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I Think My Separated Husband And I Might Be Reconciling, But I'm Afraid Of Our Marriage Failing

"I do not want to jinx myself by saying that I feel like my separated husband and I are going to reconcile. But I have to be honest and say that all signs are pointing that way. We have been 'dating' each other for about six weeks. At this point, my husband is practically living at home. No one has come right out and said 'let's reconcile. Let's have you move back in at a certain date.' But my husband keeps bringing more and more stuff over so. Do not get me wrong. I am thrilled about this. But I worry that things will eventually end again. We have a long history of breaking up and getting back together - even going back to the days that we were dating. I want to get back together and stay together. How do I know that it's not going to end again?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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