Do You Think That These Are The Best Solutions For Your Problem?

What Do I Need To Make My Separated Spouse Believe So That He Wants To Reconcile?

"I have only been separated for three weeks, but it feels like forever. I can't say that my husband and I are on bad terms. We aren't. And I'm very grateful for that. It's just that he doesn't know if he wants to be married anymore. He's respectful and nice to me, but he's not sure if he is still in love with me. I am trying to do the right things during the separation. But truthfully, I don't always know what those things are. What makes a man want to reconcile? And how can I make my husband feel those things?"

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Preparing for Modern Day Love

Preparing for Modern Day Love and a partnership commitment as we mature are based on different priorities and emotions than before. When we arrive at this juncture in our biography relationship happiness now becomes a major focus of what we want a relationship to bring us."What does relationship and happiness look like?" and "What qualities are required in another and in myself to help me achieve my relationship goals?" These become important questions to ponder as we prepare for love.

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Who Should Pay on a Blind Date?

Dating is confusing and frustrating especially in the beginning. Each party tries to put their best foot forward but at the end of the date when the bill arrives the stress level shoots through the roof as you stare at that leather folder. Ever wonder who should pay on a blind date? Here is an idea!

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Finding My Footing

Life has a funny way of teaching us life lessons. I learnt my lesson in the most painful way possible way but it was for the best. I am at my happy place right now despite thinking that I would never recover.

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I Can't Say Anything Without My Spouse Manipulating My Words And Starting A Fight

"I don't know how to characterize what my husband and I are going through. I asked him if he considered us separated and his answer was 'not yet. Right now we are just on a break.' The main reason that we were not doing so well in our marriage is because my husband insists on twisting anything I say to make it look as if I am complaining or trying to engage him when I'm not. I can commit that something we are about to buy is expensive or is a hit to our budget and my husband will respond with 'are you saying I don't earn enough money?' I can tell my husband that I woke up tired because I had a fluke night of bad sleep and he will ask if our marriage stresses me out so that I am not sleeping. Honestly, it does not matter what I say. He is going to turn it around to start a fight and to make me seem like the bad guy."

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What My Puppy Taught Me About Expectations in Relationships

On our first day together, my puppy taught me about the expectations in relationships. We all go into a new relationship with huge expectations. These only set us up for failure and disappointment. Managing your expectations will free you from getting caught up in heartbreak, frustration and distress. As you might already know - relationships don't always go as we plan!

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Kissing Cements a Relationship

First Kiss - My friend vividly recalls his first kiss with his wife a decade ago. They were sitting on the couch in her dad's living room and as he leaned over to kiss her, he lost his balance and fell off the couch, pulling her down with him. This was because he was so nervous and tensed up.

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Those Who Belong To Us - Holding Lightly, Loving Freely

There is a small group of people who are our special ones: our partners, children, and other loved ones. It is usually not more than a handful or two of individuals over a whole lifetime. They are our dear ones. Somehow, they belong to us and we to them. We didn't really choose them but nor did we not choose them. We recognize them as belonging to us. This "belongingness" gives love a certain stability, permanence, and resilience. However, it is also the great precursor to possessiveness, demandingness, neediness, and general pain-in-the-arseness.

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I Finally Got My Separated Spouse To Try To Reconcile, But It Didn't Work

"My husband and I separated because I felt that he was having an inappropriate relationship with someone at work. He denied this, but his behavior toward me had changed. So I felt it best if we took a little break. I honestly did not expect for the break to last for very long. But weeks would go by without us talking. But I missed him so much that after a couple of weeks of his begging, I relented and came home. Right away, things were tense and awful. I packed my bag and went right back to my aunts. He isn't me begging anymore. When I do talk to him, he's in a hurry to get off the phone. Now I fear I've made a huge mistake. By leaving the way that I did, he's now free to pursue a relationship with the other woman. Essentially, I gave her free reign to come and take my husband away if that is what she wants to do. Should I just come home unannounced? He didn't ask me to leave. I did that on my own. My fear is that if I come home, things will be tense again."

