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My Husband Says Our Marriage Is Pretty Miserable. And He's Trapped

"I have long suspected that my husband wasn't happy in our marriage lately. Last night, we got in a fight about something that really didn't matter. I got defensive and told my husband that he'd been very distant to me and then he sarcastically replied, 'Distant? Well I'm still here, aren't I? And this says a lot because honestly, our marriage is miserable, but we're both trapped in it right now, so we just have to endure it.' I was actually very stunned by this. I didn't think that my husband was happy in our marriage. But his words were very harsh. How am I supposed to respond to it? How do you even come back from something like this? I don't know if he would tell me this because he just wants a divorce and this was his way of firing the first shot, or if he actually wants me to take action. Perhaps he was just trying to hurt me? When he talked about being stuck, he was probably talking about our kids. Neither of us has ever wanted to break up our family, but that's no excuse for saying what he did."

from Relationships:Marriage Articles from

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