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My Spouse's Personality Has Changed During Our Separation

"I believe that my husband has changed a great deal during our trial separation. My husband has always been a very sweet, sensitive, and loving man. Just before our separation, my husband lost a coworker and friend to whom he was very close. He said that this was a life-changing experience for him, because it made him realize that life can be taken away in the blink of an eye. Shortly after he had this epiphany, he decided to separate from me. Now when my husband and I are together (which isn't that often,) he is rushed. He is borderline rude. He's checking social media and is 'tuned into' his electronics - which is something that he used to hate in other people. I hate seeing this personality change because I can't imagine that my husband is nearly as happy acting this way. But also, I want my marriage back and I worry that his new attitude is going to keep this from happening. Third, I miss the old him. Will he revert back to his old self eventually? Is there anything that I can do to hurry the process, other than continuing to bring this to his attention?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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