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Under My Skin

Losing yourself inside of someone who never cared about you is worse than losing someone you care about. I am sad and wallow in my own darkness. I don't want or need someone else. I want him. Unfortunately I don't think he even cares and notices how I long for him.

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How To Make A Guy Like You - 5 Simple Tips

So you've got your eye on someone. Or maybe you don't and you're just wondering how to make a guy like you for the next time a good one comes along. It can be confusing to know just what to do.

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I Am A Pastor AND A Hypocrite

As a pastor I would be a liar if I said I wasn't a hypocrite every now and then. Perhaps a little more often, actually.

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How Will They Miss You?

How will they miss you? What is that you do now within your family that makes you indispensable? How do you operate in your community that people value you so?

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Tips for a Killer First Date

When going on a date with someone for the first time it's important to know what to do and what not to do. It's important to know what is good to do and what not to do during your first date.

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Beach Wedding Photography - Tips for Planning Beach Weddings

Summary Plan your beach wedding by choosing a time that optimizes the lighting for the selected location. To get nice beach photography with an ocean view background on a west facing beach plan to start your wedding just as the morning sun can fully light up the wedding site. You will avoid "Frankenstein" & "Bridezilla" eyes, plus as a huge bonus, you get to run right off and enjoy your "Honey-noon." You'd be like a "Honeymooner" but a wee bit sooner! Later that night you can then enjoy your second Honeymoon.

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The Pursuit of Love!

What we all seek in life is a soul mate, someone to share your life with! But even if we find a life partner, it takes a lot of hard work, dedication and consistency to sustain a healthy relationship. Mutual sacrifices must be made and patience is the key to success.

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To Truly Love Is to Be Vulnerable

Let's rethink this: Is vulnerability is a sign of courage or a sign of weakness? Do we like feeling vulnerable? Not at all! But can you really live and love without being vulnerable? Nope. To be human is to be vulnerable. So, maybe we should view it as a good thing... a very good thing. When I see others who stand up for what they believe, admit their wrongs or accomplish something unbelievably inspiring, I respect them all the more. Pause a moment and recall past experiences that caused a feeling of vulnerability. Were they times of weakness or courage? Taking chances, reaching goals, doing the things you dreamed about yesterday each take some level of vulnerability. Read this inspiring article knowing that we have to be vulnerable; so, why not embrace it with the best attitude possible?!

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How to Get a Girlfriend for Beginners

Here are some great ways to find a girlfriend for you single guys out there. Try this ideas out and get yourself a wonderful girlfriend today!

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How to Solve Problems in Your Relationship

Do you have problems in your relationship? Read this great article to help you deal with this issue.

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How to Deal With a Bitter Man

Have you ever had to deal with a bitter man? Read more here for tips to help you.

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Have You Ever Said "I Just Don't Feel Like Dating?"

Have you ever found yourself saying, "I just don't feel like dating?" You're not alone read this article to find out more.

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Tips For The Martial Reconciliation After The Midlife Crisis

"I want to be clear that I am so relieved that my husband's mid life crisis appears to be over. One day, my husband woke up and said that he could not live another day in drudgery. His new mantra seemed to be that 'life is short' and so he only wanted to live a carefree lifestyle doing only what appealed to him. Because of this, he told me that he wanted to separate and focus on himself for a while. He did make an effort to see our kids, but he cut his ties to me. Recently, he called me crying and he said that he made a huge mistake. He said that he feels lonely instead of free. He does appear to be his old self. The other day, he asked me if I would one day consideration a reconciliation. I have some hesitations. I know my husband probably saw other women while we were separated. So I find it hard to believe that he suddenly wants to go back to the life he called boring when it appears he had a life that was much more suitable to him."

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How To Impress A Girl - Secret Tips Every Man Should Know

Are you looking for great tips on how to impress a girl? Great, you have come to the right place. Check out this article and also get a copy of a guide with additional tips the average man will never know.

