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My Husband Says He Doesn't Care If I Stay Or Leave

"My husband and I have been fighting pretty badly for almost four months. For a while, my husband was apartment hunting and was telling me that he was going to move out, but he never actually did. Still, he complained constantly. I got tired of hearing him complain all of the time, so I told him that I was going to leave so he wouldn't have to be so unhappy. I really hoped that he would confess that he really doesn't want for us to live apart. Instead, his exact words to me were: 'I really don't care if you stay or go.' This hurts me. I had hoped that his not moving out meant that he was willing to save our marriage, but now he acts as if he is indifferent as to whether we live together or not. I don't want to pack my stuff and leave, but what do I even say now? How do I avoid not having to leave my house? Do I just have to admit that I gambled and lost and that my marriage is over?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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