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Relationship Advice - 10 Things You Should Never Do When You're in a Relationship

Contrary to what you might be thinking, being in a relationship isn't always that easy. Indeed, you can go in and out of relationships at the drop of a hat, but what's difficult is managing your current relationship in the hope it will last!

A lot of relationships end tragically and if you want your relationship to last, you've got to steer away from the simple things that just might mean the difference between a lasting and a short-lived romance.
Here are 10 things you shouldn't do when you're in a relationship... 

1. Talk about your ex. Sure, your partner might want to know more about you and delve deeper into your past but talking about your ex, especially in a tone of bitterness, will certainly be a negative factor. Show you are mature enough to avoid this and have truly recovered from any past relationship

2. Be too needy and clingy. A lovesick puppy dog is a huge turnoff for men and women alike. Being needy and clingy might be considered sweet by some, but a little too much of this might be enough to strangle your lover.

3. Being too passive. If being too needy and clingy is a big no-no, then being "barely there" is another. Bear in mind you should be affectionate and you naturally need to spend time with your partner: it's the time and effort your partner wants, not just being in a relationship with you.

4. Argue about topics like religion and politics. Being in a relationship entitles the two of you to talk about everything under the sun but there are still exceptions. Religion and politics, for instance, might spark a fiery debate between you and your partner and can give your relationship a long-term scar.

5. Talk negatively about their family. You might have a feud with your partner's sibling but that doesn't mean you should say anything negative about this person to your partner. Chances are this will reflect poorly on you especially if they have close family ties.

6. Rush into marriage or starting a family. Take things slowly and don't tell your partner about future plans on the get-go and be desperate to have them fulfilled pronto. Take things one step at a time.

7. Bring up past mistakes. Talking about the "wrong" things your partner may have done in the past can seem amusing to you but it can be quite painful for your partner. Forget about them!

8. Give your partner cause to be jealous. An overly affectionate hug with a friend of the opposite sex, or even an over-zealous compliment might stir some trouble.

9. Lie. Be truthful. Lying will eat away at your partner's trust.

10. Cheat. An absolute no-no! If you can't be faithful... prepare yourself for a break-up!
These are just some of the many things you should be careful about if you want your relationship to last.
Are destructive emotions at the heart of any problems you are experiencing with your relationship? Are you setting up problems so the relationship will end. If so, you need to get control of what you are really telling yourself and look at your beliefs.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found the principles to help you get to the root causes of your crisis.

The solution is not in the endless volumes of information you find across the internet, or the advice your friends give... it's in yourself; the thoughts that make you who you are.
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