"I feel like such a superficial jerk. But lately, I've been very bothered by my husband's appearance. And none of it is his fault. He's had to go on medications due to a medical condition. And this has made him gain weight. The great irony of this is that I'm no great beauty myself. I used to be very insecure because I figured people always thought we were mismatched. My husband was so handsome and I was just average looking. Because of this, I felt like I had this huge catch. And now my husband isn't that handsome man anymore. Now we're probably much more evenly matched, which you would think would make me more comfortable. But no, I worry about it. I find myself shopping for clothing that will make my husband look more attractive. When I gave him some of these clothes, he asked if anything was wrong with his old clothes, and he seemed hurt. The thing is, I'm not normally someone who cares that much about looks. I am so disappointed in myself for being this shallow. Why is his appearance so important to me? And how can I stop this?"
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Do You Think That These Are The Best Solutions For Your Problem?
How To Trust Again
I received the following question about how to trust again: "My husband and I remarried after we both got divorced and went through a number of relationships. I have been hurt a lot but tried to end all the relationships in peace so when I met my husband I felt alive and saw him as my right great man. And he is actually great in many ways.
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20 Things That Say You Have a Good Husband
Wives have certain expectations about their spouses. The list may vary depending upon the persons. In this article, we are listing out what women expect from their husbands. It is not an exhaustive list.
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Dating - Then and Now
Turn to Page 3 or the gossip column of any newspaper or daily and there is bound to be an interesting news item of an impending engagement of a celebrity or at the very least some gossip about 'who's dating whom!' Dating or the social practice of a couple being seen in public at social gatherings and events has been in place ever since humans became a civilized society of people. It is the precursor to 'sexual selection of a partner'; much like how other species find partners or mates.
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from Relationships:Dating Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2blUCXS
Pros and Cons of Dating and Marriage
Someone likened dating and marriage to a road trip! The reasoning is obvious; planning and execution are needed to make a success of any venture. While dating it is necessary to be cautious and careful giving considerable thought and attention to where it leads, it is the same with marriage, being well-informed, prepared and aware of the pros and cons is absolutely vital.
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3 Steps To Figuring Out How To Talk To Girls In The Daytime
There are a few steps to take when considering learning how to talk to girls in the daytime. It's not complex, it just takes a little bit of effort...
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The Secrets of How To Talk To Girls On Facebook
If you want to learn how to talk to girls on Facebook, you just need to know a few secrets. These secrets will help you out.
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Signs To Tell If A Girl Likes You
If you're looking into how to tell if a girl likes you, it's obvious that you may not know what to look for. That's not a bad thing. There are a lot of different signs that you may want to look for in regards to getting the right information...
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Never Run Out of Things To Say To Women
Talking to women is not a complex thing. However, many find themselves at a loss. If you don't want to lose sight of the big picture, you need to consider learning how to stop running out of things to say to women.
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3 Things To Help You Become More Confident With Girls
One of the sexiest things that a man can have, according to women, is confidence. This is also something that millions of men do not have. There are ways that you can help yourself gain the upper hand in confidence and it starts with a few things you need to start doing right now.
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Relationships: Why Do Some People Think That They Always Know Best?
While there can be moments when one is in a position where they do know what is best, there are also going to be moments when this is not the case. It could be said that this is simply part of being human.
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from Relationships Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2blHwXM
My Spouse Is Very Condescending And I Resent It
"When I first met my husband, he treated me like gold. We are quite different. He is more academic than I am, but he seemed to love teaching me things. He was always very patient and he would always defend me if any one dared to criticize me. The man I see before me these days is so different from that man who used to act like he treasured me. Lately, my husband is so condescending to me. He has been going through something at his job. It's not really a demotion. It's just a difference in the way that he can bill and can therefore be paid. When I try to ask questions, he acts as if they were the dumbest questions he has ever heard. And then he gives me this slow, drawn out explanation, as if the slow pace is required so that someone as dumb as me will have a chance to understand. I'm starting to get the feeling that he doesn't respect me. I still love my husband, but I can not let him talk down to me. I don't want to be married to someone who treats me this way."
