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My Husband Never Defends Me Around Other People - He Never Takes Up For Me

"I never let anyone bad-mouth my husband. I always defend him. The other day, my mom commented that he had not been very helpful when it came to my son's birthday party. I immediately informed her that my husband had worked nearly two days' straight and that he offered to help, but I told him to get his rest. However, when the roles were reversed, he did not do the same for me. I heard his mother criticize me at that same birthday party. My anger would probably be petty if this was the first time that this has happened. He really never stands up for me. At least not anymore. He will not join in the criticism, but he never shuts down the person criticizing. It makes me angry and it hurts me. I feel that it is your duty to have your spouse's back. Even when I don't agree with my husband, I always have his back. Always. It makes me wonder if he loves me as much as I love him. It makes me wonder if he is weak and cowardly. I don't respect this about him. And I want to change it. How can I?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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