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Marriage Can Be Made in Heaven With the Help of Astrology

A marriage whether love or arranged can become that made in heaven clich? which has been going on from time immemorial. The study of birth charts of the two individuals gives a realistic understanding about the personality of the individuals, the traits and also the way the life is headed. The matching of the two birth charts will give knowledge of the things which are common between them the challenges they are bound to face, and also guide on ways to overcome those challenges.

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Do You Have To Fit In?

Behind the house, there were some hills covered with green grass and huge trees that gave shade when the sun was hot. The air was clean and fresh. I took a deep breath; it felt like a blessing after having spent all summer in Barcelona's sticky and humid heat.

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Is It Because of Microwaves or Marriages?

What are the levers that impact society most? The levers with the most impact may be the ones we take for granted. In fact, some of the biggest problems may be the result of short-term solutions that are never questioned. While marriage and microwave ovens bring many benefits to society, they both present challenges that are rarely noticed. This article peels back the layers and outlines one possibility for how they impact each of us. Be prepared to think that which you may have never thought.

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How to Forgive Anyone Anything

Long held resentment was the number one cause behind my breast cancer. But wasn't my anger justified?

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The Wonders of Love

Love make wonders. I can't believe that loving again has a healing power in my broken heart.

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Smart Career Women Can Have Conscious Relationships

Why bright, career women often become fools in love? They have been ashamed to admit that they placed a high IQ over EQ only to later realize how much damage this has caused their intimate relationships.

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Top 5 Old Fashioned Dating Tips For Men That Actually Work!

Old Fashioned Dating Tips for Men - Try this one out for me. Do a quick Internet search for the phrase "dating tips for men" and tell me what you come up with. If you did it right, you will end up with a bunch of web pages telling you at least a hundred different tips and tricks to use on a date.

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We Love Falling In Love

For love, we will cross the sea, walk across the desert and climb the highest mountains. Without love the mountains would be unclimbable and the deserts unbearable. Love permeates the soul of society, both in the past and present.

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5 Tips On How To Shoot Perfect Beach Wedding Photos

Beach weddings are common with couples who want to exchange vows surrounded by nature. If you are the photographer in such a wedding, it's your responsibility to ensure that you capture all the special moments and produce perfect photos. If you are asked to take beach wedding photos, here are tips that you should consider in order to make perfect shots:

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Wedding Photography Lighting Tips

Lighting is very important in photography as it's the one that determines the mood of the photograph; it's the one that determines whether the photo will be dramatic, serious or playful. Due to this, it's paramount that you put a lot of emphasis on lighting. If you are taking wedding photos, here are lighting tips that will be of great help to you:

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Is Control an Issue in Your Relationship? You May Want to Mind Your "P's and Q's"!

Is your relationship out of balance? Is there a feeling of discomfort and you just can't put your finger on the problem? Mind Your P's & Q's is another way of checking our relationship with our significant other to see if control issues are a problem. POINTS of awareness when identifying control issues in our relationships, and QUESTIONS to ask ourselves as we work to practice self-control rather than controlling our partner or allowing our partner to control us. Consider these "P's and Q's" in an effort to bring your relationship back into a balance that is both healthy and rewarding.

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Healing the Heart Chakra With Reiki

What is the nature of the Heart Chakra? How can Reiki help me with emotional and relationship issues?

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One Easy Trick to Instantly Turn a Guy On and Make Him Want You

If you want to learn a fun, low-investment body language hack to instantly make yourself more sexy and mysterious to any man, take on this 3-minute read. You have these qualities in you; learn to showcase them with one simple motion.

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Is Grieving Unmet Childhood Needs An Important Part Of Letting Of The Fear Of Abandonment?

It is said that it is not possible for someone to be abandoned as an adult, and how this would only apply if they were a baby or a child. However, just because one is an adult it doesn't mean that they will no longer feel abandoned.

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Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do

The reality of this life is harsh. We are likely to need to suffer the fool gladly. That person is trying their best to love us, even if, in doing that, they transgress love.

