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When I Ask My Husband How the Trial Separation That He Wants Would Work, He Gets Mad

"About two months ago, my husband announced that he wanted a trial separation. But he did not do anything about it right away. It was obvious that he was still unhappy, but he didn't really do or say anything. Well, last week, he announced that he has gotten an apartment and will be moving out. Of course, this made me panic. I don't have a mental picture as to how this is going to work. How often will I talk to him? Or see him? Will he still mow the grass? Are we meant to tell our family about this? I have a million questions. But when I try to ask him any of them, he gets frustrated with me. He says that there is no such thing as a 'separation user's manual,' and that we will just have to make it up as we go along. I don't think that this is acceptable. Our marriage is not something that you can simply navigate as you go along. I don't understand why he would be unwilling to clarify things for me. Why does he get so angry when I question him? And what can I do to get answers?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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