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My Husband Never Wanted To Get Married - He's Unhappy And Wants A Separation Today

"My mom says that if I had listened to my husband when we were dating, then I wouldn't be in the mess that I am now. I dated my husband for nearly five years before I could convince him to marry me. And even then, he was very open about the fact that he did not really believe in marriage and did not want to do it. I honestly think that our marriage is pretty solid. It is not perfect, but no marriage is. We should be counting our blessings. But my husband is not. He still only tolerates marriage. He has starting suggesting that we separate. When I get annoyed by this, he will say: 'you knew I didn't want to get married. But you insisted and now here we are and I still don't want to be married even though I love you and our child. Marriage just doesn't work for me.' Because of our child, it's not as simple as just going our separate ways. I love him and I don't want for our child to grow up with only one parent. Is there any way to make someone who doesn't embrace marriage happy?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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