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Free Dating Websites: 3 Things You Need To Know About Online Dating

Free dating websites have become the meeting points for people without time to meet potential partners using the normal ways. If you are one of the people thinking of joining online dating sites with the aim of finding a dating or a marriage partner, here are a few things you need to know about the dating sites: Don't gauge your self-worth on your online dating success - The golden rule of online dating is that you should contact as many people as you can in order to increase your chances of hearing from someone. While this is...

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Free Online Dating Sites: The Different Types Of Dating Sites

Free online dating sites have become very common in recent times. This is due to the fact that many people are coming up with different types of sites. Some of the most common types of websites include: Relationship oriented sites These sites are designed to bring together people with similar interests and personalities. Most of the websites are free to join; however, you will be required to give a lot of information about yourself. This is to enable you to thoroughly introduce yourself to potential partners.

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Do You Fall Into These Love Traps?

Love traps - if you fall into them they may hinder you in creating a fabulous relationship. Find out about some common love traps and how to avoid them.

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Tips To Have A Successful Blind Date

If you have planned for a blind date, you must be filled with a mix of emotions. Most of the people look forward to this date with a great hope and prospect, but there is still some fear about the date not being good enough or not being liked.

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Basic Safety Tips for Online Dating

Those who use online dating services have to trust their instincts when they are examining other profiles, or when they communicate with someone online. Always try to trust your instincts when it comes to first appearances. If something seems to be too good, then it probably is.

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How To Create/Write The Perfect Profile

Creating the perfect profile for use on any social media platform is the most stressful job encountered by people. Intriguing and attractive profiles are the result of many attempts at self-promotion and learning from other people. It is not an esoteric gift by the gods of dating, employment, or others overseeing the web activities of humankind. The steps to having an attractive and universal profile is the result of looking at things in ways no one else does.

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Does Unconditional Love Exist?

I have often wondered if unconditional love really exists. After a couple of relationships, I've analyzed my behavior, and have finally found out what I think that unconditional love is.

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Find Love Easily With Niche Dating Sites

The word "niche" sounds as if it were borrowed from the business world. After all, you trade in a particular niche. Niche dating sites are the new trend in online dating and have gained popularity because it is an easier way to connect with like-minded people or to find a specific type of person you would like to associate with. Before we get down to enlisting the benefits, let's first understand what a niche dating site is all about.

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Relationships Beyond the "New Relationship" High

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day about relationships. He was sharing about how relationships are so challenging and such work. I understood his perspective. I began to explain how with many of us after the excitement of a new relationship starts to fade, the really juicy shadowy pieces come up. Our little girl and little boy, all the conditioned patterns from upbringing and family start to surface. I completely understand. When I am present with myself, I can clearly see when my little girl wants things a certain way.

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My Husband Keeps Changing His Stance On Wanting To Divorce Me

"About three months ago, my husband told me that he wanted a divorce. I panicked and I begged him not to do this to us. I told him that we should go to counseling and do everything in our power to save our marriage. He said that he would think about it and he sort of dropped the topic for a while. Unfortunately for me, I was happy to just drop the subject. So a little time passed and now he is bringing up divorce again. I asked him why he seems to keep changing his mind. He says that he is not really changing his mind. He says that he's always thinking that we should get divorced but he isn't always motivated to go through with it because he's knows that it is going to cause a lot of pain and expense. On the one hand, I am hoping that he keeps right on thinking this way and doesn't pursue a divorce. On the other hand, I don't want to just ignore this problem and find myself divorced later. But I am not sure how to address this when he can't seem to make up his mind. What now?"

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Yes, I Know What I Want in a Man!

When I was young and single, I was eager to find the perfect man to make my life complete. An older, wiser friend of mine, took me under her wing at a time when all my relationships were ending in disaster. She taught me the best way, a life altering way, to attract the kind of man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. While I never would have used her method on my own, today I know her advice was priceless! My story shares just how I found my 'happily ever after'...

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Rules of 6-Pack Dating

I am very goal-oriented, and I read my affirmations every morning. So, it was pretty easy for me to round up my perfect "6-pack.