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Struggle Hard To Achieve It And To Keep It
Why it becomes so hard to be a keeper? We start getting bored and try getting rid of it, start taking things casually and ignore the importance of that thing that was once our whole life. If you really want something, struggle hard to keep it and to achieve it. Make your life an asset for those who are worthy of it, who believed in you when nobody did, who trust you even after you shatter down, sometimes it's good to live for others, sometimes it's actually worth it
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from Relationships:Love Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2bj7s7X
How To Find Love After 50 On Dating Sites
Top 10 tips for over 50 singles using online dating sites. Find the best way to get the most out of your online dating experience.
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My Spouse And I See Things Very Differently, I Worry That We're Not All That Compatible
"When we were dating, people used to laugh at how mismatched we were as a couple. My husband is extremely ambitious and I am not. Material things are not at all important to me. Making a difference is. I only like to enjoy the beauty in the world, not the drama or the climbing of the corporate ladder. I am drawn to art and causes that are important to me. My husband could care less about things that are not tangible. I used to like this about him. But lately, I see him as a bit cold and calculating. I worry about what this might mean when we have kids. I don't want to raise them as valuing success and material things. When I'm at retirement age, I'd like to sell the house and travel in an RV or something. My husband would never do this. And I am starting to think that we aren't compatible. I worry about this. How could I have married someone so completely different than me?"
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from Relationships:Marriage Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2bhn473
Figuring Out How To Ask A Girl Out
If your goal is to go out with more people and you want to actually get acceptance, you'll need to simply learn how to ask a girl out. There are a few tips and tricks that can assist you, and it starts with confidence.
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How To Start A Conversation With A Girl The Easy Way
Millions of men today aren't sure how to start a conversation with a girl. This hinders a lot of people's chances of getting anywhere, including a date...
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Arranged Marriages In The Modern World
When we hear of arranged marriages, most of us jump to drastic conclusions, two awkward families, one room but a whole load of delicious samosas. However the sad truth is a lot of these arrangements may be forced, and the samosas might not even be there. But before we begin drilling into the pros and cons, lets take a look at some of the facts surrounding them.
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Simple Online Dating Advice For Men
When it comes to online dating advice for men, you're going to want to really explore it. Don't just assume that you know what you're doing. In fact, if you look online and are trying to date through a variety of different sites, you will most likely not get many dates.
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Simple Things On How To Avoid The Friend Zone
If your goal is to learn how to avoid the friend zone, then you will need to focus on several simple tips that work. The following will help you gain the upper hand in any situation.
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Quick Guide On How To Compliment A Girl
Getting the attention of a woman is not exactly easy sometimes. But one thing that is going to help you gain the upper hand is simple, compliments. However, you cannot just learn how to compliment a girl on the fly...
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How To Make An Impact With Women
If you're going to look into, how to make impact with women, then you will want to pay attention to a few elements overall. The following will tell you how to gain the upper hand with any situation, so that you can move forward socially. The following are just a few tips overall.
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In Case You've Ever Wondered
You know the lights will dim eventually and I knew that would happen to us too. From the very beginning we know things will be temporary but that doesn't mean it makes it less meaningful. It took me a long time to realise that we were probably not meant to be together.
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She Makes My Dreams Glisten As Her Graceful Beaming Image Appears In The Area Of Where We Pass
Many men stare at her with their own thoughts of what could be if only she would glare back with a pretty smile that sends the thought to them of maybe or they just stare because of sexual thoughts. How will she differentiate between the stares of real attraction and the stares that are only sexual?
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Intimacy: Can Someone Let Go Of Their Fear Of Intimacy By Changing Their Behaviour?
While there are some people who are able to experience intimacy, there are others who are unable to do so. As a result of this, it could be said that that their relationships are going to be extremely different.
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from Relationships Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2bGMuwq
Internet Dating: Should Someone Objectify Their Body When They Use Internet Dating?
