husband and I have asked him to work with me to rebuild my marriage. How do I show him that it would be worth it to rebuild our marriage?"

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Looking for Love Online - 5 Popular Dating Services

In time of digital technologies people tend to learn while using time more efficiently than they used to do. The same thing is about personal life too. That's why every day the quantity of users of online dating services increases in geometrical progression. But competition also grows and it makes a choice of a proper website even more difficult.

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Self-Love Vs Selfless Love

Have you ever been confused about the boundary between loving yourself and also being loving to others? This is what Rosanna is struggling with. She asked: "How do I know where the boundary is between self-love and the selfless love I need to provide for my child?

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Three Signs Your Spouse Might Want Out Of Your Marriage

If you had asked me the above question ten years ago, I would have thought it was silly. I would have thought something like: "what do you mean how do you know if your husband wants out of your marriage? You know because he will tell you. You'll know because he will start looking for another place to live." At least this is what I used to think back when I was very naive. I used to foolishly believe that wives whose husbands want to leave the marriage know this without any doubt. I used to think that it wasn't a surprise when a man left. Until it happened to me. Now I realize that there were signs - but I missed the severity of them because I was under a huge amount of stress and because, well, I probably just didn't want to see it.

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Examples of 1st Text To Send a Girl

For many the 1st text sent to a lady can make or break any future communication. This articles helps keep the communication going.

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When Push Comes to Love or a Hug

As you return to your workplace, regardless of your position, eyeball your crew as you decide which works best for your team. A push and a shove; love and a hug. I believe the latter will produce the best results.

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How to Pick Up Girls at the Bar - The Surprising Truth About Seduction

Using teasing as a form of attracting a woman. Makes things playful and helps in seduction.

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Online Dating Profile Do's and Don'ts

We all deserve to be in a loving, passionate and rewarding relationship. Online dating is an area I see many struggle with. Did you know that today 1 in 6 marriages meet online and that 1 in 3 couples now find love on the internet. In this fast-paced social media-dependent world we live in, we now rely on the internet for so many things, so it seems logical to use it in our quest for our ideal match. The most important part of online dating is getting your profile right. Get it wrong and you will be overlooked or worse hounded by weirdos. Here are a list of online profile do's and don'ts. Online Dating Profile Do's and Don'ts

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Do Men Start Avoiding You After the First Date

You meet someone you like, have a few conversations over the phone, go out on a date to never see him again. You don't know why this happens to you every time but one of the most common reasons for this can be low self-esteem.

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How Do I Make My Husband Realize My Value?

"I don't believe that my husband sees my total worth. I am better educated than he is. Before we had our children, I actually made more money than him. But after we had twins, the day care was so expensive that it just didn't make sense for both of us to work. I was willing to take a break from my career. I don't regret doing that. What I regret is that this has changed the way that my husband sees me. He no longer consults me about our finances. He used to talk to me about things that happened at work. Now he seems to act as if I couldn't possible understand his career. He seems to think I've dumbed down since I've become a mother. I am seriously disturbed about this. I worry that he doesn't respect me or see my worth so that he will eventually cheat. Or I worry that I will eventually get sick of not being appreciated and leave. Either way, I feel like our marriage is in trouble. How can I make him see my worth?"

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5 New Dating Rules You Need To Know Right Now

In this new and ever changing time the world of relationships and dating can seem a daunting thing. If you have been out of the dating scene for while make sure you know the rules of dating to give yourself the best chance of finding that special person.

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Love and Effectiveness

Being effective means things are functional and efficient. Jobs click along, responsibilities are met in a helpful, successful fashion, and contentment reigns. Sometimes it may seem that matters roll automatically with little effort or forethought, however, true effectiveness requires planning and organization.

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Relationships: Do Some People's Childhoods Set Them Up To Attract People Who Are Unavailable?

Even though one can have the need to be in a relationship with someone who is available, it doesn't mean that this takes place. Instead, they can end up attracting people who unable to be there for them.

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4 Tips for Playing The Dating Game

Many women get upset when I refer to dating as a game, I guess they take the process very seriously. It's no joking matter to them! But neither is basketball, football or any other game to the athletes involved. Similiar to sports, the dating game too has winners and losers.

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Stop Being Just A Fling To Him

It is not a rare thing for a woman to hear a man tell her that she was nothing more than a fling to him. In many cases, this is communicated by actions, and this can hurt much more.

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My Spouse Doesn't Seem Interested In Reconciling, What Now? How Do I Get Him Interested?

"I am out of ideas on how to reconcile with my separated husband. I have asked him on dates. I have asked him to attend family functions. I've invited him to school functions. I've come over to his house unannounced wearing nothing underneath a coat. I've picked fights. I've tried being nice and I've tried being mean. Nothing works. I want to reconcile so badly. But I'm not sure how I will ever accomplish this when he is not interested in anything at all when it comes to me."

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Exploring the Sexual Time Frame of a Dating Relationship

The ultimate focal point and the coveted goal of a dating relationship is the point where sex can take place without regrets or remorse for the idealistic encounter. Inevitably, when you take part in the dating world, you will come to the question of just how soon you should let things progress to a more intimate level. This is, of course, just a mild and polite way of saying you will need to determine when the time is right to engage in sex.

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How to Pick Up Girls at the Bar - The Basics

A quick overview of how you can set yourself up to get with a hottie. The method is very simple.

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Believing in Others

We each have special aptitudes that set us apart just as we have commonalities that draw us together. In recognizing these and gleaning the best from all sides, we become stronger, more cohesive, and more effective. When you believe in yourself, you can undertake almost anything and be quite sure that success will reign.

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