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My Spouse Left Me Because He Wants To Financially Support Himself

"I had no problems supporting my husband through school. I worked and supported our entire household throughout his entire college career and I was more than happy to do it. My husband pitched in with running the household because he was home more than I was. But as soon as he graduated, I was still making three times the amount that he was. I tried to tell him that every one starts out in an entry level position and that we had no need for him to make huge amounts of money immediately. I tried to build him up, but obviously it turned into a problem because he actually ended up leaving our home and telling me that he just needed some space and time. He said that he will feel more like a respectable person if he can live on his own and earn his own way for a while. He said that he needs to do this for his own self worth. I honestly feel that other than this issue, our marriage was really good."

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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