When one is attracted to someone in the real world, it can be due to a number of different factors. On one hand, how they look could play a part, and on the other hand, it could be the result of how one feels in their presence.
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Meeting Today Your Teacher of 30 Years Ago
Google is great. Made a search of my high school physical education teacher who was my cricket club captain, my coach, and mentor.
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Relationships: Does Your Partner Try To Stop You From Seeing Your Friends?
When one is in a relationship, they are likely to have less time to spend with their friends. This is because when they are with someone, they are going to spend a lot of their time with them.
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Relationships - How to Make Your Honeymoon Last Forever
Love is a beautiful thing. We must be careful not to over-think it. Love and relationships are experiments and it's wise to accept that right from the beginning. There are no secret formula that are going to prevent or immunise you against pain. If you don't want pain, then you don't want love.
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Picking Up Women At The Gym With Good Results
If you're interested in picking up women at the GYM, you will definitely want to consider a few options moving forward. The following will explore the notion of what to do to get some dates, and progress with the notion of picking up women at the gym today.
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How To Understand Women - The Simplest Way
You can learn how to understand women with ease. It all starts with focusing on what you want out of your understanding...
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How To Text A Girl Without Freaking Her Out
If you want to learn how to text a girl, and not freak her out, you'll need to pay attention to some finer details. These details below will help you avoid getting wrapped up in issues when you're trying to text the person you want to learn more about, and perhaps hook up with.
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My Spouse Seems To Want Me To Be The One To Make The Decision About His Moving Out, Why?
"Listen, I'm not going to pretend that I am thrilled with my marriage or that nothing is wrong. I'm not and there is. My marriage is in big trouble But I would not walk away from it. Because I have my children to consider. My husband acts as if living here with me is intolerable. He's made it very clear that he wants to move out, but he doesn't seem to have the guts to do it. He will pick fights with me and then when I get angry, he will say, 'do you want me to move out?' Sometimes when we argue, he will mutter, 'well maybe I should just move out.' Sometimes I will answer that if moving out is what he wants, then perhaps that is what he should do. And then he will tell me that him moving out should be a joint decision. I can't bring myself to tell him to move out. Because I ultimately do not want that. But my pride will not allow me to beg him to stay, either. Why does he insist on making me decide if he is going to move out? Shouldn't this be his decision?"
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My Spouse Doubts My Love Because I Don't Always Agree With Him
"I love my husband dearly. But lately, I do not like how he is acting. I knew when I married him that we would have cultural differences. He makes it sound as if my family is backward or something. I resent this. And the other day I got so angry about it that I told my husband I did not agree with him. I told him that it is important to me to remain close to my family and I wasn't going to hold back just because he is choosing to be cheap and stingy. He was furious and said that he doesn't know how I can possibly love someone as 'cheap and stingy' as him. I told him that was ridiculous and his response to me was that I sure don't act very loving to him. He said that I act as if I love my distant cousins and god children more than him. None of that is true. I love him. He is the most important person in my life. But must I choose between him and my family? And how do I make him see that just because I don't agree with him, I still love him?"
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7 Ways to Show Love to a Woman
One most difficult thing to do by any man in a relationship is how to love his woman. However, as difficult as this is so also it is very crucial for the survival of the relationship. It is important to know that loving your wife is the foundation on which your relationship will stand.
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A Failed Spouse Interacts With The Dementia Affected Better-Half
A marriage is like a pair of scissors: the two spouses invariably move in opposite directions, but cut down any outsider trying to encroach their privacy. Another eternal truth: the honeymoon period is sweet but short; we need diplomacy of a high order to have eternal harmony in our life. There will be ego clashes. There will be old age issues: physical ailments, slowing down of reflexes, and loss of memory. In a successful marriage, the spouses provide emotional support to each other. There are so-called 'smart' people, who ditch the spouse, if there is an incurable problem. They are losers in the long run, as they live a lonely selfish life.
