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Why Is My Spouse Confused About Whether He Wants To Be With Me?

"for the last six months, my husband claims to be 'confused' as to whether or not he wants to be with me. He's mentioned a separation many times, but so far, he has not acted on this. There have been days, or even weeks, during this time, when he's actually loving toward me. And then he will revert back to being cold and aloof again. I will ask him what I've done wrong and he will say that I have not done anything wrong and will continue on with his 'confusion' talk again. One of my friends says that she thinks that he is falling out of love with me, but ironically, sometimes he will still claim to love me and he will tell me this without any prompting from me. So I'm just as confused as he is. But I'm not confused about whether I want to be with my husband. I want my marriage. But my husband isn't so sure. And he can't seem to articulate any reasoning behind his unhappiness, other than to claim this 'confusion.' Why is my husband so confused about whether he wants to be married or not? I haven't done anything wrong."

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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