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How Do Men Feel When They Leave Their Wives? What Is Their Experience Like?

"What exactly do men think when they leave for a separation and walk out the door? I can't really get a read on how my husband feels. We only talk briefly. And I definitely feel like he is hiding his feelings from me. He honestly seems a little more at ease than he did when he was at home and we were fighting. So of course I feel that it is possible that he is relieved and glad to be away. I work closely with a man who separated from his wife last year. I see him everyday in close quarters, so it was pretty easy for me to see that he was broken up about his separation and, frankly a mess - which is exactly how I feel. But I don't see the same sort of behavior in my husband. He doesn't necessarily seem broken up. It's certainly not like he's jumping for joy. But he doesn't necessarily seem sad either. How do men feel - really feel - when they leave their wives?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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