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Even Though My Husband Left Me, I Think That He Still Loves Me

"I was completely floored when my husband left me. Because I know in my heart, without any doubt, that he loves me. No, he doesn't tell me anymore. And during this separation, he hasn't reached out to me all that much. But when we are together and he looks at me, I see total longing. I'm not kidding. It is there in his eyes. And other people have noticed it also. It does confuse me - how I can know without any doubt that he loves me and yet we are still apart? There are some things about me that I guess my husband feels that he just can not live with anymore. He thinks that I am spoiled. He thinks that I have never really loved him for himself - but for what he can give me. I don't know how to respond. I am not as mature as him; I admit that. And I have probably done some things that make him feel taken for granted. But I do love him. I could be a better wife if he would give me the chance. But I do know that he still loves me. Why is that not enough?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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