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I Feel Angry At My Spouse While We're Separated And I Can't Seem To Stop

"I want to make clear right away that my husband is not a bad guy. But right now, while we are on a trial separation, I am mad at him. There, I have said it. I notice that I have a lot of anger that is sort of bubbling inside of me and waiting to just spill toward the surface. It wasn't me who wanted the separation. It was him. It was him who was willing to allow our children to see their parents living apart. I am the one who does the parenting. Basically he gets to decide that his life isn't perfect and he's the one who gets to put his family on pause for a while. This makes me feel very angry and resentful. Every time I see or interact with him, I can almost feel my blood boil. He looks so nice and relaxed and I am hurried and stressed because of all of the responsibility heaped upon me. I know that I have to set this aside, but I can't seem to do it. How do I get control of my anger right now?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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