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How To Save Your Husband From Your Family

How wonderful would it be if all the relationships in our life just clicked together perfectly like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle! When our families get together on holidays or for some functions, how we wish we could gossip with our sisters, spend time with mothers and enjoyed our family reunions without any stressful background track running in our minds over and over again. However, in reality, many family gatherings, dinners and parties which ought to be full of warmth, love and joy turn out to be uncomfortable, stressful and full of cold hearted confrontations. Because now we do not come alone, we bring our spouse with us, and even in the best of families there resides one person who can make everyone else (your spouse included) uncomfortable.

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Being Separated From My Spouse Makes Me See How Much I Need Him, How Do I Communicate This?

"I honestly hate feeling so needy because of my separation. Since my husband has been gone, it is as if our entire family life has imploded. My son is having issues at school. Our roof is leaking. My husband's mother calls me on a daily basis digging for information. My husband used to drive my kids to school while I would pick them up in the afternoons. He no longer does that since he lives across town. My kids' school is forty minutes away. This means that I spend three hours carpooling every day. Then I have to come home, make dinner, help with homework and get my kids to bed. I am not sure how much more of this I will be able to take. I realize now that in some respects, I took the help that my husband gave me for granted. I now realize how much I need him and I want to tell him this but I am afraid that if I do, I will just sound desperate. And I know that he will not see this as attractive. How do I tell him I need him without sounding pathetic and needy?"

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HIV Is Not The End Of Finding Love

Stigma associated with HIV can make singles suffering from this disease shy off from love and relationships. Most times, a healthy partner will run off on finding out that you are HIV positive. Is it the end of love for you? Definitely not. HIV dating is the answer!

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3 Amber Flags About Women

Not another "red flags about women" article! Find out 3 flags to keep in check when meeting new women.

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Christian Matrimony: The Process

The ceremony ends with the couple giving their consent to the marriage, exchanging rings and sealing the rituals with a kiss. There are legal documents to be signed as well, usually taken care of by the matchmaker or matchmaking services or some family member.

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Relationships, Married Women, and The 3 Types of Wives: Which Type of Wife Are You?

In marriage, women often fail to recognize that they have an unseen power to help to strengthen their marriage. While every marriage has its share of problems, as women we can decide how to respond to every situation. Our response determines what type of wife we are. There are 3 types of wives which include: the Complaining Wife, the Misguided Wife, and the Committed Wife. Read this article to determine which type of wife you are. Then learn what you can do to improve your marriage.

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Online Dating Sites - What Makes A Good Dating Site?

Online dating is popular mainly because it breaks down the barriers of meeting and mingling with singles from beyond your location as it is usually the case with offline dating. Through online dating sites, dating opportunities are opened across the borders making it possible for singles to choose whom they would like to date and from which area. Basically, the chances of finding the kind of a person you have been looking for to get into a relationship with are made easier and possible by these dating sites. But you must make sure that you choose a site that has the full potential to offer you the results that you desire. That said, what therefore makes a good reliable site?

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Are You Stuck in One-Way Relationships?

One of the common complaints I hear from my clients is that they listen well but they end up just listening and never being heard. This is the issue that Ginger wrote to me about. "I often find myself trapped in the role of being a good listener and of not being able to be honest about my own needs to be heard.

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My Spouse Is Telling Everyone We're Separated, But He Never Informed Me Of This

"I can't pretend that I didn't know that my marriage was on thin ice. I did know. And I suspected that a possible separation or divorce was on my horizon. I figured that I probably had a couple of months to try to make things better before my husband talked about moving out. It's hard to make improvements though because my husband avoids me. He comes home from work, eats his dinner in another room, interacts very little with me and then sleeps in our guest bedroom. The other day, we were at a function for his work. I know many of the people. I was absolutely shocked when one of my male coworkers approached me and said that he was 'sorry to hear about our separation.' I told my husband what his coworker said. I assumed that the coworker had misunderstood something my husband had told him. My husband's response to me was: 'we are pretty much separated. I thought you knew that.' I absolutely did not know that. This is all news to me. "

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5 Helpful Rules for Online Dating

Online dating sites have been able to help many single people wishing to find a partner for a long-term and committed relationship. There are many types of dating sites, from single parents, seniors, Jew, Catholics, Christian, and so on.

