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My Spouse Believes I've Changed, And Not For The Better

"When I met my husband, I was a young, naive girl who rarely spoke to someone unless they spoke to me first. I was painfully shy so it was only natural for me to let my husband take care of most things. My husband was very comfortable with this because he was much more assertive than I was. So, for a while, this worked very well for us. But when we were first married, I took a job that allowed me to remain in the shadows. It was a good fit for me then. However, I have grown with the company over time. And now, I am in a management position with a lot of responsibilities. My husband has told me that I am not the person that I used to be. He said that now I am pushy and overly-assertive and aggressive. He says he doesn't like this new personality of mine. He doesn't much care for the confident woman I have become. I don't want to lose my marriage. But I'm not going to pretend to be someone who I am not." I'll try to offer some insights on this in the following article.

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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