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Is It Normal To Stop Talking When You've Been Married For A While?

"My husband and I do not ever talk anymore. Last month, my husband told me that he missed the closeness that we used to have and that he would like for us to have date nights a couple of times per month. I agreed to this. But for the most part, it has been disastrous. We sit there and just sort of stare at one another. It's awful. We didn't always have this problem. The first time we talked on the telephone, we talked for hours. Of course, once we got to know one another, the talks that lasted for hours because less and less, but we never had trouble communicating until just recently. Sometimes, my husband will say that all we talk about is the kids and he will declare all talks of kids to be off limits. The problem is that we have nothing else to talk about. I have discussed this with some of my friends and they have told me that I'm worrying too much about this. They told me that after our while, this is what happens in normal marriages. Are they right? Should I worry about this?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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