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I'm Worried That My Separated Husband Is Just Using Me For Sex

"My husband and I have been separated for about six weeks. For the first couple of those weeks, my husband was truly awful to me. He told some of our mutual friends that I was selfish and that the separation was all my fault. This isn't true. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, my husband and I met at a restaurant to celebrate the birthday of a friend. Many people were there. We had a few drinks and a few laughs. Then the next thing I know, we are back at our house having sex. I assumed that this would be a one time thing and my husband would be back to being cold again. But he called the next day and asked me to dinner. We've been seeing each other much more frequently and yes, having sex. A couple of our mutual friends are saying that my husband is just using me. I understand their concern, but I do not think that this is completely fair. Still, I'm worried that they are right. Is it possible that he is just using me and will be cold again once he gets his sex fix?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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