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Is There Anything That I Can Say Or Do To Change My Husband's Opinion Of Our Marriage?

"My husband has been telling me that he has doubts about our marriage. He's started to drop little hints that he is thinking about leaving. He'll say things like 'I'm not sure that I see a future for us.' Or 'if I would have known that this is how our marriage would be, I would have never proposed.' I have asked him why he is so unhappy and he won't be specific. He will only say that marriage isn't what he thought that it would be. I have asked him to have patience and to not make any sudden decisions. But he says he won't make any promises. I have tried to be sweet and accommodating so that we fight less. This doesn't seem to help. It seems that no matter what I do or say, he's determined to be unhappy. What am I doing wrong? What is there to do or say to get him to change his mind about our marriage?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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