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I Miss My Separated Husband And Fear That He's Never Coming Back

"my husband and I have been separated for almost six months. When my husband left home and declared us separated, he made it sound like it would hopefully only be a temporary thing. I don't know if this was really his intention or if he just did this for my benefit. But the separation has been anything but temporary. My husband never calls. He acts like I am an annoyance to him. When we first separated, I figured that he would be back in less than three months time. I never in my wildest dreams thought that this much time would go by. I now think that he is never coming back. I tried to reach out to my husband all of the time, but he was not receptive to me. I still try, but not as often because the rejection is very hard to take. Some of my friends and family tell me that I need to just accept that he is never coming back and I guess that they are right. But this is a very sad reality for me to face and I'm finding it affecting me much more than I thought it would."

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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