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My Spouse Seems Reluctant To Leave Me, But He Clearly Doesn't Want To Stay

"My husband has all but told me that he is no longer in love with me and that he is no longer invested in our marriage. The other day, I told him it was obvious that he had no investment in our marriage anymore. He said that he wasn't going to do anything about it, although he didn't deny that he wasn't invested. I asked him why he was doing nothing and his response to me was: 'I can't leave you.' He says that he would feel too guilty to leave me on my own. He says that he knows that I would struggle. His dad left the family when he was a boy and he knows the pain of living in a house with no father figure. So he insists that he will not leave. But he also admits that, in a perfect world, he would not stay. I suppose there is some comfort in knowing that he isn't going to leave immediately. But what sort of victory is it when I know that he would rather be anywhere else? He doesn't want to be with me. But he has too strong a conscience to leave."

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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