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Why Would My Separated Husband Complain He's Lonely But Not Want To Spend Time With Me?

"My husband and I have been separated for around six weeks. I know that we have problems, but I honestly think that we could have handled this at home without needing to make a huge, big deal of it. My husband disagreed and demanded to move out and leave home. My sister lives in the same apartment complex as him and every time she sees him, she says he looks as if he is going to cry. A couple of days after this, I called my husband and he freely admitted that he was 'feeling a little lonely.' I immediately saw this as an opportunity and seized on it and asked him out to lunch. He feigned being busy. I don't get it. He's whined about being lonely, but he has a perfectly willing wife who could relieve this. Why won't he take me up on my offer? Does he just not want to connect with me at all? Does he just prefer to be lonely?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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