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I Have A Wonderful Spouse, So Why Am I Just Not Happy? What's Wrong With Me?

"Honestly, my husband is the sweetest man imaginable. He cooks. He leaves me sweet love letters. I hear many of my coworkers complain about husbands who are slobs and who don't make any effort in their marriage. But my husband is just the opposite. Most of my girlfriends say they would give anything if their own husbands were just a fraction of the husband that mine is. I can't think of anything bad to list about my husband because there isn't anything. One time, I told my mother that my husband was 'too nice' and she acted like I was the most evil person imaginable. She told me that I was very ungrateful and that if I was not careful, my husband would find another woman that was more appreciative of him. The thing is, I am fully aware that my mother is right. My husband is absolutely great. But, I can't deny that I am not happy. I'm just not. There's just something missing. When I am being very honest with myself, I think that maybe we should separate for a while. But maybe that is crazy talk. Who would risk giving up a spouse like this?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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