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I'm Not Sure If My Separated Husband Is That Enthusiastic About Coming Home

"After nearly four months of working on my husband during our separation, he finally agreed to try coming back home on a trial basis. I worked very hard to get him to trust that things would actually work between us. I know that I should be thrilled that he's willing to try coming home, but I find myself having some worries and doubts. The biggest thing that bothers me is that he doesn't seem as excited about this as I am. Yes, he has agreed to it. But I've planned all sorts of special things for us. I've announced it to all of my friends. He hasn't done anything special. In fact, he hasn't canceled any of the plans that he made while we were separated. This makes me worry that he really doesn't care if our marriage is going to make it or not. It makes me concerned that he's not nearly as emotionally invested as I am. How do I determine the level of his emotional investment? And what happens if I find out that he doesn't have it?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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