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What Are Some Reasons That A Husband Would Leave and Never Come Back?

We've all witnessed it. We've all known couples who everyone else was jealous of. They were the ones who seemed the have the perfect marriage. They were the ones who you just knew were going to grow old together. They were the perfect couple. Until they weren't. Somehow, someway, they separated and the husband moved out. Friends and family took bets as to how long it would take until the husband came crawling back, begging his wife to overlook his mistake. But this didn't happen. Much to everyone's surprise, he didn't come back. Not ever. And the couple ended up divorcing. And this leaves everyone scratching their heads. Why do some men never come back when the marriage always seemed solid, while other marriages that seem to be barely hanging on survive? I'll tell you some of my theories on this in the following article.

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