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Online Dating Tips - Asking Questions

You have managed to create a profile on a dating site, and you already spotted a potential catch. But you have no idea how to approach him/her and strike a conversation. What can you ask a stranger in the first messages that you send on an online site of dating?

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Checklists to Keep in Mind While Planning a Wedding Abroad

Its important to know a few things when you are planning a wedding abroad. Let's guide you through some of these tips.

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How To Stop Analyzing A Man To Bring Him Closer Than Ever

If you've ever found yourself analyzing a man or trying to "figure him out" - here's what you should be doing instead. This will build a deep attraction with a man, inspire him to pursue YOU, and bring him closer than ever.

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Altruism Vs Egotism

Our modern society is one of selfishness and self-centeredness. Most of our thoughts surround ourselves. Altruism is a conscious concern for he welfare of the whole of humanity. This article compares the outcome of both attitudes.

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When You Want It, But He Doesn't

When you want more "sex" than he wants, it does not merely reflect your issues in the bedroom or your sex-life. Issues about not having the sex or intimacy you want start outside the bedroom and go back to thinking we can't get what we want in our love life.

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How To Start A Dating Website And Make Money From It

Research has shown that 35% of singles are regular net surfers. This means that by creating a dating website you have high chances of making money from it. Although, this is the case, you need to do the right things in order to be competitive enough and make money. Some of the things that you need to do include:

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It Is the Relationship Journey That Counts

Today in a client' session I heard myself say: A happy relationship with your partner might be your goal but it is not the purpose of (relationship) life. Let me explain.

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Here Are 7 Marriage Tips For Newlywed Husbands

For the newlywed wife, here is a great article that you can share with your husband. This article will share seven marriage tips for newlywed husbands and how they can improve and strengthen your marriage relationship.

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How To Save A Marriage In Trouble

Are you, your partner or both of you are thinking about or threatening divorce? Is your marriage is not what you expected and does the love you once shared feel like it has disappeared? How can you save your marriage?

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Having No Financial Communication Will Cause Problems in Your Marriage

There are many causes that will lead to divorce. The one topic that I am going to share with you today is that if you do not have any kind of financial communication, it will cause problems in your marriage.

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Disadvantages of Dating Older Man

Dating or marrying an older man can have many merits, but there are still several potential disadvantages. For instance, an older man is less likely to tolerate changes to his life. Instead, the older man probably has an established and well-organized routine that has worked for him for years, and he doesn't want to alter it.

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Friendship Between Spouses

Spouses need to be friends. When spouses are true friends, only then the marriage lasts longer. A friend is one who brings out the best in you. A friend doesn't hate. A friend respects. When spouses respect each other, love emerges.

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Online Dating Services and Their "Romantic Links"

Dating services abound on the Internet just like online games and other social networking sites do. Unlike social networking that involves many people sharing opinions, views, data, pictures and even selling their skills, online dating services offer 'private spaces for two people on the web'. It may be compared to online matrimonial services but there is a vast difference between the two.

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How Your Love Life Will Drive Your Professional Life Forward

But sometimes, these combinations of dry air and liquid water drops called clouds come by and block the sun's visibility to you. When the clouds appear, you miss out on that glorious feeling of vitamin D which comes onto your skin and into your body, restoring and repairing every cell you have in the process. It doesn't matter if it is spring, winter, summer or fall; whether you're lying on the beach, or having a quick bite between meetings on a sunny afternoon; the sun really, is always there, giving everything it has to give to you.

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What Makes You Vulnerable to a Narcissistic Partner

Have you or anyone close to you been involved with someone who has Narcissistic Character traits? Have you ever wondered what makes someone more vulnerable to attract such a partner? How would you prevent from getting involved with another Narcissist? This article will discuss how someone becomes vulnerable to a Narcissistic Partner.

