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My Husband Says He's Going To Leave Me, And Yet He's Still In Our Home - Why?

"Three weeks ago, my husband came home and announced that he is going to leave me. He said that our marriage hasn't been good for a while now and that he thinks that we should take a break and live apart. This isn't what I want. I feel like if he leaves, he might never come back and we might end up divorced. He actually told me that he wanted to leave on a Friday night. I expected him to move out that weekend. It's three weeks later and he's still in our house. He's still complaining. He's still saying he's going to leave and yet he is still here. I'm afraid to ask him why he's still here because I am afraid that he would take that to mean that I wanted him out. My mom says that he is essentially free loading or that he's too lazy to find a new place, but that doesn't make sense, as my husband earns more than I do. Why do men say that they want to leave their wives and then stay at home?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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