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Is Passive-Aggressive Behaviour Destroying Your Marriage?

Anne's marriage to Francis has always been up and down during periods of financial strain, yet what really kills their closeness and connection is their passive-aggressive behaviour towards each other. Whenever he is upset about something, instead of communicating what he feels or dealing with the issues, he punishes everyone by distancing himself and by giving Anne the silent treatment. Anne then retaliates (again by not saying anything) but instead telling everyone what a bad husband he is and by not cooperating. She stops cooperating by refusing to do things she normally would for him. Like turning down social invitations they had. Anne has even gone as far as refusing to go on holiday with him, make dinner when cooking for the family or no longer getting his side of the family birthday presents. Typically the passive aggressive husband or wife will punish their spouse without admitting that they are angry. The positive in all of this is they were open to seeing their patterns and willing to make a change. Anne and Francis were willing to listen, take responsibility for their part in the breakdown of the marriage and reverse their behaviour...

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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