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Rain, Rain Don't Go Away
Monsoon, the romantic season. I always find monsoon to be the most passionate and romantic season. Love, romance, passion, crazy thoughts all jumbled together all over my mind. Yes, my inner romance comes out in the form of a poetry or story. I feel like falling in love once again whenever it rains. Falling in love with whom? Of course, the beautiful blue sky filled with luscious dark clouds filled with water. The Peacock spread its beautiful feathers at the glimpse of the dark clouds giving away the message of monsoon. The fresh green grass all over the earth feels like Mother Nature giving birth to the new saplings. The pretty little flowers look charming in the arms of green grass as if made for each other. Obsessed with the beauty of nature my heart goes crazy feels like flying high in the sky.
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My Separated Spouse Is Reluctant To Return Home Because That Would Feel Like Giving Up
"My husband finally announced that he is coming home after a long trial separation. But he said it as if he is on the losing team of the super bowl or something. Like he is coming home with his tail between his legs. He said he left to find himself, but he's come to the conclusion that he might never find himself or ever be fulfilled. And so he doesn't feel it's fair to continue to punish the kids while he looks for something that he may never find. My first inclination is to be glad that he's coming home. This is what I have wanted. But my sister has said (and she is right) that this is an empty victory. I am only getting him by default. He couldn't figure out how to be happy without me, so he's just going to be unhappy with me. A few weeks ago, I was excited about the thought of a reconciliation, but now the excitement has waned (because he is pretty much telling me that he'll come home but not with any enthusiasm whatsoever.) What am I supposed to do with this?"
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from Relationships:Marriage Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2bBz21n
Secrets of Staying Married
To make marriages last, couples must preserve a 'corporate identity, through love and commitment to each other. This requires patience, tolerance, resilience and maturity. Good communication, sound conflict management skills and sexual faithfulness will help couples stick together.
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Rakshabandhan - A Ritual of Love Between Brother and Sister
"Rakshabandhan" or "the tie of protection" is a very pious festival of India. It has been in practice since the ages. This festival helps us to nurture family bonds and our moral duties towards our close ones.
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from Relationships Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2bnANxF
Tips To Help You Find A Sugar Daddy
Sugar daddies make very good lovers for sugar babes that are looking for money and some fun at the same time. They love spending on their women and as long as you are the complete package for them, then you can be sure that all your needs will be taken care of. If you are a sugar babe looking for the perfect sugar daddy, then you should use a few tips to help you land the best. The tips are very helpful because even though there are plenty of sugar daddies out there, it can be a real task trying to find the perfect one for you.
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Love Anatomy
Saying "I love you" won't keep the marriage. Relationships are kept based on principles and values.
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Marriage Counseling - Is Losing Interest in Your Partner, A Sign to Leave the Marriage?
Mohamed had been married to Marianne for 8 years, together for 16. She's the only person he shared a long-term relationship with, and he simply loves her from the core of his heart. But what kept him up at night was the fact that he had lost interest in her and kept thinking about being with other women.
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from Relationships:Marriage Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aAWdYk
Couples Therapy - I LOVE You, BUT I'm Not IN LOVE With YOU!
Did your spouse ever tell you that? I LOVE You, BUT I'm Not IN LOVE With YOU! OR is that how you think you feel towards them?
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3 Things That Will Help You With Chatting Up Women In Shops
There are a lot of different ways that you can meet women. One way to do it is through shopping. However, as you push the boundaries in this arena, you'll need to focus on chatting up women in shops in a very specific manner...
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Change Can Be a Daring Adventure
Letting go gives us a lifeline for the most profound shift to happen. Going from the predictable, safe and comfortable to the scary, challenging, uncertainty of the unknown.
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from Relationships Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aCVMYU
Why Won't My Husband Just Admit That He Wants A Divorce?
"It's unbelievable to me that my husband has yet to tell me that he wants a divorce. Yes, he spends some nights with his sister, but he lives with me for part of the time also. Now, I knew that we were having problems. He had even started pricing out his own apartment a couple of months ago, but that came to nothing. I was so shocked when I saw the wife of one of my husband's partners at the grocery store and she told me that she 'was sorry to hear about my divorce.' I gulped hard, but I didn't let on about how shocked that I was. I just played along. But when I got home, I told my husband about this and he said that he didn't tell his partner that he was definitely getting a divorce. He says that he was just sharing how rough our marriage has been. I find this hard to believe. I don't get why he is playing games this way. Why doesn't he just tell me that he wants a divorce? Because honestly, I am going to find out about it anyway."
