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I'll Never Understand How My Husband Can So Easily Consider Leaving Our Marriage?

"My husband and I have known one another since we were about five years old. We have been through everything together. I am very close to his mother. We have been married for over ten years, but we have been vital to one another's lives for much longer than that. But for the last year, he has become distant and cold. Now he says that he wants to try a trial separation. So he packed his things and loaded up his car. I am lucky if we talk every other day. And when we do talk, it is as if he rushes the conversation. It's like he can't get off the phone fast enough. Which is completely ironic because my husband and I used to talk for hours. What I truly don't understand is how he can walk away so easily from a lifetime relationship. Make no mistake about it. My husband is the most important person in my life. I would never willingly cast him aside. He is my best friend. And yet, that is exactly what he has done to me. And I don't understand it. Does he just not love me as much as I love him?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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