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My Husband Admitted That He Doesn't Enjoy My Company And Doesn't Like Being Around Me

"Last night, my husband and I got into a huge fight. I was arguing with him because for the third night in a row, he didn't bother to come home for dinner. So he blurted out that he isn't coming home because he doesn't like to be around me. I asked him what this was supposed to mean and he said my attitude has changed and I'm not the person that I used to be.He says that I bring him down all of the time. He says that things are bad enough without my always dragging attention to our problems and moping around the house like I do. I admit that I probably am not the life of the party these days. But I have a good reason to act the way that I am. This is his fault and he deserves it. If he wanted me to act loving and friendly toward him, then he shouldn't have squandered our money."

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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