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If Your Spouse Is Unhappy And Wants To Leave Your Marriage, Does This Make Them Selfish?

"I am not going to pretend that my husband was secretive or dishonest about being unhappy because he wasn't. He said from the start that he wanted this separation because he just was not happy in his life. The separation only seemed to increase his discontent with life. I actually thought that this might be a good thing. I had hoped that he would see that his unhappiness had nothing to do with our marriage. That's why I'm so surprised that he's now telling me that he wants a divorce. He says he's asking for this because he just isn't happy being married. I so badly want to reply that he just isn't happy in general and that until he changes his expectations and way of thinking, nothing is going to change that. Plus if I am being honest, I don't think that just generally being unhappy is a valid reason to end a long marriage and break up a family. My husband's selfishness is going to negatively effect my children. I think that people who seek divorces because of general unhappiness are kidding themselves. I don't think that this is a valid reason to get a divorce."

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from


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