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Dealing With Angry Silence and Angry Outbursts in Marriage - Marriage Counseling Advice
Anger is a normal, healthy emotion, it's perfectly healthy to feel angry when you've been mistreated or wronged by someone you love, but when it becomes consistent or explosive anger or spirals out of control, it can have serious consequences for your marriage, your health, and your state of mind. If you are the hot tempered one in your relationship, you may feel like it's out of your hands, it's your nature and there's little you can do about it. But you have more control over your anger than you think.
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from Relationships:Marriage Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aUUnzs
Constructive Criticism in Marriage Doesn't Work - Marriage Counseling Advice
I don't believe you can have "Constructive" Criticism between husband and wife. Criticism kills passion, love and closeness. In the same way Self-Criticism diminishes self-esteem, confidence and overall happiness. Even in business, surveys and statistical data show that frequent Criticism is responsible for millions of employee sick days, job dissatisfaction and resignations.
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from Relationships:Marriage Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2b1mX3p
7 Ways To Stop Work Stress From Ruining Your Marriage - Marriage Counseling Advice
There is no doubt that work stress has become an increasing factor in marital dissatisfaction. Today couples work on average a thousand more hours each year than people did thirty years ago. This number tends to increase further in expat cities, as well as if you are an entrepreneur.
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from Relationships:Marriage Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aUU6wB
7 Steps to Keep Your Hobbies and Marriage Intact - Marriage Counseling Advice
Ian and Kim were a couple who came for marriage counseling, as they were constantly fighting over Kim's love of fashion and the financial cost of her shopping sprees, her husband Ian couldn't keep up with it and thought that there were far more important things to be spending money on. Kim felt hurt that Ian didn't try to understand her passion and angry as he spent plenty of money out socializing and drinking. They came to save their marriage, as after years of not understanding each other's interests they had grown so far apart, they were living separate lives...
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5 Steps to Loving Through Hard Times - Marriage Counseling Advice
What do you do if you're sick and tired of your partners behavior? Perhaps you used to be closer, but sometimes you find you simply don't want to be around them or that things they do really wind you up. It can be hard to give your love.
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from Relationships:Marriage Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aUUniW
5 Secrets to Protecting Yourself From Your Spouse's Negativity - Marriage Counseling Advice
Marriage counseling advice to protect yourself from a negative spouse if they are causing you pain or frustration from being negative, moody etc. I will share 5 secrets that can protect and help you to be free from their negativity whilst also keeping the marriage and relationship happy.
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from Relationships:Marriage Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2b1ngeq
Trust - Difficult to Get and Keep
Often I hear clients state "I just don't trust him (her)". My response is "To do what?" 1.
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Resolve or Regret
So many people have regrets. They feel sad, guilty or disappointed about the way things turned out and blame themselves for doing or not doing something that would have resulted in a different outcome. Their lives are tainted by thoughts of the past and "what if".
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from Relationships Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2b7ZCPa
Relationships: Why Do Some People Always Shame Others When They Open Up?
In order for someone to experience intimacy, it will be important for them to open up to others. However, this is not to say that they should simply open up to anyone, and this is because doing so would lead to problems.
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from Relationships Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aUiHRT
The 9 Dating Conversation Tips
These dating conversation tips will help prevent 'foot-in-mouth' conversations on dates by following this simple guide, the only 9 tips you will ever need to have free flowing fun conversations... So you exchanged numbers and organized to meet up for coffee.
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from Relationships:Dating Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aU0NR3
Humans Are Naturally Selfish, Study Finds
It's an undeniable fact that all humans have a selfish side whether they accept it or not. Psychological data obtained from previous researchers suggested that humans tend to be selfish because they like the attention. Altering the Prisoner's Dilemma which is a classic matchup theory, selfish strategy, somehow, proved to be more productive.
