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My Husband Is Mean During Our Martial Separation, How Do I Not Let This Affect Me?

"I fully understand why it's best to try to get along with your separated spouse and remain pleasant and optimistic. But I sometimes find it difficult to carry out. One of the reasons that we separated is because my husband is very unhappy. I know that he is going through a rough time. So I will try to ask how his day went and have a pleasant voice. Sometimes, it seems as though his goal with the conversation is actually to bring me down. He will say something sarcastic. At that point, I usually try to change the topic but then he will act as if I don't care about his challenges. There are times when I feel like responding with something like: 'yes, your life is not getting any better because you are choosing to sabotage yourself with your awful and negative attitude.' But I hold back. And then I am disappointed in myself. I sometimes feel like I let him say anything that he wants to me and I have lost my voice. How do I get past this so that I don't let the mean things that he says affect me?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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