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Is Your Relationship Sitting On A Ticking Time Bomb?

There is an insidious factor that creeps into 85% of relationships and begins to choke the life out of it. It has caused more unhappiness, break-ups and divorces than any other element between two people who claim to love each other. What is it? Read on...

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What My Netflix Addiction Has Taught Me About Love

Here's what I learned about love as I watched Season One of Peaky Blinders on Netflix. It's amazing what a good drama on love, morality, and decisions can teach you!

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I Think My Spouse Is Trying To Make My Life Miserable So That I'll Willingly Move Out

"There is no doubt in my mind that my husband wants a separation. He is always saying that we are not a good match and that we are not compatible. However, I can also tell that he worries that he has invested a lot of money into our house and he is afraid of losing financially in the event of a divorce. I know that he doesn't want to be married to me anymore. But he doesn't want to abandon the house. So he keeps telling me that since I've always complained about the bigger size and the upkeep of the house, then I should find myself a cute little apartment. He says that he enjoys taking care of the house but he knows that I don't. Clearly, he wants me to be the one to leave him. I don't care about the house but I do care about my marriage. I don't want a separation or a divorce. It hurts me that he is trying to push me out. But I wonder if we even stand a chance when he doesn't want to live with me anymore. He cares about the house more than he cares about me."

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Real Love?

Real Love Feels Warm. Real Love is Inviting. Real Love is Comfortable. Real Love is Safe.

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Women Seeking Women

In a very judgmental world, women seeking women have an uphill battle in their pursuits for love. Besides the disapproval from some friends and family, some lesbian women have the social pressure from the general public to contend with. Has the pressure from society pushed women seeking women online?

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A Man's Game

Dating being a number game for men may be fun, but lessons will be learned as they grow old. Valuing women and taking dates seriously are just the first steps of manhood. A man who aims to sleep with women until he grows old will most likely end up alone. Dating several women is not a bad thing. In the end, dating being a number thing depends on every man's perspective.

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The Husband Is Mine

The Husband is Mine is a short story of spousal inheritance. Chelule, a rich man, has lost his wife, Mize. Her clan elders resolve to replace her with one of her sisters. The ideal choice by the clan is Kadogo who has just finished school and is unmarried. But her older sister Chiku, has other designs. She abandones her husband and seven children to scuttle the marriage and overthrow her youngest sister.

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Marriage Tips For Wives Trying To Save The Marriage

Are you weary and weeping for a better marriage? I don't have any magic solutions but these 3 marriage tips might help you.

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My Spouse Says He May Be Open To Returning Home One Day, But Not Yet

"I have worked so hard to be patient and upbeat during my separation. I did this because I felt like I needed to do whatever was necessary to keep the possibility alive that we could save our marriage one day. I was thrilled when I started to see some progress. I felt like I'd won the lottery when my separated husband and I went on dates. We started cuddling and being intimate again. Against my better judgment, I started to get my hopes up for a reconciliation. I wasn't over reaching. He had been talking about it himself. That's why I was so shocked when my husband said that he wasn't coming back home. At least not yet. He did immediately stress that he was open to saving our marriage one day. We have gone out together since this conversation. Things seemed a little off between us, but not too bad. I guess I am just wondering if people really do save their marriages after their husband hesitates to come home."

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My Spouse Says There's No Making Me Happy So He Left

"Last week, I came home to silence and to nothing. My husband wasn't there. I began texting him to ask where he was. Eventually, he texted me back to say that he is staying with his coworker for a while. He says he thinks we need to live apart. I asked him why he would do this and his response was: 'no matter what I do, I can't make you happy.' We seem to be at different stages in our lives. I want to focus on my career and start a family soon. And my husband acts like he's still in college - going out with friends and showing up to work tired the next day. I admit that I am not happy about this, but that doesn't mean that I'm not happy in my marriage or happy with my husband. But, when I try to tell him this, he acts as if he just doesn't buy it. I can't insist that I was completely happy because I wasn't. When I try to insist that I was happy enough, he disagrees. What now?"

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