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Can Our Marriage Work If I Am The Only One Trying?

"Our marriage has been slowly deteriorating for the last two and a half years. There's just a distance and a coldness. Since my husband is starting to spend less and less time at home, I fear that he's going to give me the 'I need space' speech or to ask for a separation. So I decided that I need to make some changes to try to fix things. I found out that if I invested more time in my marriage, then this would be a good first step. So I have been trying to do these things, but my husband doesn't respond very well. I finally admitted that I was just trying to make things better with our marriage. His response to me was that people who have good marriages do not have to 'try.' So he does not seem at all interested in 'trying' when it comes to improving or ultimately saving our marriage. I guess I question if I'm wasting my time. I'm willing to try just about anything, but if my husband is not going to do anything, is it all for nothing? Can I still make it work?"

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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