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What Changes Does A Separated Spouse Want To See In Order To Move Back Home?

"I am not going to say that I kicked my husband out, but when he started complaining about our marriage, I actually encouraged him to move out for a while. The reason for this is that I almost feel like he was testing me to see if I would beg him to stay. The thing is, I believe that the changes are absolutely necessary. My husband has gotten very complacent in our marriage. I have repeatedly told him that he has to do more and that he has to treat me better. This has mostly fallen on deaf ears. I pushed for him to move out, thinking that this would teach him a lesson. He did move out. And we have missed each other. And if I am being honest, I want him to come home. But I worry that he hasn't met the conditions that I set forth. And if I let him come home, then he will never meet those conditions. I want him home very much, but I'm concerned that the changes just won't happen once I allow this."

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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