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Why Does My Separated Spouse Become Very Sad When We Have Sex?

"My wife and I are separated. I was the one who wanted this. I still love my wife and I have told her so. But our problems are many and I just want some time away. I hope that we will ultimately be able to save our marriage, but I have no way to know if this will be the case. I told my wife I would understand if she wanted to limit our contact while we were separated, but she didn't. She asked to get together regularly and she has initiated sex many times. I worry about what it means that we are still having sex, but I am not going to turn her down. She has been crying during sex much of the time. I always tell her that we don't have to do it if it's going to upset her. But she says she doesn't want to stop. She says that she just gets emotional and I am reading too much into it. Why would a separated wife cry during sex? Should we stop this?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from


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