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from Relationships Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aSVS2V
Online Dating Hookups Are a Dangerous Endeavor
If Online Dating seems awkward to you, that is because it is awkward and unnatural. I can recall going to interview a gal for a dating book I am writing and she told me; "I am not very good at this online dating stuff." I told her "Don't worry about it, no one is." One of the worst complaints I see reoccurring with women daters is that they don't like the bluntness of the hook-up crowd. I can see why, but let's discuss this a little further shall we?
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from Relationships:Online Dating Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2astvpy
What Can Happen When Someone Is No Longer Willing To Put Up With Other People's Projections?
Although some people have the tendency to take responsibility for what takes place within them, there are others who don't. Due to this, it can be normal for someone to believe that what is taking place externally has nothing to do with what is going on internally.
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from Relationships Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2afDf9l
4 Benefits of Using the Mobile Dating Apps
The mobile dating apps are a very popular type of tech that makes the dating world a lot less stressful. Even though it is still possible to use the old-fashioned blind dates, speed dating and traditional online dating sites, the ability to use the mobile phone makes the entire process that much more straightforward.
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from Relationships:Online Dating Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2axegdP
The Absolute Worst Thing About Dating
The very idea of dating can be scary but it's not the fear that is the worst part. The worst thing about dating also isn't what the tediousness and confusion that comes with the idea of being single and starting over.
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from Relationships:Dating Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2avbd8z
How to Choose Your Partner and Build a Stronger Relationship
Finding the right person and building a relationship is the topic of the century. More and more people break up, divorce or find themselves lonely and disappointed by their partners.
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from Relationships:Love Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aFXv1Z
Boy Has Online Dating Come A Long Way - Question Is - Is It In a Good Way?
In pursuit of excellence, I've interviewed 100s of online dating folks, both men and women, and it is just fascinating how different ethnic groups, religious affiliations, ages, regions and types of people view the process. Still the most interesting part of this process to write an Online Dating eBook has been to study its history. One well-researched online dater explained how it was back in the beginning, early to mid-90s, specifically just how quickly the system was abused by daters hiding behind their keyboards, my acquaintance explains:
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from Relationships:Online Dating Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aMgbQc
Online Dating Gone Rouge - Fake, False and Duplicate Identities
Online Dating Profiles come and go, people find boyfriends and girlfriends and checkout of the dating scene for a while, some never to return, others just go dark with their profiles until that relationship ends and they are ready to start again, like Taylor Swift's song; Blank Space. Still there are other more bizarre things happening with the online dating profiles. Let's talk
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from Relationships:Online Dating Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aoZLcY
Terrible Online Dating Stories - Real Nightmare Dates
Many guys complain about online dating, being stood up for first meetings, women lying about their age and body style (fatter than admitted). But when I talk to women about online dating (for a future eBook I am writing), the horror stories seem to go on forever. Sure there is the Captain in the Army from Afghanistan scam or the married guy trying to get some trim on the side (typical sleaze ball), but there are also just really rude and mean-spirited guys out there it seems in the online dating scene. Let's talk about just a couple of stories I've collected for my future eBook.
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from Relationships:Online Dating Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2aJOp6a
Is Online Dating Really That Bad?
Not long ago, I was listening to an online dating couple meet for the first time at Starbucks and while listening I became somewhat fascinated about the new trends in this online dating space. The gentleman was 50-ish and in-shape, clean cut, professional type, and the gal was an in-shape Zumba three-times a week type. They both seemed perfectly normal from the outside. As I was overhearing the conversation the guy made this comment;
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from Relationships:Online Dating Articles from EzineArticles.com http://ift.tt/2axCoNG
The 7 Habits of Smart Magnetic Women - How to Be Happy In Your Relationship & Mesmerize Your Man
By harnessing the power of habit you can enjoy the life and relationship you really want. Here are the seven habits of smart magnetic women that will keep you feeling nurtured and vibrant with lots of love in your heart.
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