Do You Think That These Are The Best Solutions For Your Problem?

Relationships: Is It Harder For Someone To Settle Down If They Have Been With A Lot Of People?

In the past, it was the norm for people to wait until they were married before they had sex, and they would have most likely stayed with the same person until their time on this earth came to an end. Thanks, in part, due to the 'sexual liberation' of the 60s and 80s, this has all changed.

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Social Media: Has Social Media Caused Some People To Trade Intimacy For Attention?

When someone shares something online, they can end up receiving a fair amount of attention, and this can allow them to feel good about themselves. Even so, what happens online might only be a small part of their life.

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My Separated Husband Claims To Being Open To A Gradual, Slow Reconciliation. Should I Believe Him?

I have been separated for over three months. In the beginning, I was nearly certain that a divorce was in my future. But over the last month, things have slowly started to improve. My husband has been coming over regularly to eat dinner with my son. After we put him to bed, we have been talking for hours. I finally got up my courage to ask my husband about this. He said that he is not opposed to reconciling one day, but he insists that it is going to have to be a very gradual process because he isn't ready to commit to anything. I admit that I was disappointed and I wondered if perhaps he was saying this just to get me to back off. My girlfriend said that she would have her doubts too and that I shouldn't put my heart into this until I get a commitment. I am torn. It's not like my husband is asking anything of me. We aren't sleeping together. It's not like lying to me is really to his benefit. But I don't want to get my heart broken. Is it an awful sign that he wants to move slowly?"

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Don't Make Another Person The Centre Of Your World

When I was reading the book, 'Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway', there was a chapter that went into how important it was to have many different areas of interest in life, and not to put all our eggs in one basket, so to speak. The author, Susan Jeffers, pointed out that a lot of people make their partner the centre of their life.

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Dating: Should Someone Be Suspicious If Another Person Acts Extremely Interested In The Beginning?

If someone was to come across a dog, and this dog was to jump up down, making it clear that he/she was pleased to see them, there would be no reason for them to wonder what was going on. This is due to the fact that this just what dogs are like; they don't need a reason to be warm and responsive.

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Apparently, My Spouse No Longer Loves Me

"My husband won't exactly admit that he no longer loves me, but he doesn't deny it either. When we first got married, he would rush home to me. We didn't have much money, but we could always have fun just being together. Now my husband routinely comes home late for work and he doesn't have much to say to me when he finally does come home. Last week, my mother had a bit of a health scare. So I felt it was necessary to go and spend a few days with her and to handle some safety issues around her home. When I got sad about this, I told him that it felt like he didn't love me anymore. He sort of laughed me off and didn't answer my concern. When I think back and go over the last couple of years, I can see a lot of other incidents like this - where his behavior could have been reassuring and loving, but it wasn't. am pretty sure that my husband no longer loves me, and I don't know how to deal with this. I don't want a divorce. But how do you have a marriage without love?"

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What Was Cute In Romance May Become Acute In Conflict

A number of years ago I read a few books by David Richo, and this is someone who really knows what he is talking about. Whether it is relationships or self-development in general, his books are packed full of insights.

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Should I Stay With A Husband Who Admits There Is No Spark?

"I have gotten somewhat fed up with my marriage. My husband and I are like roommates. We rarely touch. We maybe have sex once a month. We are nice to one another and we do not fight. But we do not passionately love, either. I tried to broach this topic with my husband in the hopes that he would try a little harder. Instead of disagreeing or arguing, he just nodded and replied, 'yes, you're right. The spark is gone, isn't it?' He just sort of stated this as fact and changed the subject. I asked him what he thought we should do about this. He kind of shrugged and said that perhaps we should just hang tight and wait for this to pass. He said we get along pretty well and have a nice life, so why rock the boat? Especially since we have children. My husband's passivity drives me crazy. Lately, I have started fantasizing about leaving. But I'm not sure what is the point of staying when even my husband is agreeing that the spark just isn't there. I think that we both deserve to be with someone with whom we have chemistry."

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Why You and Me Doesn't Equal Three

Art therapy class taught me a lot. It consisted of a period of reflective expression in the form of a created piece of art, which was followed by a period of group therapy. It was amazing what took place through sharing what we had drawn, written, painted or sculpted.

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Safe Versus Unsafe Emotions

Emotions belong in two worlds or in two domains. They are either healthy or unhealthy, productive or unproductive, primary or secondary, direct or indirect, safe or unsafe.

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How Do I Know If I Should Help You or Not?

I have a real problem. If I listen to others, I really don't know whether I should help you or not. Actually, I do know, but it occasionally gets me into trouble, because at times I have offered to help those that some I know don't want me to help. For all manner of reason, good reasons and not-so-good reasons, helping sometimes creates problems in my relationships.

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Relationships: Why Do Some People Lose Themselves When They Get Into A Relationship?

When two people get together and start a relationship, they can both have their own life. There is going to be how one person likes spend to their life and then there is going to be how the other person likes to spend their life.

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What Did Your Parents Teach You About Men And Women?

I remember reading 'Family Secrets' by John Bradshaw and in this book he said, "it was and is your parents' actually lives that educated you: not what they said, but what they did". I took this to mean that what my parents did was far more important than what came out of their mouth.

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Here's a Person to Be Wary of

The world is full of lovely people, so don't get me wrong if this sounds a bit far-fetched or gets us talking about negative things too much. But the fact is there are people in our lives that gain far too much access to us.

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Can A Trial Separation Actually Help Your Marriage?

"My husband has been talking about a trial separation for about four months. Last weekend, he actually looked at apartments. It is starting to dawn on me that this is actually going to happen. I am so worried that we are going to end up divorced. But when I bring these concerns up to my husband, he acts as if this is actually going to help our marriage. He describes the whole thing as just, 'slowing down to catch our breath and to enhance our marriage." Frankly, I think this could all be posturing. Sometimes I feel like he's only trying to get me to agree to the separation so that he can eventually divorce me. Or at least so that he can experiment with being single in order to see if he actually wants to pursue a divorce. I want to give him the benefit of trying to believe what he says, but it's difficult. Does his argument have merit? Can trial separations actually help or enhance your marriage?"

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